
First Day of School keep in mind I'm new to this so >~<

I was walking around the house looking for papers with my mom that would give us permission to let us enroll, like any other story it was my first day there and of course I was late. My mom had dropped me off because I . wasn't comfortable taking to bus just yet, being my first time. When I arrived my mother filled in all the paper work then hugged us good-bye. After my brother and I were escorted by the principle to our classes. When we arrived to where my class was I got really nervous. They were outside in 3 line all different classes, but because I was the center of attention I just covered my face and went to the back of my homeroom classes line. My school is a 2 story building and for 7th grade, it was upstairs. I dont know why I think like this but on our way up the stair I just randomly started to freak out because I thought "Is someone look at my ass?" "What if I'm having a 'code red' and they can see it" "Ah what if they accidentally touched me!". my anxiety got the best of me at that point but I walked up as if I was fine. When we were lined up against the wall next to our classroom the teacher (Mrs. Lorona) announced that there is a new student and to "welcome" me because I'm new. Being me I was shy because this was my first time moving schools. I only ever gone to one and was never a new student before. I was that person who made new people feel welcomed and was their first friend. We sat down in our first class and I was assigned to sit at a table with 2 guys and 1 other girl. They were all talking saying stuff like "Oh I missed you guys" "what did you guys do over the summer" "You look different". While I was using my eraser to draw on the desk. A little while later I heard my name...It was the teacher, I quickly replied with "Yes?" and looked up. She signaled her hand towards her and I walked up avoiding all the backpacks and students every where. She just asked my name and explained that I could ask any questions and dont have to be shy about it. I later learned that my homeroom is math class (a subject I'm horrible at). So I kinda felt a little ashamed if I were to ask questions and everyone else would look at me weird or laugh or even mock me as if I said something stupid. I remember then getting done with that class and moving on to the next (ELA)but in this class u just sat with one other person so I felt a little better, except for the fact that they might not like me and I'll have to sit next to them for who knows how long. As everyone's name was called I suddenly heard mine...and right next to me was a boy. At the time I had no idea what his name was and sadly didn't care enough to ask him..in the middle of the class the boy sitting next to me kept taking my papers but gave them back. "I would get used to this eventually" I said to myself. The bell rang and everyone ran out of the class to idk where. The teacher said it was lunch and so I hurried and joined the class, but then realised...."Who the F*ck would want me to sit with them?..."After waiting In line and getting my lunch I see a group of hands strike the air and start waving back and forth. Then I heard one of them call my name. I turned around making sure they weren't talking to someone else. And they weren't! I walked over to there table and I introduced myself and so did they, they realised that once you get to know me I'm a pretty weirded, goofy, and funny person to be friends with. After lunch we had to go to our Science and Social Studies teacher. Again we had to wait in the front of the class and wait for our names to be called for our assigned seats. I sat next to another boy who--was kinda cute in my opinion. I remember him patting the chair for me to seat next to him and me telling one of the girls I sat with at lunch "Hes cute~". She just smiled and shook her head. For an activity in our class we had to get to know the person we were sitting next to by asking them a few questions, write them down, and present it to the class when called on. I learned that the boy I was sitting next to was named "Jesus Hernandez" he loved "Soccer" He looks up to his "Dad" and he is very sweet...After presenting and all that it was time to pack up and leave. I remember waiting out for my brother to come back from up stairs so we can wait for our mom to pick us up. When I was waiting I saw Jesus and he was walking right towards me. I turned away to make it look like I did see him just now. I felt a light tap on my back. I turn around and,

It was my brother