
Why Can't I Be Yours?

When an eighteen-year-old virgin decided to leave Louisiana, her home town for Texas, an alien town, she was oblivious that the journey of her independence would become one of longing for a man's love and attention. With her love built on a misconception, she was unaware that Charles Jackson; the multi-billionaire, was an egocentric, cold-hearted, proud and unforgiving man who locked his heart to love, the aftermath of the brute conditions under which he grew up. But yet, Maureen Thompson was bent on earning her bosses attention at all cost. Though not pushy or... flirty, she developed partial-obsessive tendencies; one that kept her dwindling in the thoughts of having sex with him—even as a virgin! Forgoing his harsh countenance, overly exaggerated reactions, she envisions Charles in the portrait of cold-nineteenth century men that spew flavors of love to their lovers—indoor. But Charles Jackson, built in grace and glamor, could win a medal in egocentrism, rudeness, malevolence, prudishness and of course, beauty! And yet, she judged his reactions to the plane crash wrongly, unaware that December had scared his heart. It appeared that the plane crash became memorable either through breaking hearts or eventually mending them. Be it the crash itself or the incidents after the crash, it changed people's lives and Maureen was not left out. In readiness to be true to her love, Maureen ignored warnings and hit the wrong target. Lurking in the shadows of her emotions and fated to be bewitched by perfect blue eyes that defies morality, she might discover that Charles Jackson, heir to Jackson Companies PLC and CEO of Westland Airlines was truly born of STONE and FROST. And worse, everything that she believed might just be a lie!

joyolokungboye · perkotaan
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7 Chs


I was in our room when Claudia rushed to me with tears in her eyes.

"This ain't good," she said and I looked at her in a confused manner before speaking. "What isn't and why are you like this?" I asked.

"Marise called to inform me that Hannah's flight should have landed and yet she hasn't called. This time, I'm damned worried."

"That shouldn't scare you. Maybe it's too late for her to call. She'd call tomorrow morning." I tried to console her.

"Let's assume you're correct, then why isn't she picking up her calls? I've been trying her for so long and yet I'm not getting any response," said Claudia in a husky tone and I felt sad for her.

"Relax a little. Come tomorrow, you will realise that she's fine."

"Wait! Have you asked her mother which aircraft she travelled by? It might give insight into why she hasn't called." I continued and then Claudia looked at me as though my statement made something spark. She rushed to her bed and grabbed her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a confused manner and she replied immediately. "Exactly what you just said."

She dialled Maraise's phone number and soon, the call ended.

"What did she say?" I asked agitatedly.

"She told me that Hannah travelled in one of Westland Airlines, the company that Mr Charles owns, its aeroplane," she concluded and I reminisced on her words before throwing another question at her.

"Claudia, what if the flight was delayed and Hannah didn't want to worry her mother?"

"Why would one's trip be delayed? It doesn't make sense to me," she replied and I looked at her with disappointment.

"Really... C'mon, it's not new because many flight plans have been delayed and some cancelled. So, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. Chill, I could be right." I told her confidently.

"Okay. You could be right but at least, there should be something about it on the news because people would have complained at the airport."

"Oh my!"

"What!" She was confused about her reaction.

"There was news about a plane and it popped on my phone when I went to the kitchen to get water," I told her and her response was blunt. "Okay. Let's check your phone then"

We checked my phone but it wasn't on the notification icon and I must have cleared it since I did it often.

"There's nothing here. There's no news at all. Let's just check some channels on the TV." she said and rushed to the living room. I had no other option but to follow suit since she was restless.

She didn't waste any time and she switched it on. And after that, she changed the channel. Watching how anxious she was, all I could do was hope that it was a case ahead of me and that she had a reason to not call.

"WL aircraft is feared to be missing. Flight A245 MAX, one of Westland Airlines passenger aeroplanes, lost contact with the airport control tower shortly after taking off at 9:30 a.m." the anchor reported from Kal News.

As we listened, I was in shock and I stared at the TV gapingly while tears rolled down Claudia's eyes. I believe Claudia was in much more shock because she has been restless all day concerning this issue and now it appears that her fears have become a reality.

I was breathing heavily and I could sense Claudia's fear as she breathed loud enough for me to hear.

"The plane was confirmed to be missing by the West Land Airlines headquarters in Texas around 9:00 p.m. and they were informed by noon today. The CEO of Westland Airlines has confirmed that the ongoing search for the aircraft was enacted since it was allegedly reported missing and he promises to do his best in locating the aircraft containing hundreds of lives.'' The anchor who was in Las Vegas continued and then connected with another Kal News correspondent in Texas. Immediately I heard about hundreds of lives, I felt sadder as Hannah is among the people who boarded the plane.

"Hi Mary, how's it over there," she said and a young woman appeared on the screen.

"Not too good," she replied.

"And why is that?"

"The masses are dissatisfied with the news. They have laid out their grievances concerning the current situation and they agitate strongly for a search. With regards to the search, the CEO of Westland Airlines had a lot to say." the reporter said and shortly after, Sir Charles appeared on the screen.

Watching him on the screen, I could see the pain and confusion in his eyes and my heart shattered at this. I can't believe that something like this can happen at this time of the year, Christmas Eve.

As he appeared on the screen, Claudia lost it and she broke down in tears. She fell to her knees and started crying profusely. I peeled my eyes off the TV screen and focused my attention on her.

With her right hand over her mouth, she cried aloud and I realised how pained she was.

"It's okay, please don't cry," I said as I rubbed her shoulder, but she didn't stop. She was clearly in shock and she stayed that way for a while.

"People are broken and it's not a scene to be seen. People and reporters have crowded the headquarters of WestLand Airlines due to the recent issue.'' The noise was still coming from the TV and I stood up to switch it off.

"Please don't be hopeless," I begged as I reached for Claudia again.

"What did you just say? Hope! You said it was a delayed flight and I hoped it was the case but what happened? Uhh!" she said and yanked my shoulder. She was in pain and as a result, I couldn't reply and I stayed mute.

"What happened? Don't you have anything to say to me?" she yelled as she cried.

"Let me tell you what happened. The God damned plane is missing and there is a chance that I might never see her again." she continued and cried aloud. I couldn't help it and I hugged her to share her pain.

Claudia tried pushing me away as she cried. She tried to loosen my grip on her and she started screaming.

"I'm truly sorry," I said and she shoved me off her body. She ran away and I rushed after her.

"What happened?" Harry the chauffeur asked.

"A plane is missing."

"If so, then why are tears in your eyes?" he asked and I ignored him. He's just unbelievable. What a wicked fellow! How can he be so ignorant about such a situation? I thought he cared when he asked the question.

I stood by the door to my room and watched Claudia who was seated on her bed crying helplessly. I was sad and I wiped the tears from my face before approaching her.

"Please don't be disheartened. I know you're hurt but you need to pray that she's well. I know this means that the plane has crashed but..." she cried some more and I regretted ever mentioning the crash.

"But, people survive crashes, although a few per cent let's pray that she's part of those that will survive." I tried to console her.

"What are you saying?" she said in tears.

"It's okay, it's okay." I rubbed her arm to keep her calm.

"Can't you see that Mr Charles and his bad luck have fallen on those innocent passengers?" Claudia said and I looked at her scornfully.

"What do you mean by that and how does this relate to the situation? I don't get you." I replied.

I can't believe she's at this bad-mouthing thing again even in such a grave situation. She's something else.

"Wicked people have to pay for their sins and he's paying through his company but I don't get why innocent people have to be dragged into this."

"Claudia! Stop it. You can't blame him for what is happening."

"Maureen, please stop it. Don't defend him. He's a bad person and he brought this upon all those people."

"I'm not defending him but your thoughts are wrong. You can't blame him just because you don't like him. It's not fair." I told her.

"I would say whatever I want," she said, ran to the bathroom and I looked at the bathroom door which she smashed and kept herself locked in.

"Claudia opened up and stopped being negative about everything. I believe you would feel better." I spoke but she didn't mind my words and remained there.

"Open the door," I said again and when she ignored me, I left there and sat on my bed.

I wasn't pleased with how she felt about the matter. I'm worried because if Claudia, Sir Charles' employee can feel this way, then how will others react to this issue?

People might pin the blame on Sir Charles even if he's innocent and as I thought of this, it brought tears to my eyes. My heart was aching at the thought of him being disgraced as well as the harm that might befall his company. Still thinking, I wiped the tears that fell on my face.