
Who Wins?

a story that follows a tournament and multiple matches of anime characters vs anime characters and OCS. don't forget you can also recommend who should fight who! NOT A FREQUENT UPLOAD! STILL READ THO!

yaboinethertank · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

what is this?

Who Wins? Is a series I was going to make on yt(still am) but this story follows a lot of stuff

This is a match series that will go through OC's and official Charas with multiple seasons.

If you have OC's or characters you want to introduce them please do! Also this does have wiki's for some of my characters so before you see the fights you can get info on them but that's if you want anyway enjoy! And hope you will enjoy reading everything!

Also there were some very obvious biased matches, I will inform you in the intro before and tell you if it's a biased match.

This story also has joke episodes because why not? And there can be ties! Okay now truly enjoy!