
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Second Step (2.4)

|Title: World Walker, White Healer|

|Level: 2|

|STR: D (9/200)|

|VIT: E (45/200)|

|AGI: E (5/200)|

|INT: C (71/200)|

|WIS: C (27/200)|

|SP: 477|

I smile a little at my progress. It has been two weeks since I arrived in this world and I must say that I have grown rather well. In the past few days, I successfully leveled up by doing intense training and hunting.

I do gravity training in the early morning. Hunting in the dungeon in the late morning until the sun is setting. After eating dinner, I do another intense training in my house.

With the spell I got from Merlin, I can use a gravity field spell to help me in training. I can increase the gravity inside the gravity bubble up to ten thousand times the earth's gravity. Sadly, I cannot use that power just yet. Even the three times Earth gravity cost me a great amount of mana per second. I can only maintain it for ten seconds.

For now, I can only cast the spell to change the gravity to two times Earth's Gravity for ten minutes. While it is not much, it is good enough for now. When my magic stats grow, I can maintain the spell even longer.

Anyway, I walk inside the Black Boar inn and sit down in front of the counter, where Lisa smiles at me and says.

"Michael! What can I do for you?"

"Can I get today special and some orange juice?"

"Coming right up!"

I smile at her and wait for her to come back. While waiting for Lisa to come back with my food, I hear the adventurer next to me saying something to his friend.

"Did you hear the hero party will come here in two days?"


"Yes. While the City Lord did not want to celebrate the heroes' coming, the other nobles decided otherwise. With him being the minority in this matter, the City Lord decided to do it in the end."

"Heroes, huh? I hear the Leader of the Hero Party already reach level three."

"Yup. My cousin once came with the Heroes party and said that the Heroes party is not as powerful as people say they are."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well… He said that the hero's level is from being carried by a higher level adventurer or soldier.."


"Yes. The reason why the hero party decided to hire a high-ranking adventurer and soldier is so that they can stay in the backline doing nothing."

"Do you think it was true? They are heroes, you know."

"That's what my cousin said when he arrived in my village. He almost died from a level three monster while in the frontline, and if not for the healer from the Church, he would be dead by now."

"Why does his highness agree to this? They need as much experience as they can to explore the Central Continent."

"It was not his highness idea. I think it was the idea of the Hero. He said something about power leveling or something."

"Huh. Anyway, why do they come here? The dungeon in this city is not a high-level dungeon."

"I heard that they come here because they want to explore the dungeons on Mt. Abbot."

"Mt. Abbot?!? Only a level five adventurer is allowed to explore that place, and they try to explore that dungeon?"

"Yeah. Many people in the guild also think the same. I heard that his highness also had doubts about this expedition. Sadly, the hero insists on going to Mt. Abbot, saying that he will get more exp when he and his party hunt in a higher level dungeon."

"What an idiot. While I'm hoping the hero and his party successfully clear up the central continent, I hope the hero faces the harsh reality and changes his thinking."

Interesting. Every time I hear the rumor of the hero party, my opinion of them decreases. A week ago, I heard a rumor about the hero healer not wanting to heal the other members of her party because they are 'uncool' or 'not worthy of healing.' There is also a rumor that the party's shielder always complaining about being a tank is not his style and prefers carrying a sword even though his passive and active skill says that he is a perfect shielder.

Hell, don't even start with the hero himself. For whatever reason, the so-called gods of this world summon the most egoistic and pervert person to save the world. He thinks that because he has the title of hero that he can get whatever he wants.

I hear from Madam Rose, the owner of the biggest brothel in this city, that the heroes harass her lady when the hero visits the brothel in the capital. Not only harasses them, but he also abuses them by strangling, slap and punching the lady in the bed. After doing that, he has a gall to not pay for the service.

Let's say that Lady Rose did not like the hero and immediately ban him and his party from any brothel she owns.

"Here is your food!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Lisa come back from the kitchen and place down many foods on my table.

"Thank you for the food."

"Please enjoy."

I will think about the Hero and his party the other time. For now, it is time to eat. I still need to do grinding once again before I take a quest that lets me go outside. I want to explore the world as well, after all.


|Saurial Lustrum POV|

Saurial Lustrum is my name. The name was given to me by my father, the lord of Valur City and the Count of Valur.

I'm the first daughter of my parents and the current heiress until my brother is old enough to take the seat of Heir.

Anyway, right I'm walking around the city in disguise, searching if there is something wrong in the city. My father heard corruption among the noble work under him, and he needs to take care of it, which is why I'm here right now.

After snooping around, I successfully gather that the Baron that controls the Eastern and Southern district is taking money my father gave them to take care of the district. Right now, I'm walking toward the Church of Water, where my men say the corruption hits them the hardest.

When we arrive in the western district, I can see a unique event. Many people gather in front of the church of water where I need to go, and from what I hear, they want to hear a story from the White Healer.

That is also one of the few rumors I am interested in. A healer that can cure Black Disease that even a famous healer and doctor cannot heal. A healer that can heal anyone even though they are on the brink of death. As long as they are breathing, he can heal them.

I know that those rumors are exaggerated, but I know that even the most exaggerated rumors, there is a grain of truth in them, especially with so many people talking about it in the city.

So, when I arrive in front of a massive crowd of people standing there listening to someone. As my companion and I get nearer, I hear a voice coming from the church. As I get closer, I see a man standing in the middle of the church back yard wearing a white robe and holding a staff in his hand. He stands there while telling his story.

".... The wizard stands in front of the demon with his staff glowing with power. With his back against his allies, he raises his staff and shouts. 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS' With a mighty roar, he slammed his staff on the small bridge made of stone."

When I hear him say that, my mind begins to think about an old wizard standing his ground against a massive monster made of flame trying to protect his companion. I don't know the full story, but I can picture what the man is telling me for some reason. Is it magic? It must be magic.

When I see him smiling at us, I thought he would continue his story, but he says.

"And I will continue tomorrow."

I hear the sound of disappointment coming out from the people around me. Even the children begin to beg the young man to continue, but the young man only smiles and says that he will continue the story tomorrow.

While the young man is busy with the children who are pestering him, I look at him from top to bottom. From what my men tell me, this is the White Healer. The man that solved the biggest problem Valur City has.

I can feel my lips forming a smile before walking away from the church. The savior of Valur City is a great guy in my book. I hear that he is scammed by the official under the baron, huh? Well, I guess I can take care of them for him then.

The Lustrum family always pays their debt after all.