
America's Victory




Loud clashing sounds could be heard from the building as Alex finally managed to get to his feet. The temporary paralysis caused by the beast's attack was gone, allowing him to move.

"I need to get to Lucius, quick!" Alex muttered with a frown.

Lucius had been alone, fighting the beast for a while now, no matter how strong and skilled he was Alex knew he would be overpowered eventually. 


Clutching his chest as he ran over to the shattered entrance of the building, Alex was shaken by what he saw. There were gaping claw marks on Lucius's armor, caused by the consistent attacks targeted at those very spots. Not only was his steel armor broken, but his bronze armor had been bypassed as well, causing blood to flow out of his wounds.

The worst part was that Lucius's body was dazzling, flowing with excess energy. His eyes glowed like a torch in the night, and the pain in them was profound.