
White moon

I was reincarnated as the villainess Elincia in a fantasy novel I read when I was in middle school the biggest problem is I already have feelings for the male lead

Ariel_Gatlin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - remember

Looking into his ruby eyes as he eats across from me, if it was eight days ago I would have been happy to just be near him. Eight days ago I became terribly sick and fell into a coma.

"Mike, this is a problem I have no eyelashes".

"You don't need to wear eyelashes just put on mascara". "You guys stop arguing" as I look at both of them "I will go get eyelashes and be back". They both look at me and start laughing. "Why are you guys laughing?" "Oh, I don't know maybe because you sill have a towel on your head" Jessica replies and starts laughing again. "It would just take you longer to get ready if you go get eyelashes, so I will go." I look at Mike and smile "thank you" as he turns to walk out the door. "What?" "Oh nothing" "it is not nothing Jessica you gave me a look" "what look?" "The look of I want to say something but it is better if I don't" she looks up into the mirror to see me as she begins to speak "you still have feelings for my brother" I laugh "Jessica me and Mike are friends we all grew up together" "friends? You used to have the biggest crush on Mike" "yeah when I was eight years old know we are nineteen know and I stop having a crush on him years ago" "hmm … yeah if I believed that I would have been called stupid." I grab the small fluffy white pillow off the bed and throw it at her. "You want to talk about crushes okay let's talk about Owen" "what?" "Owen you used to be so in love with him" "that was in middle school" "exactly so you know what I mean when I say people get over there crush" "that is different Emma, you and Mike have always been together and I think he has feelings for you" "no he doesn't" I say shaking my head. "He left to get the eyelashes when you asked" "that is because he didn't want to be late and if I went it just take longer for me to get ready, know are you not gonna help me decide what to wear" I say as I sit beside her. "The tan top with blue jeans it always looks good on you." This is true I always hear about the look people say it brings out my light brown eyes specially when I curl my dark brown hair. I turn as I hear the door open I look and Mike walks in "put on your eyelashes in the car I'm already getting text and calls from everyone about what is taking us so long." We arrive at the graduation party everyone was already drunk as I walk to the back of the house Mike turns to me and replies "I'm gonna get a drink you guys want one" "yeah" I replied as he walked inside the house. I look up to see people jumping off the roof into the pool below and one running out yelling "don't do that what if someone gets hurt" as loud music is playing. I turn to see Jessica took off as Mike walks up with a red cup. "Emma … there is something I have to tell you". I replied with an "okay". "No not here somewhere more quiet" as he takes my hand and walks me outside of the party. My heart begins to race and yeah I told Jessica I didn't have feelings for him anymore but that was a lie truth is I never stop having feelings for him from the first day we met. "Emma this is Jessica and Mike are new neighbors come say hi". I walked up to the door and looked up and reply "hi, I'm Emma" the first one to speak was Jessica "hi, I'm Jessica we are gonna be best friends". To think she would have been right about us being best friends. "And this is my brother Mike". he looks down at me and replies "hi". After that Jessica always came to my house or I went to hers and Mike was always there by the time I turned eight I realized I felt differently about Mike I didn't feel like we were friends instead I knew I like him. The next day Jessica came over I told her "I have a crush on Mike but don't tell him promises you won't". She gave me a hug and replied "I won't".

"Emma" he paused for a second "you have always been like a little sister to me so I think I should let you know". The word little sister was like being stabbed in the heart. "See I met this amazing woman and we talked turns out we have a lot in common". I thought so he likes a woman but that is okay it isn't like we were together but his next words made me even more sad "she is pregnant with my child your the first person I told". I look at him and even though it felt like I was being stabbed over and over again I replied with "congratulations I can't believe your gonna be a dad so when do we get to meet this lovely lady and you should have told Jessica first she be upset if she found out you told me first". "Yeah, I'm gonna tell her tomorrow but you guys won't meet her because she back in Florida and after tomorrow I will be heading over there to live with her. She wants to stay around her family so we agreed to move there". I wanted to leave standing near him like this and hearing these words was probably the worst feeling so I came up with "oh" as I grabbed my stomach. "What's wrong". "I think I got sick" "do you want me take you home" "no your about to leave have fun with your friends I will see you tomorrow". I was angry so I walk to a grocery store and open up the door but before I knew it I was on the ground looking at a guy in a ski mask and a gun in his hand and before I knew it everything became dark.