
Tracy's Crazy Request

Quinn Ainsworth looked across the table and saw looks of disbelief on the faces of everyone seated. He knew the hardest task was not dealing with the enemy but convincing a bunch of extremely powerful individuals capable of obliterating cities alone that a mere robot would beat them.

"I'm sorry doc, but I can't take your word for it. Don't you have any more convincing evidence?" Lord Walker asked rudely even though he was the only powerless person in the room.

While Lord Ainsworth was powerless like the rest of the Ainsworth's, he was just as dangerous as everyone in the room. In fact, Quinn Ainsworth was certain he could survive against the likes of Wilder Briggs using his personal inventions alone.

"Unfortunately, we don't have anything else to work with. Everyone who has come across these killer robots have died" Quinn Ainsworth shook his head with a bitter sigh, worsening the already bad mood in the room.