
who's my dad???

Jivi_0825 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


venessa's POV

i open my eyes and try to sit up but my head was spinning

"aah- where i am???"😱 i pull my hairs and rub my eyes i see i am in my room 'ooh it's dream ' 😨i thought

"really it's a dream"😅 i said happily

"aah- my head!!!!"😖 i grab my head

"but i am happy this is worst nightmare of my life ooh my god " 😌 i get up from my bed 'aah i hate both of them i don't want to see them again!!! ' 😑i thought

"aah i need to take a bath s-" 😵i was about to open the bathroom door but i stoped in track because when see my clothes they are still same clothes that i wear on the date i mean in the dream i mean the nightmare i look everywhere and see my mobile and the envelope ' ooh no it is same envelope '😨 i quickly open the envelope and see those pictures

"no no no it's not drea-....wait that means l- "😱 before i can say something door open and Emma came

Emma: hey you woke up!!" 🤗she run to me and quickly hug me tight and said

Emma: i was so scared Venn!!" 😌she pull me and force me to sit on the bed and she also sit with me

Emma: now tell me everything!!!" 😐i do not try to look into her eyes 'what should I tell her???' 😥

"w-what??"😅 i ask her like i don't understand anything!' she grab my hand in her and said

Emma: Venn...do you know Lucas before!!!" 😒i was speechless

"i-i" 😓she sigh

Emma: don't warry he told me everything!!!"😌 my eyes widened

"WHAT??...what did he told you???" 😱i ask her she look at me

Emma: he said you are in his college.....and he said he liked you always but you want some time to think about the realation....then a girl came into you both then you just move here!!!!" '😌is he mentally ill or what why did he lie to her' 🤨

"Emma he is-" 😠before i complete my sentence someone came we look it's max on the door

max: hmm are you alright Venn???" 🙂i nodded and smile

"yes i am alright and i am sorry about earlier i mean- " 😄

max : you don't have to warry Venn we are fine and yes please don't say sorry okay you are like a little sister of mine "😃 i smile

"ooh thanks i mean i would love to be a sister of a handsome man and plus Emma is going to be my sister in law then " 😁Emma slaps my shoulder

Emma: hey no!!! you are my sister!!" 😠 Emma said proactively

max : sorry Emma but we look like brother and sister so you better back of " 😚 max said and we all laugh

max: hahaha...so let's go down stair for dinner"😅 we nodded he close the door and go first

"i will tell you later "😌 i said Emma she nodded her head and said

Emma: yeah and you have to tell me "😌 she said sternly we go down i gulp for a moment because i know Lucas will there and i am stil so scared of him like always 😓

max : Lucas she will be here please don't talk about the past okay "🤨 we hear what max said

max notice us

max : hey beauties come come take sit "😚 he said i look at the Lucas side he was looking at me i feel little nervous

max : sister come here "😄 max said and pull me a chair which on his left side i smile and take my sit Emma was on Max's right side but Lucas was on the front of me

Lucas : hmm are you alright???" 😳he said like a gentleman like he doesn't know what he did in the past i took a breath

"i am fine "😑 i said and try not to look at him Emma and max sence the tension between us so he said

max : Emma sorry but we have to go after the dinner...i mean i have some work to do" 🙂 max said and make a sad face

Lucas : but you said you are free today right max " 😰 Lucas was irritated

max : o-oh but i just got a call from my office....a-and my dad wants to see me there" max explained all

lucas : bu-" 😠Lucas don't want to go ' please max take him with you' i pray

max : but Emma i promise i will take a leave for some weeks then we will go somewhere okay " 😉max grab Emma's hand and said her

Emma: don't warry max i am not mad at you!!!!"😄 Emma kiss on max cheek 'so sweet ' they both smile

Lucas : hmm..... excuse me i want to use washroom"😤 Lucas get up from the chair

Lucas : i don't know where to go umm ca- "😳 he look at me ' ooh no '

max : i know where's the bathroom let's go I'll show you " 😄max get up and lead him the way after they left Emma said

Emma: Venn you need to talk to him " i gulp but nodded my head

" but not now "😑 i said Emma nodded in agreement we here they came here

max : so le- "🙂

Lucas : aaah- my head!!!!"😖 Lucas shout in pain

max : ooh bro!! what happen???"😱 max ask him in worried

Lucas: i- i don't k-know m-my h-head h-hurt- aah!! " 😖he shout again in pain

Lucas: c-call d-docter m-ma-" suddenly he fall on ground

Emma: OOH NOO!!!!"😱

"max call the doctor right now!!!" 😨 i run towards him Emma and start to wake him up

"Emma go bring some water!!!" i said her Emma nodded

"hey get up!!!! ooh no he has a feaver"😨 Emma give me a glass of water i sprinkle some water on his face

Lucas : Venn... please save me" 😵he said

"i am here Lucas "😒 after hearing that he open his eyes slowly

Lucas: v-venn.....finally "😲 he look at me and try to get up i nodded my head

"drink " 🙄

max: hey doctor is going to be here in minute-" 😰

then he noticed Lucas

max : are you fine bro what's happen???" 😨

Lucas: i-its just i- m-my h-head" 😖i was waiting him to say something

max: don't warry....you can tell us later.....can you walk " 😲max ask

Lucas: i-i I'll t-try "😓 he said and try to get up max support him and they walk into stairs

Lucas : w-where venessa's room "😳 he ask