
Part 8

Farras hasn't opened his voice since, and it makes dafa wonder. Unlike the usual farras she's silent like now, has he made a mistake that she won't talk to him? No, even the last time we saw each other was fine.

"What's wrong with you?" finally dafa dared to ask

"Dafa, I have a question and you answer the truth"

"Difficult or not??"


"Okay, what?"

"You're close to shilla?"

Dafa just smiled at his girlfriend's question

"Shilla will let you know when she's ready."

Farras who can't understand dafa's answers can only link his eyebrows

"Meaning? Can't you explain it?"

Dafa breathed her breath deep

"I made friends with shilla"

Farras looks at dafa and he doesn't believe



"So what?"


Farras crossed his hands in frustration with dafa's answer

"I had friends with shilla, but it wasn't much of a relationship.


Alyssa and raka are having lunch together after school, they don't go home right away. His reason was raka, who persuaded alyssa to accompany her to take a walk in the afternoon saying 'bored, home like no life' so she agreed with raka. If he thinks so bad about himself, maybe he's taking it outside the house because he gets lonely at home, plus stories about his life.

Raka has only been stirring his food without bribery into his mouth

"Raka, are you all right?" alyssa asked, raka just smiled back

"Eat it, I want it after you eat it all."

"My appetite is gone"

"Why again?"

Raka remained silent for a moment, while alyssa remained faithful until he spoke

"Alyssa" only comes out of raka's mouth, only with a 'what' look

"It's ok"

"Ish...Then I'll go to the toilet"


"Alyssa, I can't do this anymore. I love you."

Murmured raka softly after alyssa left


Raka's phone quivered as raka walked away from alyssa when he saw the name on the rectangle

"What?" asked raka to the point

"Waaaahhh, it looks like there's a lover now"

Raka gasped, his eyes traced around

"You're my eye patch?"

"True what I say, you must like the girls we've been gambling with"

Raka shut up, don't answer him. Ray's statement was correct and there was no way to defend it

"As promised, you broke up with her 3 months ago, you have only 3 days left"


Raka wiped his face roughly, guilt ran down alyssa asa bookmaking. Plus, the fact that ray had a hard time with her because he had been jilted by a girl, no wonder he let go in his fight.

"Alyssa, sorry" mumbled raka


Almost hada heart attack, alyssa showed up suddenly, and now she is sitting in front of him looking so innocent

"Oh my god, you scared me, what if I'm going to have a heart attack?"

"Who scared you? You're the one who's been daydreaming, what are you thinking? Thinking about debt?"

Raka chuckled to alyssa. It was her fussy, nagging, and sometimes mature nature that made raka love her all the more. Plus she can calm down raka when things go wrong with him.

"Nothing" he answered briefly and then bribed the food he had left


Dafa would sit quietly on the sofa and drink tea from the landlord. His eyes wandered every corner of the house, in fact he had been here many times and the atmosphere was still as quiet as ever. But homeowners always have a way to avoid loneliness. Sometimes he wonders, she has many ways to dull his boredom.

"So long, sorry" the voice greets dafa's hearing. he sees the owner of the house who just came down from his room on the second floor

"No matter how long it takes, I don't get bored here" he says, the landlord just smiles at her

"What's wrong? Farras knows you're here?"

"Farras knows or doesn't, she won't be jealous"

The landlord's shilla raised only one eyebrow

"She knows I'm your friend, but I didn't go into the details of what our problem used to be."

Shilla just smiled again and sat next to

"We never had a problem"

"Ya, you're running away from me because I'm friends with raka?"

"I hurt him so much that you and the others got hurt too, sorry"

Dafa just smiled as he scrambled his hair

"It's okay with me. I understand that."

Shilla keep quiet, no sound comes out of his mouth. Her eyes stared blankly ahead.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you?" he said as he held each shilla's shoulders against him. Shilla still clam

"Now I'm asking"

"Did you go to the hospital?"

Shilla was surprised when the question came up, and shilla wouldn't have the slightest thought if dafa would ask that

"Yep" she answered shortly

"So you're sick of what?"

"I'm just tired"

Dafa looks at shilla, dafa knowing whether she is lying or not, and he understands her too well

"Don't lie"

Shilla bit her lower lip, confused and contained her tears in one

"If you don't answer, I can go to the hospital and ask uncle yoongi." he threatened

"Did you know that I went there?"

"Shilla, I know you, I know everything about you, you always go there, you even cough once."

Okay, shilla forget who dafa is

"Okay, I admit"

Shilla looked at dafa nervously, drawing a deep breath


Dafa looked through the shock when she heard shilla's statement

"You're Mom?"

"No, you don't tell my mom"

"Shilla, you crazy, your mother should know."

"I don't want to upset mom, you know about my family, right?"

"And? You'll remain silent until you face god? Huh?"

Shilla silence

"Shilla, I don't pray you die, but the disease is not a mere disease"

Silent shilla didn't comment

"To be honest in the beginning it wouldn't hurt, at least your mom can give you more time, instead of knowing what you're going through."


As usual, raka always goes to school with alyssa, now they are in the raka car, but the atmosphere is a little different from the usual day.

No talking. Even raka's looks aren't good this morning

"Raka, is there a problem?" the question comes out of alyssa's mouth without hesitation, the focused suho turns to alyssa

"I'm good for it" he didn't forget to finish with a smile that might help alyssa relax a little.


Upon returning to drop alyssa off, raka found him father sitting on his sofa. Unmoved, he stepped past him

"Dad is sitting here deliberately waiting for you to come back raka"

Raka stopped in his tracks


"Sit here"

Without even commenting raka obeyed his father's orders

"So, who's that girl?"

Raka raised one eyebrows, who's the girl his father talked about, what's alyssa?

"I had lunch with you earlier."

As though he knew what suho was thinking, his father explained it

"Important to dad?"

"She's not from our equal, is she?"

Raka let out a deep breath, his hands clenched, what was the meaning of what his father had said

"Stop connecting with her. I don't want you to have a relationship with someone who has degrees below us."

"Dad, did you have amnesia or something? You're shutting raka out because from the bottom of our list, you forgot aunt lisa used to be just like us, huh!"

Raka's breath is on the prowl, as much as he can control his emotions

"Lisa is now...."

"Is different because of you, because of the treasure you gave her"

Raka got up from his seat, really tired today, he didn't want to get emotional

"Well, we're all the same in god's eyes."

He said, going straight to his room and resting his body and brain.

It's a bad day, two people talking about alyssa in the same day.


Raka stopped his car just a few yards from the school gate

"Why stop? Gas loss?"

"No, you can come down here. I'm gonna get something."

"God, you're such a klutz, so I get off, so come back to school."


Before alyssa opened the door, raka held her hand

"Alyssa, remember, whatever anyone tells you about us, all this nonsense, believe me I love you, I do."

Alyssa just winked her eyes a few times

"O.. Okey"


Alyssa and her friends were ready to fill their stomachs, which had been rumbling since our lecture hour.

The journey came to an end when the ray suddenly came to a standstill in front of alyssa

"Hi girls" he said

"What, you goons are suddenly stopping people from the road" farras says

"Hi alyssa" with no regard for farras, ray greets alyssa and alyssa responds back

"Prepare yourself to face the reality of your beloved the day after tomorrow"

he cautions by emphasizing her words and then leaving before alyssa. Alyssa didn't even bother to remind me of raka this morning

"Haven't taken any medications"

The voice, successfully making alyssa, icha, shilla and farras shocked, was that gabriel had been in their presence since god knows when

"Do you want to follow shilla?"

"No, I don't follow anyone, it's just... " gabriel nervous, who doesn't even know what to say

"To meet alyssa" he continued, thanking raka for not coming, he finally found a reason to be near them. Although it was indeed gabriel's watch over shilla

"Looking for me?"

"Yes, where's raka?"

"Huh? he didn't come in?"

alyssa asked gabriel back

"I did go to school this morning, but he said..."

"Shitt, don't tell me he's skipping"

"Guyss.... "Dafa and alvin came to them with breathless breath

"Dafa, why?"

"Raka.... ",No matter what farras's babbling, dafa would have mentioned one name they were talking about

"Raka?" Why?"

"Caught in a brawl"

"Now again at the police station"
