
Why I Became A Villian

They say every villain is the hero of their story… They are wrong! There is no such thing as heroes and villains, there is just evil. Evil, cruelty, that’s all I know, that's the only thing the world has shown me… Maybe I am wrong… Just maybe there is more to this world, other than the evil and cruelty I was forced to endure, but that doesn’t really matter anymore. A man is a mirror of the world he has been exposed to… Since I have seen the greatest evil the world has to offer, it is only natural I show the world evil in return. Hello there, I am Lucius Blackwell, let me tell you why I became the greatest villain of all time…

3rd_Sin · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
271 Chs

A Taste Of Defeat

"He's bluffing, he cannot use that attack again. Go!" The Beast Whisperer scuffed.


The second Stampede bull rushed forward, while more mutated beasts rushed through the gates, charging at Lucius's direction.


Lucius wanted to move, but his joints were too weak to respond to his intentions.

"Shit!" Lucius cursed and quickly crossed his hands over his chest.


A blue shockwave erupted while Lucius was sent hurling back with immense force. 


Lucius hit a building and fell to the ground, his armor filled with cracks, and half of his face revealed after a chunk of his mask broke off.


Lucius spat out a mouthful of blood, his body shivering as he struggled to get up.


"All those big words just to lose terribly. No matter, you already did well, so accept your limitations and get stronger." The Beast Whisperer walked through the crowd of monsters with his gaze pinned on Lucius's fallen figure.

He felt respect for these Kid's strength, but the truth remains it is still not sufficient to win against a former B-rated guardian like him.


Contrary to his expectations, Lucius laughed strangely with a strained voice as he struggled to his feet.

"Did I say something funny?" The Beast Whisperer asked with knitted eyebrows.

"I will eat you." Lucius laughed, his voice overlapped with a sinister voice.

"Excuse me?" The Beast Whisperer muttered as he instinctively took a step back.


A dark purple aura erupted from Lucius, surging madly, while the mines lit up brightly and its power rapidly surged into his body.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CONSUME EVERYTHING!" Lucius's voice boomed like lightning, and his laughter reached the edges of the facility.



Silver and the rest were just about to enter the facility when they felt the powerful suction force, pulling everything towards the battlefield, followed by Lucius's eerie laughter and wild voice.

"Lucius?" Ralph muttered in shock, alongside everyone else.

"What the hell is going on back there?" A soldier muttered.

"I am guessing this is why he didn't want us there. We were the only reason he was holding back." Silver shrugged as if he wasn't surprised.

"He was holding back?" Dean paled. "Just how strong is he?"


"What the hell is this kid?" The Beast Whisperer gasped as he retreated, and his beasts rushed forward.



Numerous mutated beasts rushed forward, aiming to suppress Lucius with sheer numbers.



Many beasts were sent hurling back as a purple shockwave erupted from his fist, revealing a charging Stampede Bull!

"Not this time!" Lucius growled as he crouched and a pair of crystal-like black and purple wings erupted from his back, covering him like a shell!


"What? Just how many abilities does this kid have?" The Beast Whisperer gasped as he watched Lucius being pushed back by the Stampede Bull's charged attack.

"HAND OF GOD..." Lucius's eerie waves of laughter echoed as the power of the Stampede Bull surged into the dazzling crystal wings.


The wings were forced open, creating a powerful dark purple shockwave that sent the Stampede Bull hurling into the air.


Lucius lunged into the air, chasing after the airborne beast. His claw stabbed into its exposed belly, grabbing onto its core.



The Stampede Bull let out a pained groan as blue blood squirted out of the hole in its chest.


The beast fell next to the Beast Whisperer, its dying gaze fixated on its master. The Beast Whisperer frowned as it turned his gaze to Lucius, who threw the beating heart of the beast into his mouth, munching down on it with his razor-sharp teeth.

"You are not human, are you?" The Beast Whisperer asked with a frown.


Lucius swallowed and grinned, revealing his bloodied razor-sharp teeth.

"Does such information matter to a dead man?" He asked.

"Hahaha. Do you really think I have lost? You truly do not know the strength of a Biogenic being." The Beast Whisperer chuckled, clearly amused.

"Unfortunately, my time here is up. The guardians have forced their way through my beast encirclement. They are on their way back as we speak." The Beast Whisperer said with a feeling of urgency laced to his tone 

"I don't remember giving you the permission to leave!" Lucius's eyes glowed violently.

The enemy was right in front of him, as long as he could kill this man and consume his core, he could gain the evolved form of the beast whisperer ability. This was not an opportunity he could let pass by!

"Even if given the chance, you will die fighting against me." The Beast Whisperer chuckled. "Grow stronger and prepare for our next meeting. The next time we clash, only one of us will walk out alive, boy."


The ground beneath Lucius's feet shattered as he sprang forward like a rocket, shooting toward the Beast Whisperer.


The cloaked man paid him no attention, he turned around and walked away while the massive body of the first Stampede Bull which had its horn broken off, appeared between him and Lucius.

"MOVE!" Lucius roared as he dipped his hand into his wing and pulled out a Crystal feather sword.



The Stampeded beast cried out as its blood splattered everywhere, but it remained rooted to its position.


"I SAID MOVE!" Lucius roared as his wing swung at the beast, sending it flying but revealing a multitude of mutated beasts pouncing on him.




All the crystal feathers attached to his wings shot out, and in a single breath, all the beasts hurling at him were reduced to chunks of meat, leaving behind a bloody mess but also revealing the figure of the Beast Whisperer standing right in front of him.

[Move!] Lyxor roared.

"Shit!" Lucius cursed, he tried to retreat, but he was a tad too slow.

"Since you are so eager to die, I'll send you off!" He said as his bare hand stabbed forward, tearing into Lucius's chest and shooting out of his back.

"Now, you can rest in peace." 

His final words rang in Lucius's head like a bell as he hit the ground and blacked out.

First taste of defeat in the book.

Beast Whisperer {1-0} Lucius Blackwater

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