
You good?

"Hello I'm Alex and I'm bisexual."I say looking down before I sat back down." Good now let's start on-."I stopped listening after she said start but whatever.God I hate this place they make me talk to people I don't know. I feel so uncomfortable here but my "mom" said I had to so there's no way out of it.She thinks I'm sickening so she sent me her she believes I can be "fixed" which is stupid.But my dad doesn't really care a nuff to say something about it so here I am at "THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AND BELIEVERS OF THE BROKEN ONES".They put that on the sign super long and doesn't make sense (to me at least)."Miss Nightware..MISS NIGHTWARE!?", someone yelled at me in the ear." Huh oh, yes?" I said trying not to be rude."The seasion is over ma'am you can go, make sure you turn in your Bible."The woman said."Yeah okay."I huffed while while walk out and trowing the book in the basket.Finally I'm out of there."Bye you old hag."I yelled walking out the door knowing couldn't hear me.I'll be out of here one day.I start walking to my car while looking at my phone seeing if my girlfriend texted me yet but she didn't. "Fuck my life." I say out loud while kicking a rock.Guess I'll go home I'm tired anyways.