
Whispers of the past

Jae-min, a broken salesman, gets a chance to rewrite his past by going back to high school. Armed with the ability to read minds, he navigates love, secrets, and the complexities of second chances.

YaStar · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 4: A Second Chance

As the swirling vortex of memories and emotions began to settle, Jae-min found himself standing in the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings of his high school hallway. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a pale glow on the lockers lining the walls, and the chatter of students filled the air, bringing a wave of nostalgia crashing over him.

Taking a moment to orient himself, Jae-min realized that he was back in time, reliving his high school years with the knowledge and experience of his adult self. The weight of his newfound abilities—the ability to read people's thoughts—pressed on him, adding an extra layer of complexity to his already complicated situation.

"Focus," he reminded himself, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. "You have a mission."

As he navigated the crowded hallway, Jae-min's eyes were drawn to familiar faces from his past—old friends, classmates, and acquaintances whose lives had intersected with his in various ways. Their youthful faces and carefree expressions served as a stark contrast to the jaded and weary faces he had grown accustomed to in his adult life.

Among the sea of familiar faces, one face stood out—Soo-yeon. She was standing by her locker, engrossed in a conversation with her boyfriend. Their interaction was filled with laughter and affection, a sight that stirred a mix of emotions in Jae-min.

The realization that Soo-yeon was in a relationship with another student added another layer of complexity to his feelings and intentions. Memories of her having a boyfriend during that time flooded back, reminding him of the unspoken distance that had always existed between them.

Summoning the courage to approach her now seemed like an insurmountable challenge, especially with the added pressure of being able to hear her thoughts. The idea of delving into her innermost thoughts and feelings without her consent filled Jae-min with guilt and uncertainty.

As he hesitated, unsure of how to proceed, Jae-min overheard snippets of Soo-yeon's thoughts—thoughts filled with excitement for the upcoming school dance, worries about her grades, and fleeting moments of doubt and insecurity. The glimpse into her world only intensified his feelings of admiration, longing, and jealousy.

"Hey, Soo-yeon," Jae-min murmured under his breath, even though he knew she couldn't hear him. "It's me, Jae-min. I wish I had the courage to talk to you."

As they passed each other in the hallway, their paths briefly crossing without either of them realizing the significance of the moment, Jae-min couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. This second chance was more than just an opportunity to change his own life—it was a chance to truly understand the people around him, to forge deeper connections, and to make a lasting impact on the lives of those he cared about.

With these thoughts in mind, Jae-min vowed to make the most of this unexpected journey back in time, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead as he navigated the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery.

As he continued to navigate the hallways, Jae-min's mind raced with questions and possibilities. What other familiar faces would he encounter? How would his presence in the past affect the course of events? And most importantly, would he finally find the courage to overcome his fears and seize the opportunities that had eluded him in his youth?

The hallways seemed to stretch endlessly before him, each turn revealing new faces and memories from his past. With each encounter, Jae-min felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation, unsure of what lay ahead but determined to make the most of this second chance.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Jae-min found himself standing at a crossroads. Should he continue to explore the hallways and reconnect with old friends, or should he focus on finding a way to approach Soo-yeon and confront his feelings once and for all?

With a deep breath, Jae-min made his decision, setting his sights on the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. This second chance was his to embrace, and he was determined to make the most of it, no matter where the journey led him.
