
who are you??...anyway I will find you

an ambitious young man who is severely hurted by the feeling of parents at last find an hope of thread from an message......but it I'd not lost long which led hem into an dark abyss step by step......... searching for her to find the reason .... atleast to find who is she..... why appeared In his life ...is it to give hope?..or to push him more into an endless darkness he want to find her.... will he able to find her?can he able to know the reason ... at last will they meet again????? "girl who are you ? why do you want to work in this cruel place ? don't you know here there will be no concern to death ,only strong were respected you look like an weak girl ,go this is not a place for You " these words were said by the girl with a gun in a hand that is placed against the head of an young girl who looked like an extremely sick girl but there is a sickly beauty that can't bear to disturb her world....... sick young girl surrounded by a whole extremely dangerous organization in the underworld without any expression rasing the head to remove the corner Of the blood that is still flowing from mouth gently wishpered" yes strong are not only respected but they can able to judge the life of others" whole arena still silent but whole bodyguards are lying on ground and the sick young girl with a bloody thirst expression slowly moved forward leaving the young girl who persuaded her with the gun...wishphering..."who am I? the young girl is frightened...she is still can't able to accept the reality what is happening still she tried to shoot the gun with the trembling hands by aiming towards the back of the slender sick girl ......but..

friend_lucky · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


sir...hello sir..we are surrounded,hello we need reinforcements ,hello....only silence responded to the young man...he slowly turned towards group of soldiers and hesitated to say we are abonded.. but others understood the situation very well their lives going to be end here ....

"surrender yourselves, you are abonded and don't think of escaping " extremely arrogant voices are coming from the people surrounded them .....at this one soldier took out his gun and at rapid speed he shoot himself,..

"brother..." other soldiers suddenly kneeled not knowing what to do ,all suddenly prepared to shoot themselves ,but a voice interrupted their fears and their determination,..." go on kill yourselves why are you hesitating"

one of the soldier even in this situation respectedly kneeled and said .." commander we don't have any choice "

commander who can able to win in any situation and an extremely wise person and had been fighting with them from almost since its formation at last abonded......" choice ....I don't think situation determines the decision, I think our choice determines the situation if your choice is not to get humiliated by them and to get arrested by them, my choice is to bring down them with my hands and even I had to die I will die in the battlefield atleast by killing half of their army..." " and I am going to do it," he turned towards the group of soldiers and said it all the soldiers saluted and said in union " we are ready to kill them with our hands even we had to die we will bring them to accompany sir"

commander knows their soldiers determination and he suddenly waved to a soldier and the soldier came toward the commander he told something to the soldier and soldier retreated from underground....

other soldiers didn't find this underground route till now after seeing this suddenly one of the soldier exclaimed and said sir " we can able to ....with out finishing the words commander interrupted " not possible for all of us to escape"

some soldiers thought why can't we escape at least some can able to save their lives ,some are thinking we soldiers shouldn't turn our backs....

a blood clothed young girl watching them from the higher room..... in this building of total two hundred and fourty floors are present she is present in two hundredth floor and they are present in the basement ,some are searching for routes,some for weapons ,and some are searching for if any people are present,but they can't be to identify this girl she is watching leisurely from the window...at the same time commander turned his head towards the window,

intentionally or unintentionally wishers to all "be careful our mission starts"

at the same time sick beauty exhaled ,..wow!!! this commander is powerful..but it is like some mocking rather than appreciation