
The Psycho Tower Master is my Dad (Adoptive) pt. 1


I could hear them vividly as I walked through the empty tunnel. The sound of hurried footsteps seemed to follow after me.

"Nora! Nora!" A voice kept calling.

But I couldn't seem to find its owner. Instead, I was focused on this burning rage at the pit of my stomach. Smoke obstructed my vision, but I knew carnage was at my wake.

—And the path I took, I set on fire.


I awoke in cold sweat, miffed about the lack of oxygen in my lungs. It was another night, another dream infested with cold nightmares. But, I was used to the coolness of the early morning chill. And the indigo-blue sky that told me I was well awake during the ungodly hours of the day.

This has become part of my mornings—as well as the unmistakable feeling of having forgotten something important as soon as I wake up from those horrid nightmares. I've been having them since I was ten, the age when I first woke up with a big blank in my head with not a memory of who I was.

But, it's alright. I'm okay now. Because these mundane thoughts are useless—here, at the Sky Tower.

My schedule is jam-packed from the get-go. Especially during the holiday seasons when nobles from all over the empire come together in the capital city of Elodia to watch the battle royale held every year, here in the Sky Tower. But, normal days are just as worse.

Everyday is filled with fights for glory and honour that a fighter can only achieve in a place such as this. But honestly speaking, I do not think much of glory and honour when I fight.

Just the gratifying sensation of winning.


One hit. That was all it took for me to bring down the poor man who was pitted against me. The audience erupted in cheers at my win and the referee announced the end of the match.

"And there our champion goes! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Known as a genius of close combat, The Undefeated Kari of the Sky Tower!"

And that goes my quota for today. It was my fifth win of the day. Once again, I had managed to overpower my opponents.

As soon as the match was over, I headed to the fighter's lounge to take off my armor. Some fighters I passed politely greeted me. Others simply glared from afar. Nevertheless, I basked at the attention.

Afterwards, I went to my personal room, my safe haven from this chaotic world. Closing the door behind me, I threw myself on the covers of my bed.

Hmm. There's nothing like little stretching on the bed to relax my tired muscles. I could feel myself melt into the mattress. But just as I was about to sleep all my worries away, something happened.

The door swung open without a warning—because yes, courtesy isn't a thing here. A dagger flew in my direction, laced with murder intent. Typical greeting.

Without so much as a flinch, I caught it between my fingers and hurled it back to where it came from. A man with blazing red hair and golden-brown eyes stood by the door frame. His face paint, shaped like a mask over his left eye, crinkled as he smiled from ear to ear. Of course, he caught the dagger like a pro.

Adelredus Hahn. The master of this tower. Also, my adoptive 'dad'.

"Congratulations on your undefeated streak. I knew you were well worth the effort." Adelredus sarcastically commented as he walked towards the edge of my bed. I frowned at his... sincerity.

"You jest. It's as if you don't believe in my strength, Adelredus."

"Not gonna call me daddy?"

I sneered at him. "As if."

"Still a brat, you are. You should be more thankful. After all, this is the perfect place for someone like you who has no money or lodging." He assured, the poker smile never leaving his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Gee. I'm sure grateful. What would I ever do without you?" I retorted, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Besides, I've been here for ten years. And I almost forgot all your broken promises of yesterday. Oh wait, I didn't." I snapped.

When Adelredus first met me, he told me to become a fighter in his Tower so that I could freely gather clues of my missing memories. But ten years have already passed by. I should've known this man was only interested in monetizing my strength and using me as the face for his glorified tower.

But even knowing that, I could not refute that he has control over me. Because I am indebted to him for giving an orphan like me, a place to stay.

"That's true~ What you do without me?" Adelredus purred, clearly ignoring my tone and remarks about his unethical behavior. At this point, I couldn't help but feel ticked off.

"Right. I'm stuck with a psycho for life, huh." I muttered to myself.

"At least you're not homeless. And poor. Just like those people outside the Tower."

"Whatever. Go away, I want to rest." I brushed him off, plopping back to the sheets.

"Sure, Kari. Do that. Should I also increase your workload this season?" Adelredus threatened.

"Argh—fine!" I sat up. "What do you want?"

Adelredus chuckled in response. "The one thing you are good for—a fight."


August 13. That was the day that I met Adelredus in an alley, a place where street rats gather and gamble on fighting with our lives. With no memories, I was stuck on the streets, barely able to fend for myself.

But Adelredus found me, saw talent in my fists. Although my future in the Tower was not as different from what I do in the streets, I was given a home and a name. That's why August 13 is a special date to me. It was the day I was named, 'Kari Faust'.

Other than the memories since ten years ago, I haven't been able to recall any of my memories from when I was younger than ten. My mind remained a blank slate—as if someone locked up all my memories in a deep secluded room at the back of my mind.

Adelredus was there for me through the experience, however, and that was enough. He's the only person I could trust at this point in my life. After all, in a world of fight or be killed, it was better to keep your enemies close. Even though he was a creep beyond creepers.

And, that's also why I've been able to be open to Adelredus about myself. He's the only one who knows who I am in this twisted world. I shared with him all that I know of myself. Not out of complete trust, but out of necessity. And that's why I'm here, in this desecrated temple that's designed for fighting.

But, there is one thing that Adelredus doesn't know about me.

The fact that I am a woman.