

Whiterose After reaching the stage where he became very strong on par with the Ancient Gods he was made an object of experimentation to become even stronger.

EXMonominomi · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Beginning from Beginning to Beginning

After Whiterose was arrested yesterday he continued to rebel, until finally he was placed in a very closed room with a creature accompanying Whiterose. . . .

more precisely, it is a creature that will torment Whiterose, until Whiterose gives up and is ready to be used as an experimental material, Great Doctor 001.

"Hello welcome to the VVIP room, enjoy this whole torture."

"Hahahahaha Too bad you can't hurt me with ordinary weapons or physical objects, solid, liquid because basically my body is in the highest place, you can't touch me, you can't hurt me, you can't do anything to me who has already surpassed the existence of the god Albert!!!!!"

Whiterose kept laughing, without stopping, until finally Whiterose had a hole in his body, because of an attack, even so Whiterose still resisted the pain.

"Is this what you mean?"

"Is that so, you made a weapon out of my existence, I don't understand how it works but.... I do understand a bit."

Whiterose immediately regenerated after his body was perforated and almost split in two.

Whiterose was continuously tortured without stopping, but he did not feel pain, which even led to Whiterose being put into a cauldron to be boiled with an acidic liquid, for 6 months.

"You will stay here for one month, hahahahaha, I hope you feel comfortable, and every 13th this sour water will emit electricity."


Great Doctor 001 Oz reports to Albert the results of Whiterose's torment.

"Sir, I know a few things after testing the endurance of Whiterose, he has unreasonable physical endurance, and he can't feel pain, and his adaptability is almost on par with object 001, Colonel Mahito, his body's adaptation will naturally try to make Whiterose's body is comfortable in all circumstances, in my opinion this time Whiterose is an Ain Soph Aur class object" That's the explanation from Great Doctor 001 Oz

"I agree with you, then what do you plan to do with Whiterose?"

"I want to know how to kill Whiterose at this rate."

"I thought it was impossible."

"That's why I'll try to kill him and turn the impossible into the possible."

"Fine I will contact my partner for help with this, since she is the first highest class object in this laboratory."

Great Doctor 001 Oz steps back and gets things ready in the end 6 months have passed, He visits Whiterose.

Doctor 001 Oz, opens a very thick and layered door.

"Hello experimental project that I love, hahahahahahaha, how does it feel to be in the Acid pool."

"Hahahaha just normal."

Whiterose looked fine and didn't melt while in the Acid Liquid, like taking a bath to her. Whiterose is completely immune to Acid Liquids, Poisons, and automatically makes him immune to chemical liquids that can melt/melt/scald everything.

"Being by the side for a few months makes your body adapt huh?"

"Hahahaha my body formed an immune system in a short time, all my cells and nerves have formed a defense so that it is immune to this class of chemicals, and being able to manipulate this becomes useful for me, from turning it into my blood, my energy, my cells, even into my other existence."

Whiterose really adapted even when his body was exposed to superacid or even Whiterose's vital organs would not feel anything and was completely immune.

"You can grow fast huh..... Whiterose!!!!!"

"I want to know what you do next to me."

Great Doctor Oz takes out a weapon that can emit a plasma laser that has a temperature billions of times higher than the sun's heat, that's very high.

"If I use this it will take a long time, so I'll take out a robot that keeps shooting non-stop until it dies."

Whiterose would continue to be tortured, he was tortured but after 2 minutes Whiterose was immune to extreme heat temperatures and even his body didn't melt and even the plasma couldn't penetrate Whiterose's body.

"This is too fast."

Whiterose was continuously tortured without stopping even after becoming immune to the plasma it was still being carried out.

"Hahahahaha you made me gain a lot of immunity, even my immunity to heat is already on a different level, the concept of temperature can't even be applied to me, it's all because of you."

"You're right, hahahahahahahahaha."

The Great Doctor laughed.