
White Clothes

Noah has reincarnated into a world full of magic and fantasy. But he soon realizes this world isn’t what it seems. From getting experimented on in a strange lab where they but an exaggerated amount of security to keep Noah inside the lab to getting found and adopted by a powerful mage to even enrolling into the magic academy. Noah’s life definitely keeps him on edge especially when he gets feelings for his roommate also known as the crown prince himself.

Who_Knows12 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

10th Birthday

Today is officially my tenth birthday. But like every year nobody treats today as my birthday, to them it's just a regular boring old day.

Currently I'm lying down in the middle of the white room gazing up at the ceiling. In the past four years only one thing has happened that could be called a 'big event'.

The so called big event was just me getting tired of the experiments and lashing out. But I wouldn't say I didn't get anything out of it. I put a big nasty scar on that greedy Matilda's arm!

I let out a giggle while getting up, just thinking about the scar makes me laugh! I started walking towards a door and opened it up to see a pantry full of books. I grabbed a outdated science book, closed the door then walked over to sit on my bed. The pantry has always been there ever since I was born. It wasn't filled with books at first but once the scientists learned that most of my calmness and happiness comes from reading they filled it with books of all genres.

I've already read all of them but seeing as though it's my main source of entertainment I've been rereading them.

All the history, science, and mathematics are outdated but accurate nonetheless. I opened the science book and started reading.

When I was a little more than halfway through the book I heard the door open. I didn't look to see who opened the doors because I figured it was one of the scientists.

There was a set of footsteps echoing through the room but they were too heavy to be Matilda's light footsteps and they were too hesitant to be the other scientists confident steps.

I whipped my head around to stare at the person who just came in and came eye to eye with a man I had never met before.

The man standing in front of me had pitch black hair, his black hair made his emerald green eyes really stand out. He had one of those stern looking faces that tells you he usually doesn't tell jokes or laugh most of the time. He was wearing a black t-shirt with black pants that had a lot of pockets. He had a sash and belt that was part full of weapons. His shirt was tight enough that you could see his muscles, this man in front of me was in fact very hot.

As I was staring at the handsome man I saw confusion flicker in his eyes. He probably wasn't expecting some 10 year old kid to be in the other side of all those walls and traps.

"Are you subject 0 by any chance?"

"Subject 0..?"

After hearing my confusion the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He walked over to me and motioned for me to take the paper.

On the page I could see my picture along with my birthday, age, height, weight, etc. on the page it didn't show a name just 'subject 0'.

"Oh…. Then I guess subject 0 is me…."

"Alright then come with me"

"Wait! Where are we going?"

I didn't see any bad intentions coming off of him but I couldn't risk it!

"Ah right. The names Jake Williams, I was sent here with a group of highly talented fighters to come and rescue the children here."

"That doesn't answer my question…"

The man named Jake sighed after my comment. I could tell he didn't think I'm annoying he was just tired.

"We're taking all the children here out of this lab and after examining you all we will put you in orphanages to get you to better homes."

Well that was enough for me. He wasn't lying and maybe ill get adopted by some rich nobles.


"Do you have anything you would like to bring with you?"

"Oh! Yea gimme one second!"

I quickly ran over to the cabinet and pulled out my favorite book. The book was a fantasy one that I really liked to read.

"Alright I'm done!"

I quickly ran over to Jake and held up the book.

"That's all?"

"Hm? Oh I don't really have much but I would like to bring my favorite book."

"Let's go."

He started walking so I quickly followed after.

As I left the room I was in a daze. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Finally! Time for the real story to begin!

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