
who can we be?

this world is unlike any other Avery does not like how things are being done she wants to know who she truly is her own identity. but in order to do that she has to be the rebel which in this case lead to her death but it could also lead to a whole new life. (the first chapter is not quite fully done it just explains mostly the background)

firefox9953 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The start

Everyone knows how this world works. Its different then it was a hundred years ago when the war took place after the war new leaders came and changed everything we no longer get freedoms or choices it's all just a game.

my name is Avery I am a 17 year old girl living in horrible world most people have given up and realized that this is our new lives. we learn in school that the world used to be a better place where we had countries governments and some things were close to Fair. and it's hard to imagine a world like that when our world now is just so different. the entire world has one leader Victor Carlos he controls everything. how much we eat what we get to see how much air we get to breathe. not one person goes around without him knowing about it.

you must be wondering how did he get to be the leader out of hundreds of people in this world. but that's something even I don't know, we are limited on how much information we get to know. things taught in school are all directed by him with no surprise.

School is a dangerous place more than you think it would be. if we don't reach their expectations we get thrown away. at least that's the rumor every time a student gets a bad grade the guards take them and we never see them again. so it's a mystery as to what happens to them. we get done with school at the age of 18 so I'm almost there just one more year and then maybe I'll get out of this building. my entire life I've been in the council building for girls. I've never seen a guy in my age before no one here has all of our teachers are really old and they tell us as little as they can about the outside world.

but we do know that at the end of next year there will be a meeting and the leader will decide what job we get what life we get it's scary to know that someone else has complete control of our lives. and a few days classes start up again I can't help but wonder who else will be there who else made it this far with me we get short breaks in between the years nothing big. we don't get to see our families either that only happens once every few months and they're under strict guard.

although I do have a roommate her name is Ella she's really sweet she has long blonde hair and green eyes she doesn't talk very much at least now in others are around. we don't get in many fights she's like a sister to me she's always been by my side without her I don't know how I would have made it through the years. right now we are getting ready for dinner we have to be ready by 5:00 exactly standing out in the hall with the others waiting for the teacher to come get us. and then we will all March down to the dining hall where we'll see a clip of the news from the leader. and enjoy our meal for as little time as we get.

(present time)

"Avery what are you doing it's almost time come on!"suddenly her voice snapped me back to reality. I go back to fixing my hair in the mirror as the light bulb shutters it seems that it's almost broken.

"I'm coming I'm coming just give me a second"I can hear her around the corner struggling to put her shoes on as I look over at the clock 4: 58.

"crap Ella we've only got a few minutes!"

I run over to the door and quickly straighten myself out before opening it.

Ella runs to my side as we stand outside the door all the girls stand straight and

with their gowns with their hair done. even though dinner is not a huge thing we still have to dress well everyday. the teachers say that Victor wants every person to dine well for there dinners at night. to be honest I don't understand some of his rules. suddenly the bell rings and we all face Forward and then the teacher guard comes she's in a black gown her hair back in a tight bun. she holds her hands in front of her holding her checklist as she walks past every girl and checks their name off she marches forward and we follow. but then suddenly she stops right after she gets past me. everyone's faces go blank what did we do wrong who's missing. I dare to turn my head the other way Emma girl from 402 her hair is not up and she does not stand in the right format. all of us freeze knowing what's about to happen suddenly the two guards that stand in the back of the hall come marching forward and take Emma away it may seem like this is crazy out of the ordinary but for us it's really not it's normal for us by now.