
White Online

[WPC #246 - Silver Place Winner!] Since he was a child, Isaac was unable to improve his strength no matter how much he tried, like he was cursed by the Gods. One day, a massive snowstorm struck the peaceful city of Snowstar, wreaking havoc in a peaceful community. Young Isaac was wandering alone in the forest when the snowstorm struck, seeking adventures and excitement, but instead, he found something else that completely changed him and his future. Several years later, Isaac suffered an incident caused by his jealous classmates, which bedridden him for several months, but after the traumatizing experience, doctors thought that it would take him years before he could overcome his trauma, but against all odds... He overcame it in 2 weeks! Being heavily sheltered and protected by his family after the incident, Isaac's life seemed dull and kind of boring, but then... The highly anticipated VRMMORPG White Online was released. Without thinking twice, Isaac bought the cheapest VR Helmet available and entered the new world with almost zero expectations, but excited nonetheless. This is the story of Isaac Whitelock, who will rise from being a protected and weak individual to being one of the sole hopes of the entire Human race. [Connecting...] [Welcome to White Online!] [Legacies awaits you!] [Do you want to be a Legacy Carrier or Casual Player who history won't remember?] __________________ Disclaimer: Cover owned by me, made by Dini Marlina __________________ https://www.patreon.com/aesirproductions Me, alongside my friends, decided to create a novel. Please, check it out, and support if you enjoy it. I can promise, it's going to be a wild ride. ___________________ Tags: Action - Romance - Adventure - Video Games - Slice of Life - No Harem - R-18 - Yandere - VRMMORPG - Martial Arts - Comedy - Genius Protagonist - Beautiful Male Lead - Worshipped MC - Mysterious Past - Heartwarming - Cute Female Lead - Clingy Lover - Weak to Strong - Gods - Loved MC - Calm Protagonist - Rich Protagonist - Legacies - Historical - Famous Protagonist

Alekzi · Game
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706 Chs


Isaac entered the dining hall and plopped down on the chair between Isabella and Alice.

The moment he sat down, everyone at the table pressed their hands together for the evening prayer.

""Goddess of Snow, we thank you for blessing this meal," Maxwell spoke the words loud and clear.

Isaac opened his eyes and reached for the fork and knife that sat near his plate.

"Isaac! How was the game?" Maxwell asked.

Isaac smiled slightly, "It was fun, actually."

"Son, when you first joined the game... Did you see anyone?" Maxwell asked curiously.

Isaac thought for a moment until he remembered the woman in the small garden.

"Oh yeah. Some cold-acting woman asked me for my name, class, etc.," Isaac told him.

Alice flinched and grumbled to herself, 'You never told me you met another woman...'

In fact, Isaac would have mentioned it. However, he'd forgotten about the incident until just now.

"I see..." Maxwell had a solemn gaze.

His father didn't say anything else, only eating silently.

Isaac turned to his plate as well, and the dinner continued in silence.

Sophia spoke after a while, "Isaac... Amanda asked about you."

Maxwell and Isabella stopped eating and looked toward Isaac with worry.

Alice clenched her fist, her knuckles turning white.

Before speaking, Isaac placed his fork and knife on the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"What exactly does she want?" He asked in a harsh tone.

Sophia sighed, "She... Wanted to meet you."

"Absolutely not!" Alice stood and slammed her hands on the table.

Sophia glared at her sister, "That isn't your decision to make, Alice."

Alice scowled down at Sophia.

Isaac stood slowly, placing his napkin on his plate and leaving the dining hall.

"Isaac!" Isabella called out, worry evident in her voice.

Before leaving the room, Isaac stopped and stared at Sophia. The room suddenly turned cold, and shivers ran down the spines of those present.

"I will never meet with her." It was barely a whisper, but it was audible to all those present.

Sophis closed her mouth and looked down at the floor.

Isaac gritted his teeth and stepped out of the room.

He walked the four flights of stairs leading up and went directly to his room.

"Aaahhhh..." Isaac let out a long breath and sat on his bed.

He pressed both of his hands to his face and spoke softly.

"Amanda..." Memories he didn't care for began to surface and play through his mind.


Isaac flinched back and looked at the door. It had been slammed open by an infuriated Alice!

"Sophia..." She growled. "I can't believe that bitch!"

"Woah!" Isaac blurted. "She's still your sister."

"I don't care!" Alice shouted. "She knows just how much you hate that woman!"

Alice sat next to him on the bed with a huff. She glared at the wall, her cheeks turning redder by the second.

"I don't hate her," Isaac sighed. "I hate the memories that include her.

"H-How can you not hate her?" Alice asked softly.

Isaac scratched his cheek, "I mean, she's still the first woman I loved."

"Y-You haven't gotten over her?" Alice looked hurt.

Isaac smiled, "I had gotten over her a long time ago..."

Alice stared at him, worry written openly on her face. Amelia had truly hurt him, and she knew that he was still in pain.

"I-I have to go to school early tomorrow," She stood up and walked away. "Good night, brother."

"Sweet dreams," Isaac called out to her.


The door was slammed shut, and the room once again fell into silence.

Isaac sighed and reached for his laptop. He went directly to the White Online official website and scrolled through the forums.

Most of the current topics were about Classes or Legacies.

[Special Stats For Every Class!]

This category drew Isaac's interest, and he opened the link.

[Swordsman: Special Stat - Dexterity]

[Knight: Special Stat - Dual Wielding]

[Brawler: Special Stat - Technique]

[Thief: Special Stat - Robbing]

[Assassin: Special Stat - Stealth]

Isaac looked through the Fighter Class' special stats, and he felt like the most significant threats were the Assassin and the Thief.

An Assassin's special stat was Stealth, which would be extremely hard to defend against. The Thief's special stat, Robbing, had such tremendous potential, making Isaac very wary of them.

Next, he clicked on the link for the Shooter classes.

[Marksman: Special Stat - Precision]

[Gunner: Special Stat - Rapidity]

[Hitman: Special Stat - Instinct]

[Archer: Special Stat - Physique]

[Hunter: Special Stat - Tracking]

Isaac saw Hitman and Hunter being extremely dangerous opponents in the future.

He wasn't sure what their limits were, but he assumed that it must depend on how many stat points they poured in. As long as the players with those classes weren't complete idiots, they would realize that the class' special stat was the most important one.

After that, he moved on to the Support page.

[Medic: Special Stat - Scanner]

[Healer: Special Stat - Healing]

[Potion Master: Special Stat - Brewing]

[Poison Master: Special Stat - Resistance]

[Priest: Special Stat - Faith]

Isaac rubbed his chin— he felt like the Support classes were very weak compared to the other classes.

There's definitely more to these classes than can be seen on paper...

He shrugged and moved to the Mixed classes next. Isaac assumed that these would be the most chosen classes in White Online.

If anything, people would simply choose these classes because they were unique. He glanced through them in case he was right.

[Paladin: Special Stat - Holy]

[Spellcaster: Special Stat - Magic]

[Trap Master: Special Stat - Intelligence]

[Trickster: Special Stat - Illusion]

[Dark Priest: Special Stat - Darkness]

Isaac looked through the class stats and sighed. He wished that each of these classes had descriptions.

It was evident that these special stats would be vital, but without more information, there was simply no way to know how significant a role they would play in White Online.

Beta Testers would know, but they kept their lips shut.

Isaac surfed on the web for a while, trying to find anything interesting.

He read a few articles about people doing Legacy Quests and that one would need to be at least Level 30 for them to be possible!

Isaac wasn't sure about that... Why would the game developers rush people to find Legacies if it was impossible to complete them?

''... Hmm, weird.'' Isaac was about to close the laptop, but his eye landed on yet another interesting article.

[Marksman Is The Weakest Shooter Class!]

[Marksman class is, in my opinion, the weakest class! The Precision ability is decent— it helps you aim better, and it will likely be powerful at the start, but...

Once players reach higher levels, their reflexes will increase tremendously! No matter how true your aim is, how would it be possible to hit someone with over 1000 Agility?!

It is different from the Hitman, who can use his Instinct to dodge every attack and even predict where his opponents will be!

Even Archers, in my opinion, are far superior! At first, I thought that The Archer class was too fragile, but the more I thought about it...

The increase in Physique is outstanding! With enough Physique, an Archer could even excel in hand-to-hand combat!

That brings me to my other point.

Every other Shooter class has some minor advantages in close-quarter combat, but not the Marksman!

It is a pure sniper class!

Precision is undoubtedly a fantastic tool for long-range attacks, but what good is that going to do against bosses or other monsters that require being up close and personal?!

Overall, it's dozens of times weaker than any other class, only being useful in certain situations.

I suggest staying away from the Marksman class!

If you decide to choose it, don't come back here in the future, blaming me for not warning you!]

[King Klaus - Beta Tester]

''Well, he sounds smart...'' Isaac said sarcastically.

He glanced at the comments and saw everyone agreeing and completely dissing the Marksman class.

He shook his head and chuckled, ''Morons...''