
Chapter 14

Bethany's POV


I watched in horror and shock as I watched Kurlal's body go limp, I screamed and hung onto my mate he picked me up and ran into the castle walls there we were meet with Rose's brother, he growled and shifted in his brown wolf he had black tips he shook out his fur and raced out the castle walls.

My mate cupped my cheeks and told me everything was going to be okay and placed his head on mines


My head shot up at the sound I was the beta I was in charge whiles my Luna was away I shifted into my white wolf Rose and I are the only white wolves left, I ran off towards the sound and was meet with a short middle age woman wait isn't that rose's mom best friend she pull out a gun and fired I dodged it I growled and neared her carefully she had the princess Melina I growl baring my teeth, I got a thought and rolled over on my back showing my belly and neck she immediately dropped the gun and rushed over to Melina I took my opportunity and sprung on her, I bit down on her shoulders and then I felt a shock it was painful and intense.

"Bad, bad, bad, wolfie" I heard a voice say I looked around to see who it was, no way it can't be is that the king Rosaline's father!?!?! "Leave the girl I just needed to make it known that I'm alive" he said cold and heartless he then proceeded to walk over walked over and kissed her I nearly puked that's where rose is going she's going to the conceal she's going to war, was my last thoughts before darkness consumed me.

Rosaline's POV

I jumped out my car and locked it, i start to the door and knocked on the large double door, it Was a dark red color which in my opinion was pretty dull, but hey! to each his own right? I stood outside patiently and observed the institution, the outside was made of marble and beautiful stone which gave it a magical feel, there was a blue water fountain, and decorative lights "y-y-your highness?!" The conceals assistant stuttered "yes I'm here to attend the Luna attendance's, and speak to the council" I said also a bit nervous "yes, of course your highness" she said a bit more put together this time. She welcomed me inside and offered me a drink, I asked a water with a few ice cubes, she nodded and told the maid, she scampered out the room. Whiles i waited I inspected the interior of this mansion, marble walls, white with black swirls high roofs with chandeliers, polished wooden floors, with soft red carpet, seats lined up against the walls it was beautiful.

Shortly after the maid returned and I was l lead into a room, a office actually. I walk in and was met by two other Luna's, Madelyn Fire from the blue crescent pack and Mira rich from the cold stone pack, both were well train an skilled in almost every thing, they were pretty admirable, "hello ladies" I greeted, they smiled warmly while I took a seat on the luxury couch, we were all best friends but we all had to go through our parents death and the attack of the kingdoms, you see, we're the last blood wolves alive, and we vowed to protect each other. Since none of us could be crowned queen, we all decided to meet up and catch up.

We laughed and talked for hours I felt happy, we talked about our mates, who was taking over while we recovered and we came to an agreement, we were going to combine the kingdoms into one and their going to stay at my palest we laughed at the thought knowing it wouldn't happen suddenly the door was kicked open instantly we all jumped to out feet and drew our weapons only to find our mates betas and guardians.

My brother walked over to me and gripped my hand half shifting in the process, I cried out in pain when his nails dug deep into my skin, he slap me and asked how foolish I really was, blood dripped from my arm on the now stained red carpet. Everyone stood dumbfounded even his mate, a weak growl escaped me as he slammed my small frame against the wall, I heard something crack but i was far to weak to fight back, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Madelyn and Mira growled at him using the blood wolf protection to get him off of me. I looked up to see the door shut closed and a loud banging coming from the other side, "girls move away from the door!" our mates order, Mira held me and started walk further from the door, MIRA my brother was charging at her with a blade I pushed Mira away and focused on the shield, the red flame showed and pushed him away our lockets protecting us.

The boys broke down the door and got to us whiles the betas dealt with that I saw a image of my uncle, wait no.... That real he's walking towards VAIN?!?! "VAIN NO!" I screamed and push myself up and push him away I cried out in pain as the blade went through my skin, my body collapsed on the ground, blood gushed out everywhere, I started coughing up blood, my uncle chuckled " hey she 18 yet? She felt so good her pretty little screams and moan of me sliding in and out of her" he said, tears blurred my vision and my anger started taking over, a low growl erupted from me, feeding off my anger for strength i pushed myself up, within seconds i felt a hand around my neck and a blade piercing through my skin, i felt like my very essence was gushing out, i was released from the person's grasp. I dropped to the ground, everything around me spined in a circle "might I ask round two princess? You felt so tight and so good, I could do with you right now" he said chuckling menacingly and licking his lips, Vain charged at him and started beating the crap out him, I watched my mate hit him over and over again blood dripping off his knuckles and sweat dripping down his face. I mustered up just enough strength and walked over to him shakily, I held him, "it over he's dead" I said in a shaky voice, he pulled me and kissed me, he carefully lifted me off the ground and placed me on the table "he and no one for that matter will ever hurt you again" he said and kissed me.

The doctors rushed over to me and started attending to my wounds, I watched my mate walk over to my brother and cuffed him straight it the face "Never in your life again place your hand on my fucking mate, GOT IT" he said "ROSY" I heard someone shirk in horror I looked over to see Melina she scurried over to me and hugged me I'm so sorry she wimped "it's okay I'm gonna be okay" I told her with a tired smile " highness were going to give you a drug to put you to sleep whiles we travel back to the palest" I nodded before they did Vain told me he'd drive the girl to the palest in my Ferrari I nodded and smiled at him he gave me one last kiss and held my hand as the injected me

"Lights out my princess" he said with a smile and I drifted off into the darkness with his smile