
Whistle of Chaos

At the end of the Earth's destruction in 2368, researchers who managed to create a spaceship and artificial intelligence called Defender, set out on a journey to find a new habitable planet. Then managed to find a planet that has a very large photon power, namely Planet Veda. In order to create peace, the Defenders and Veda formed a space fleet, namely Whistle. To protect Whistle from the attacks of dark creatures named Vedarios and Dolls, Veda creates special artificial intelligence called Returners namely Sachi and Navile. Their mission is to protect the Defender, Whistle, as well as the power of the Vedas. Together with the other Defenders, they began to explore space to find other planets. However, repeated attacks from a group of dark creatures called Dolls and Zero's organization put the Whistle Fleet at risk. Can Naville and Sachi protect them all?

Tieria_Liu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 10

There is nothing in this world that can make a person feel completely satisfied. However, the decisions he made in times of urgency had been through careful consideration. Even though it didn't protect itself perfectly, the layer of ice that protected its body managed to minimize the injury from being hit by the sticky black liquid from the giant spider monster.

A small spider monster that had a bomb in its belly appeared after the black liquid hit Sachi's ice wall and scattered on the ground.

Sachi continued to retreat while thinking of a way to defeat the bomb-carrying spider monster and the giant spider in one hit.

The giant spider's movements changed drastically. At the beginning of the appearance of the huge monster, Sachi thought that its movements were limited. Considering its body size which is many times that of other monsters, plus each attack has a large damage impact. Besides, this was Sachi's first time seeing a monster of crystalin the shape of a giant insect.

Sachi's eyes widened when she noticed the giant spider monster that was starting to casually walk on the thin red web that stretched over the area of ​​the Dolls sealing monument. Slow. But within seconds, the monster's pointed legs began to move rapidly.

"Chance," she mumbled as she kept her eyes on her foe.

While calculating the distance and movement speed of the giant spider monster and the bomb-carrying spider, Sachi started to activate lightning magic. Elysion's wand that had been glowing yellowish white she raised towards the bomb-carrying spider monster.

The smaller monsters moved in groups. But precisely because they moved together, the monsters jostled and made them no faster than the giant spider monster.

That opportunity was waiting for Sachi. When the giant spider monster moving on the thin red web was already on top of the bomb-carrying monster, she would do it. Sachi will use the explosions of the bomb carriers to destroy the monster that created the bombs themselves.

Sachi tried her best to catch her breath to calm herself down. She had to be as calm as possible to carry out her plan.She should not rush and make mistakes.

The giant spider monster moved faster and faster and almost matched the position of the bomb-carrying spider. Despite being faced with so many monsters, Sachi had to control her emotions this time. She was sure she could do it right.

The distance between the monsters was getting closer, until Sachi could feel the wind hitting her face harder and harder. Sachi was still holding back the flash of lightning at the tip of Elysion's wand.

"Still not, should be closer," she thought.

The longer he held himself back, the more he wanted to immediately release his attack. His gaze grew sharper, then as the giant spider monster and the bomb-carrying spider got very close, Sachi released the heavy weight from her wand.

Lightning flashed so fast. The bomb-carrying spider monster was her target from the start. By utilizing the explosive power of the bomb in the monster's belly, Sachi planned to take down the giant spider at once.

Monsters carrying bombs will still explode even after being given a deadly attack. But because of that, Sachi got a crazy idea.

A series of explosions occurred. The flash of lightning that struck was still visible even though the distance from the enemy was quite far. Sachi had calculated everything, she kept a safe distance so as not to be hit by the effects of the explosion as well as to avoid any other bad things. The moment after releasing a flash of lightning, Sachi jumped high and waited on an ice ledge that was floating in the air.

"succeed! Don't underestimate me."

However, after she said that, her brainwaves picked up again. It felt like she regretted having said that before confirming that her attack actually worked.

The giant spider monster returned to moving swiftly despite being hit by the successive explosions of the bomb-carrying spider. There was only a small amount of damage to the layer of black crystal protecting the monster's body, but the explosive power of the bomb from the spider smaller than him wasn't enough to destroy it in one hit.

Sachi bit her lower lip, her eyebrows almost met, and her intense gaze seemedcould pierce the body of the monster that was hurtling towards her.

"Ah damn! It seems impossible for a monster of that size to be defeated by small bombs."

Sachi's eyes grew sharper. She focused on the one remaining enemy. No. The giant spider could add more numbers if Sachi didn't act quickly. She had to stop it. before the monster emits black liquid again. Sachi must attack directly to the monster's weak point if it is to finish this fight. Attacking the black crystal layer that covers the monster's entire body will only be a waste of time because the damage is not as effective as when attacking the weak point. Sachi waited the time was right to aim for the back of the enemy's head.


The spider's pointed legs moved faster. The distance between the two of them was getting narrower. When the spider monster was in front of Sachi, its jagged mouth suddenly opened wide.

"What? what does that monster want to do?"

Instinctively, Sachi immediately formed a wall of ice to protect herself it was from the black liquid that the spider monster might expel. But what the monster let out was different from before. A black object came out of the monster's mouth. The shape is similar to a jagged spear.

Her eyes widened when she saw the sharp object issued by the giant spider through the ice wall in front of her with great ease.

If she hadn't formed a wall of ice, perhaps her body would have been pierced by the mysterious spear hidden in his enemy's mouth. Not. It was still too soon to conclude that she was safe from enemy attacks.

The giant spider doesn't show it will stop attacking. The black spear was still pointed at Sachi who was trying to dodge. The ice wall she had just created was in a state of urgency to crumble in no time. Sachi continued to slide backwards on the ice steps she made spontaneously.

All the blush on her face instantly faded. The spider monster moved faster as if it couldn't wait to eat Sachi. Sachi kicked the ice slab and jumped as high as she could.

"That monster won't stop until it hits me," she thought. However, something happened unexpectedly. She had forgotten that the red spider web had already filled the area of ​​the sealing monument. Suddenly it stopped moving. To be precise she was trapped in her enemy's thin net.

"Shit! This thing is sticky," he grumbled as she struggled to free herself from the spider's red web.

No matter how hard Sachi pulled her body from the cobweb's embrace, it had no intention of letting go. In fact, the net made it even more interesting. On the other hand, the giant spider monster that had realized that its prey had been caught immediately changed direction. Its jagged mouth was still wide open and revealed a pointed black spear that was ready to rip apart Sachi's body.

Luckily Elysion's wand was still tightly gripped by Sachi. Without thinking, Sachi cast lightning flash magic towards the giant spider monster that was getting closer and closer. Lightning flashes continued to strike non-stop, but did no major damage to the enemy.

Small scratches were visible on the black crystal layer that enveloped the giant spider monster. However, irregular attacks will not have an effective impact. Sachi noticed that, but her hands couldn't move freely. As she began to resign herself to her fate, a purple streak of light flashed before her.