
Whispers of Imagination: A Reborn Fantasy

Reincarnated with a Gift he Never Asked For... Soham was a normal teenager whose life revolved around school, family, and his love for fantasy novels. But when a tragic accident leads to his untimely death, Soham is given a second chance at life in a mystical new world. Reborn as Eric, heir to a noble family, Eric struggles to come to terms with this new existence. Little does he know he has been granted an extraordinary gift from a divine being who took pity on him. As Eric grows older, he realizes he has the power to make his imagination real! Thrust into a land filled with magic, monsters, and intrigue, Eric must learn to control abilities beyond his wildest dreams. With the help of a magical AI only he can see, Eric hones his skills in secret, constantly living in fear of being discovered. But as tensions arise between the human and monster realms, Eric realizes he can no longer stand by. With the encouragement of his friends and allies, Eric steps into the light to defend his kingdom. But will the gifts he has been given be enough when monsters and men alike would see his powers destroyed? He must truly become the hero he has only read about before everything he loves is consumed by darkness. In a world beyond his imagination, one boy's gift may be the key to bridging humanity and the unknown. But perfection always comes at a price.

Soyou_27 · Fantasi
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91 Chs

Chapter 74- Siblings' Revelation

The day began like any other in the Emberhart Estate, with the first soft rays of dawn gently touching the sky. Eric, already accustomed to his early morning training routine, rose from his bed quietly. Beside him, Shadow, his ever-loyal companion, stirred and stretched in preparation for the day ahead.

However, this particular morning held a small surprise for Eric. His older sister, Emily, was sleeping soundly in his room. The sight of her slumbering form was unusual but not unwelcome. Family members often disregarded personal boundaries, and Eric didn't mind his big sister's occasional presence in his quarters.

As Eric moved about his room, preparing himself for the day, he tried to minimize noise to avoid disturbing Emily's peaceful rest. He was in the midst of lifting some weights, a task that occasionally caused a bit of clattering, when Emily stirred and eventually opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Big Sis Emily," Eric greeted her with a warm smile. "I'm sorry to have woken you up this early."

Emily, still groggy from sleep, blinked and yawned. "Eric, what are you doing in my room?" she asked, her voice heavy with drowsiness.

Eric's smile faltered momentarily as he corrected her gently, "Actually, Big Sis, you're in my room. I didn't want to wake you when I started my training."

Upon realizing her mistake, Emily's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had scolded her little brother without fully understanding the situation. To save face, she quickly changed the subject. "Why are you up so early, Eric? And why are you all geared up?"

Eric, ever understanding of his sister's pride and her desire to maintain her image as the older sibling, didn't pursue the issue. Instead, he answered her question, "I'm going for my daily swordsmanship training."

A spark of excitement danced in Emily's eyes. She had always been fascinated by the art of the sword, even though her formal training had been sporadic at best. "May I accompany you, Eric?" she asked eagerly.

Eric agreed with a nod, "Of course, Big Sis. It would be my pleasure."

Emily, eager to join her brother, quickly changed into more suitable attire for training, swapping her usual dresses for something more practical. Once she was ready, she met Eric at the training grounds, where he was already warming up.

They began their training session with some simple stretches, and Emily easily followed along. Eric then initiated their run, and Emily, who had decent stamina herself, managed to keep pace for the first few laps. However, by the time they reached lap 18, she was struggling to breathe and keep up.

Feeling concerned for his sister's well-being, Eric stopped their run and offered Emily a seat. Shadow, ever the loyal companion, circled around them, expressing his own concern for Emily's condition.

Emily, grateful for the break, encouraged Eric to continue his training without her. She assured him that she would be fine sitting and watching. Reluctantly, Eric resumed his practice, performing 50 laps around the training ground, followed by 150 push-ups, 150 sit-ups, and 1,000 practice sword swings.

During this rigorous session, Emily watched her brother with a mixture of awe and astonishment. She had known that Eric was dedicated to his training, but witnessing the intensity and precision of his routine left her truly impressed. It was evident that Eric's training regimen was far more rigorous and structured than she had ever imagined.

Then Eric trained Shadow with throwing balls at him for him to catch he would also use a stuffed doll to replicate a prey for Shadow and make the doll move with his telekinesis magic to give it more dynamics.

However, the most astonishing aspect was Eric's control over his telekinesis. As a mage herself, Emily was well aware of the complexities of magic. She couldn't help but marvel at her brother's mastery of telekinesis, a skill that required both finesse and power. Eric's ability to manipulate objects with such precision was beyond her own capabilities as a mage.

As the day progressed, Emily chose to remain silent about her observations. She had many questions but decided to wait for the right moment to ask Eric about his training and abilities. There was something intriguing about the mysteries that surrounded her younger brother.

After their training, Eric and Emily returned to their respective chambers to freshen up. They agreed to meet in the dining hall for breakfast, where they would join the rest of the family.

The Emberhart Estate buzzed with activity as everyone gathered for the morning meal. Eric and Emily, freshened up and with their appetites renewed, took their seats at the table alongside their parents, Alaric and Ellara, Seraphina, and their guest, Lady Amarantha.

The breakfast table was a delightful spread of various dishes, from freshly baked bread to an assortment of fruits and cheeses. Conversation flowed naturally, with everyone sharing stories and laughter.

As the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, Emily couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected time spent with her family. It was a rare moment of togetherness in a world where their individual responsibilities often kept them apart.

The meal concluded, and Eric resumed his daily routine, heading to the library for his lessons with Seraphina. Emily followed him, her curiosity about her brother's abilities growing with each passing moment.

In the library, Seraphina began

  instructing Eric on magic circles, a fundamental aspect of magic that held a pivotal role in spellcasting. Emily watched attentively, knowing that this was an area where she should excel, given her advanced magical studies.

To her surprise, Eric absorbed Seraphina's teachings with exceptional ease. He listened intently, his eyes focused on the diagrams and explanations she provided. When Seraphina posed questions or asked him to perform practical demonstrations, Eric's responses were consistently accurate and concise.

Emily couldn't hide her astonishment. She had expected to surpass her younger brother in magical knowledge, but the reality was quite the opposite. Eric's understanding of magic was not only on par with hers but, in some areas, surpassed it. He displayed a deep comprehension of the principles underlying magic circles, as well as an innate ability to visualize and create them with precision.

As the lesson continued, Emily felt a mixture of emotions—pride in her brother's abilities, curiosity about the source of his knowledge, and a tinge of competitiveness that pushed her to improve her own magical skills.

Seraphina, observant as ever, noticed Emily's internal struggle. She decided to address the issue gently. "Emily," she began, "are you trying to compare your capabilities with your brother, Eric?"

Emily, not wanting to admit her own insecurities, mumbled, "Well, I thought that because I'm his big sister, I would be better than him in everything. I hoped I could guide him in areas where he struggles, but it's not the case."

Seraphina smiled empathetically. "You're not alone in feeling this way," she admitted. "Even as his master, I sometimes expect to revisit certain topics multiple times with Eric, but it's quite the opposite. He absorbs knowledge like a sponge and never forgets."

Emily found solace in Seraphina's words. She wasn't alone in underestimating Eric's abilities, and perhaps it was time to appreciate her brother's unique talents rather than compete with them.

Seraphina continued, "Eric possesses a rare gift, but that doesn't diminish your own potential. You're an accomplished mage in your own right, and your dedication to your studies has brought you far. Embracing your individual strengths and supporting each other is what family is all about."

Emily, realizing the truth in Seraphina's words, nodded with a small smile. It was time to celebrate her brother's achievements rather than view them as a challenge.