
Who Is He, Really?

A mighty empire that has only recently joined the world stage as a it rose to power through the power of the current emperor, with his innovative ideas and tactics as well as his strength that made his enemies quake in terror. The youngest prince who was destined to have a cozy position, who wouldn't have to deal with the burden of paving his own path as the youngest, as his older sibilings would have already paved before him. But that isn't the case as during his awakening of becoming a Elementalist, he awakened with a unprecedented level of talent. Along with that he gained the envy of his half sibilings, and now has to endure the expectations and or schemes of his peers, his parents, and the other powers who stike interest in such a rough gem. As he gets closer to achieving what the people around him expect of him, he starts questioning those around him as things get uncovered one by one. Kurao starts to wonder if the people around him are really who they claim to be?

UnambiguousColor · Fantasi
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44 Chs

Foreign Plots

A few days after Kurao awakening. 

News of Kurao's unprecedented talent has reached the ears of most of the people of higher status within the Eversky Empire and even some of the foreign rulers have also heard about the most prominent empire's youngest prince Awakening result. 

Many had different reactions to the result of the youngest prince of the Eversky Empire, most thinking the news of the ceremony result was a lie to cover up a bad result or was just some kind of scare tactic, since it sounded so outrageous and unheard of in the history of the world.

The news even reached Eversky's rival and northern neighboring empire The Vaefir Empire which was the second largest human ruled territory that dominated the northern hemisphere.

Somewhere in the snowy capital of the Vaefir Empire, a man with dark red hair and a stubble of a beard on his face could be seen sitting in the chair basking in the sunlight coming from the tall window in the office his eyes resting before being awoken by the sound of knocking on the door, hearing it the man's eyelids lift as he releases a deep sigh.


"It better be important."

The man muttered to himself, hearing the knock again he starts tiding himself up and getting rid of his current drowsiness expression that rested on his face. 

He then looks at the paperwork sitting on his table sighing at the sight before replying to the person beyond the door.

"Come in." the man with dark red hair said as the door opened the man was looking up at a tall man with short brown hair and glasses who entered the room.

The man with glasses stood silently before the desk that stood in office seeing the man going through the paperwork on his desk not trying to disturb the man that he thought was hard at 'work'.

A few moments pass before the man with dark red hair gives a nod indicating for the man before him to speak.

"Your Majesty, I got a recent update report from our spies that are in the Eversky Empire and it seems there is some pretty worrying news about the Kaine Royal Family."

The man with glasses then walks over before handing the report over to the man with dark red hair. The red haired man glances over the file in front of him as his face skims through it his face 

scrunches up with disbelief for a moment then recovers before looking at the man with glasses and scoffs,

"While Iven looks like we need to cut spending on our intelligence network."

Tossing the report to the side as he jokes about the content he just read.

"They are spending the budget on that newly developed drug from Elantemul huffing the smoke of it, instead of proper intelligence work."

Iven seeing that he is not taking the report seriously, responded keeping his stern face while adjusting the glasses on his face.

"Your Majesty this is not a joke, this is credible as there were many witnesses who also witnessed the ceremony and then proceeded to give the same story according to our operatives.

The report there also contains everything about the youngest child of the Kaine family as well."

The man seeing Iven was being serious, looks at the report again. Reading the report this time fully his eyes widen while staring intently at the papers of the report as he flipped them.

"What luck does that Warmongering Emperor have to get blessed with children of this degree." the man mutters under his breath envious of the Eversky Emperor.

As the dark red haired man finishes the report he sighs again before looking back up at Iven.

"I can't believe The Crazy Old Coot and The Ice Tyrant had a child with such frightening talent. And to make the situation worse, the kid had an awakening 5 years before the average as well its simply unbelievable and makes me worried about what that barbaric man will do with such a seedling."

The man rubs his head with one hand as he tries to ease his sudden headache about the situation. Hearing the news about such a frightening talent never seen in history and especially in a rival empire made him 

pretty anxious. The Eversky Empire has been thriving and its growth hasn't slowed down even if it was in the middle of a nasty war

with all of the country's revolutionary advancements since its been established. Thinking about how strong the army, how great the technology advancements, and progressive political reforms that the empire made. Gave him 

a reason to stay on his toes constantly making him barely any time to leave his office unless its for more work.

"I thought Soleil was gonna be the most ground breaking genius of this century and most worrisome threat after his father, but now I have to bet this kid will be taking that spot if his gifts get nurtured." He said flailing the report in his hand dramatically.

"Your Majesty if I may give my thoughts?" 

"Go ahead Iven." said the red haired man putting down the report and leaning back in his chair. He was open to any ideas to help him think of the issue at hand.

Seeing the the go ahead from him Iven questions whether he should say his idea. After a few moments he recollects him self and says what his my mind was thinking.

"Since there is no way to stump his growth or kill the kid without repercussions like a full out war which would still be rough even if they are fighting on two fronts, I would suggest perhaps engage Princess Araina to the boy?

It would make your empires stand together and if the chance the boy stands with his father. We would have some ties within the Kaine family and insider information with the help of Princess Araina." 




Silence filled the room for a few moments before the red haired man exclaims.

"That is a wonderful idea Iven!" 

"It as they say 'If you can't beat them join em'" The red haired man then chuckles as silence clouds the room while he appears to be in thought.

After breaking the silence with his drawer being pulled the man hurriedly pulls out a paper from his desk and quickly starts writing a letter.

'Dear Emperor of Eversky, I Maxwell Faefir send this letter in congratulations for your youngest's revelation in his talent. As well as a offer that you might find enticing.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to bury this petty rivalry well giving both of us benefits which we can of course discuss at a later date over a drink if you want to try our country's high quality brew. 

You have been blessed by the heavens to be granted such talented children. Allena and I also have been blessed by a daughter a little older then your

young Kurao and she is unwedded so I am proposing a marriage alliance, even though my youngest Araina hasn't awakened she will most likely be talented and will most likely awaken a high grade talent,

I digress. I think it would make the strength of our Empire's closer if we engage our little ones to have a more prosperous future.

If all goes will between the two we could even talk about dealing with the Spirit Lake. Hope to hear from you soon Emperor Kaine.

Sincerely, Max'

The redhaired man, Maxwell quickly looks through his letter and finding nothing wrong with it, folds the letter and putting it in a envelop and sealing it as he hands it to Iven, a smile blossoms on his face as he says in a joyous voice.

"Send that to the Warmongering Emperor as soon as possible, also send a few dozen liters of Blessed Spirit Water as a gift."

Iven is slightly thrown off by his readily acceptance of his idea but being used to Maxwells hot headedness he quickly regains composure.

"Will be done Your Majesty." Iven replies and gives a slight bow before leaving the room with the letter. Maxwell smile recedes a bit as he puts his chin on his 

hand that was on the table while contemplating about the future.

"There is no way he will refuse having access to the Spirit Lake. Even though its a massive gamble on my side, with this deal I will hopefully find out his secrets while getting access to some of the inventions they possess.

I hate dealing with that man, and he will probably see through this letter. Thats why I will have to deal with this loss for a chance at success." 

Maxwell says before leaning back into his seat and lets out a big sigh.

'I do enjoy a good gamble though.' He says inwardly as a slight smile graces his face.

"Now I have to inform my little girl about her engagement, hopefully that Kurao boy is a good man, unlike his terrorizer of a father."

Muttering this he quickly gets back to the stack of paper work he off put before he got hit with this event.