
Why Me?

Another day, another reason I hate life. All day, everyday it's the same thing. "Master the humans are attacking our lands." Or "Master, we have successfully captured a human stronghold." Why do we need to keep fighting? Why do I need to be the bad guy that the humans hate? Why do demons need to loath humans? Why does no one care anymore? 

Whatever. I guess it doesn't matter.

"Creak" The large chamber doors opened, echoing throughout my throne room. 

"Master, Forgive the intrusion. There seems to be a hero party outside the city gates. They are attempting to breach our walls to get to you." Says the attendant now kneeling before me. 

Melony, my faithful and trusted aid. why do you always come with the worst news. I think to myself as I proceed to lightly facepalm. 

I take a deep breath trying to settle my nerves. "Melony, this is the fourth time this week that you have come to me talking about the same issue." I say with a slight sarcastic retort. A brief pause fills the air.

"IT'S ONLY TUESDAY MELONY! TUESDAY!!!" I exclaim throwing my hands above my head, having them land with a thud atop my crown.

"I know my lord but I don't have any control over what the humans do." Melony responded not moving from her position. 

"Sigh" "Fine. how many of them are there this time." I say pressing my temples with my hand.

"Three this time my lord."

"What? Only three?"

"Yes, that appears to be the case. How would you like me to address the situation?" Melony asks now stirring from her statue like pose.

"No need. I'll go ahead and deal with it on my own. Make sure the rest of the kingdom doesn't find out; and please for the love of everything good, send out those peace treaties I had written." 

"Of course my lord." 

With those final words Melony took her leave, vanishing in the blink of an eye. Not a trace of her to be found. 

I swear that woman, I'll never understand how she got to be such a stickler. Also who taught her how to vanish like that? I never did. whatever, now I got to go deal with these heroes outside.

As I take my first step I vanish from the room, leaving nothing behind.

I can make a cool exit too Melony. I think to myself in a mocking tone. 

As the world around me melts and blends together I end up reaching the heroes. I look around and see the damages that the party had done while trying to get into my kingdom. 

Great, more work to do later. 


Only seconds later an explosion happened near the wall, and from the smoke the three emerge. 

"HEY! WHY THE HELL DID YOU BREAK THE DAMN WALL!!! THERE WAS A HUGE DOOR LITERALLY FIVE FEET NEXT TO YOU!!!" I shout through the carnage that the heroes had now caused. Fuming, I now walk towards them, ready to give them an earful for destroying my property.

As I walk towards the group the swordsman shoots forward and in a blur, thrusts his sword directly towards my skull. The sheer force at which he moved sucked every inch of air out of the vicinity.

"Cling" A sound like a church bell rang loud through the lower town district. smoke bellowing up from the ground.

The swordsman now bracing himself, trying to free his sword to no avail. All the while I hold it between my fingers, like a toothpick or a blade of wheat.




Three shots ring out from behind the swordsman. Balls of bright white flames whizz by hitting me square in the chest. No damage has occurred, but the blunt force was enough to create a crater behind me 

"Gosh you all are relentless. You didn't even let me finish." I say brushing off the debris that landed on my coat. I take a deep breath trying to collect my thoughts.

"Okay, so have you all gotten it out your systems? Hmm? Anymore outbursts?" I say scolding the now panicked party. 

"Good. Now lets just talk th-" The third warrior launches forward leading with a high kick. 

Really? A Kick? Your teammates launched literal fireballs at me and jabbed a huge blade at my face. And you decided to kick me? 

As the thoughts crossed my mind I hear a whistling sound getting louder and louder, and within milliseconds the third party member disappears into thin air. The next moment I realize I'm facing the ground, and the whole world seemed to have slowed down. 

The third party member had disappeared from my view and reappeared above me landing a devastating axe kick onto my head. After the world stopped spinning, I got up and brushed myself off, only to be met by a barrage of knives, flames, and a very angry swordsman.

Okay. I tried to be nice. I really did. 

As I look forward I see five knives thrown at me from the third party member who kicked me. Then to the sides of those knives are the fireballs from the mage, cutting off any routes to the left or right. Lastly is the swordsman who is directly behind both attacks using it as cover to try and stop any advances that I could possibly make. 

Top or bottom huh?

I run forward towards the knives sliding underneath them. While sliding, the swordsman took notice and rushed my position trying to take advantage of the situation. As he rushes in, his body rigid with anticipation, he swings. Rolling to the side I catch him off guard and kick out his weight from underneath him and steal his sword.

"You three are the most annoying brats I have ever met." I say holding back ample amounts of irritation.

Within that moment of clarity I push myself off the ground, and launch myself in the air, heaving the sword as hard as possible towards the general direction of the other two party members. 

The ground cracks as the two other members fall backwards losing their balance. I land and rush the mage first, reaching her in record time, only to send her flying with a kick to her midsection. "Kira!" I hear off to my side.

Then turning my sights on the other female member, I run, gliding towards her with a grin on my face as I grab her leg and hurl her towards the kingdoms' walls. Finally directing my attention on the swordsman I pick up a small stone and wait for him.

"You monster! I'll kill you!" The swordsman screams now speeding at me, not a single coherent thought in his head.

Before even getting halfway towards me I chuck the small stone at the young man, hitting him square between the eyes. As he collapses to the ground losing consciousness, a headache forms from all the aggravating events of today.

What a mess. All I wanted to do was talk.
