
Whispers Of Elven Redemption

Ariana's world crumbled when a dire prognosis cast a shadow over her mother's fate. A desperate quest unveils a hidden elven secret, propelling the sheltered princess into a perilous journey. Her path collides with Ethan, the ruthless sovereign of the deadliest elven realm. As her plan unravels, she faces certain death in the forbidden elven lands. Captured, Ariana becomes the pawn in a deadly game orchestrated by the cold elven prince. Fueled by determination, she navigates treacherous terrain, risking everything to survive.

Anthony_Ridwan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Fateful Discovery

Taking a deep breath Ariana opened the clasp on the chest. Once opened, dust particles floated in the air out from the wooden box. Ariana found countless letters addressed to her mother, she started to reach for them before stopping herself. This was not the time to pique her curiosity, she needed more information on the gem.

She read through countless parchments and looked through all sorts of maps of lands she had never heard of before. Her eyes roamed further before stopping on a leather tube that was hidden at the bottom of the chest. Reaching for it she opened it to find an ancient looking scroll curled together, the material felt like it would crumble if too much pressure was applied to it.

On reading it, Ariana gasped. These were the instructions needed for the gem, that informed a person on how to use it to heal someone who is injured or ill!

She knew her mother had a thing for antique collections and objects that people would admit it was hard to find. Yet, here in her mother's chest was the very thing that she needed to help her. What were the odds of that? But, why, after months had she not revealed this to her? She may have even recovered by now if they had the gem in their possession.

Ariana looked back inside the tube to find another parchment at the bottom of it, turning it upside down it fell on top of the other parchments in the chest. She grabbed it and sat down on the couch, opening it just as carefully. It showed a small painting of the gem.

Before she could even fathom what to do next- a loud bang rang in the room. She looked behind her to see that a blonde haired, blue eyed figure came waltzing into the room with servants following behind her. Her sister, Isabel. Her face immediately scowled at the intrusion and at her awful sister, who she tried to keep a distance from at all costs. She was not scared of her or would not openly evade her but the drama she brings always caused Ariana terrible migraines.

"I want the room to be brighter, of course these awful rugs will be replaced with some brand new ones I will pick out.." Isabel ordered the servants, who kept their heads down.

Her mother slowly sat up in bed watching her in fascination and amusement!

"WHAT do you think you are doing?" Ariana asked, placing the scroll back down in the chest and shutting it behind her. She came back into the bedroom and looked at Isabel who had opened one of the curtains on the far-left wall.

"I am sorting my new room out for when SHE passes away" Isabel smirked as she watched her sister's face get angry.

Ariana's blood boiled, how dare she!? The audacity! Did she hate them so much that she waited readily for her mother's death?

Before continuing with her itinerary to the servants, Isabel walked towards the now raging Ariana, her steps purposely slow, just as she was a step away from her sister she stopped. Smiling at her, her voice lowered as she said, "You know, once her body is rotting in the ground, that will be one less person to protect you"

Ariana knew that she was baiting her so she 'played her at her own game', scoffing she replied,

"Protect me from who, you, sister?", she took the last step forwards, challengingly, her face becoming menacing the longer she looked down into her older sister's eyes.

Isabel's smile faltered, unlike her sister, she did not learn how to fight or sword fight. She had been brought up as a proper princess, her hobbies were of a normal feminine nature, preparing her for when she would get married. She had often laughed when they were younger, watching Ariana dressed up in men's attire and going to training.

This, however, did not mean that she was not slightly frightened of her, her sister could beat her up if she wished. But Isabel liked to play games, she often started rumors about Ariana that spread throughout the court. Sometimes, however, she just wanted to rub more salt into a wound. Her mother's decline in health was the perfect opportunity, her hate for her sister was that deep.

Isabel ignored what Ariana said and turned back around to continue with her game. Walking back to the curtains on the far left, she honestly could not understand why they were being used.

"I think these curtains will definitely need changing, royal blue? Eww, so last year.." Isabel continued, as she reached up to investigate the material in her hands with a look of disdain on her face.

Within a second, a whizzing sound and a whip of wind passed her face as a dagger ripped through the princess's sleeve on her outstretched hand, pulling her back into the wall placed behind the curtain. The dagger wobbled as it attached Isabel's sleeve from her dress to the curtain. Her eyes widened as she looked back towards Ariana and stared at her in disbelief.

"If I were you, sister, I would leave. Next time I will not miss it." Ariana snapped, staring angrily at her. She had enough of her vile presence in the room.

"You ruined a perfectly good gown; you wait until father hears of this!... You are barbaric!!" She screeched back at her while trying to remove the dagger from her sleeve.

Ariana stormed over to her sister's side and pulled the dagger out from the wall, with the dagger still raised at Isabel's eye level, she shouted,

Isabel jumped at her voice and scurried out of the room; the servants followed behind her as they looked down at the floor sheepishly. Ariana knelt down and placed the dagger back inside her boot before looking over at her mother, who held back a giggle and smiled joyously from the scene. She shook her head at her mother, who always found laughter when there should be none. That would be something she would miss...She shook her head again. She will not think that way.

"* I brought you some herbs mother, let me make you some tea, *" Ariana's voice grew hoarse, her mother nodded, her face concerned. She turned her back and walked towards the table across from the bed where the herbs were still placed inside the basket.

Chapter 3: Relations: Part One

Ariana went back to the living room to quietly move the chest back under the couch while her mother sat upright in bed holding the tea that she made, looking towards the window. Her hazel eyes were in thought, and her face slightly red, warmed by the tea.

"* You have not trained in a while,*" Her mother softly spoke across the room. Ariana walked back to the chair she previously sat on, placing her hands in her lap.

"* There have been more urgent matters to attend to, *" She looked down at her hands. Her mother reached forwards and placed her hand above her own. Ariana looked back up into her mother's warm eyes.

"*Please, do not do anything reckless.*"

At this, Ariana tilted her head to the side and joked "Me? Reckless? Never."

"* I mean it Ariana, I can already see you are planning something," Her brows furrowed. "You are so spirited, I just do not want anything to diminish the light from those eyes of yours.*"

"*Not doing anything will cause that mother.*"

Ariana did not even want to think about her demise. She was already starting to feel fatigued from the strain of bearing the weight of her mother's health on her shoulders. There was nobody else who seemed to care for what her mother was going through, the king of course did but he was always busy with his royal duties. In the spare time he did have, it was mostly spent with the rest of the family, who she did not frequently see. So, she kept her feelings to herself, watching daily as her mother's form lost its vibrancy.

It felt like it was just the two of them against the realm, even though they lived in a grand palace with servants and many others, it was always just them two. The nobles disliked the pair of them but showed them enough respect so as not to lose their heads, and the only other real friend she had has been away for two years.

Glancing back at her mother, she saw her watching her, just as her lips parted to reply to her daughter, a light knock tapped on the door and a maid came forward.

"Lady Loraven, Princess Ariana." The maid curtsied. Turning to Ariana she said, "The king has summoned you".

Leaving her mother's quarters, she followed behind the maid while telling her to get some soup made for her mother, the maid nodded her head obediently. As she came back towards the view of the courtyard, she saw a man stop in the hall. A man she hadn't seen in 2 years. He looked more rugged than before, taller maybe? His dark brown hair had definitely grown as it lay down nearly touching his shoulders. His face was covered in some dirt and stubble ran along his chiseled jaw, no longer holding any baby fat along his cheeks or jaw. But his dark blue eyes remained the same, if not, they looked a bit wiser.

His features lit upon recognising her. He couldn't believe that the princess before him was the same from before. Well, he could, but he found her to be breathtaking. Even with her hair half pinned up, it was nearly at her waist. Her green eyes looked even brighter with the matching green dress she wore that complimented her slender figure whereby her chest had filled out.

"Ger!" She screamed excitedly as she ran the short distance towards him and flung herself on him, her arms over his shoulders, hugging him tightly. His cheeks reddened slightly as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around her back. He made a vague coughing sound as he stepped back and made an extravagant bow.

"Princess Ariana," his husky voice replied, holding in a chuckle as he looked back at her.

"Oh drop the act Ger, I missed you!" Ariana's eyes were lit with excitement as she smiled up at him.

Ger could not help but smile back at the princess, she was still the wild, untamed girl he had known most his life. The clothes and jewelry she wore could not hide the vibrant look in her eyes, nor the high-spirited persona she had. The fact that she disobeyed most of the rules that are set for the royal family, never went unnoticed in the nobles' eye's; he was always impressed with how she did not pay heed to the states and gossips surrounding her. Or how the king never punished her too badly.

Silence filled the halls which made Ariana realize that everyone was watching their exchange, she glanced over to the side that caused the nobles to go back to whispering as they eyed the pair. She internally rolled her eyes at how pompous they all acted, and how they would soon gossip about how the princess did not act like a princess at all. Throwing herself into a man's arms, now that was of course disgraceful. Gritting her teeth, she composed her expression as she took on her role as a princess, she would not want word to get back to her father about her open behavior with Ger.

Bowing her head, she said, "The king has summoned me, I would love it if we could catch up later?"

He bowed again. "I would be delighted, Ariana."

And with that, she continued walking until she made her way to the great hall. The double doors opened for her to enter, as she walked through, the light from the tall windows at the far end of the hall shone across the marbled floor, lighting up the grand features of the high ceilings. As her steps echoed in the room, she passed the pillars and high arches by her sides. She kept her head held high and her face composed as she felt the gazes of the nobles on each side of the room, the queen in particular glared at her as she stood with her ladies at the side.

Her eyes fell on her father who sat on the throne, she stopped a few feet away from the steps that led to the royal chairs. Behind the king, standing against the wall was Sir Hugh, who kept his gaze impassive as he looked blankly ahead. Her eyes quickly glanced back to the king. On seeing her father's face, she already knew what this was about.

"Why is it, Ariana," he spoke loudly, "that you cannot obey simple rules?"

She looked back up at him, pursing her lips.

"I'm sorry father, it was a quick trip."

"Anything could have happened to you. Not only did you go into the village but also the forest! No matter the length of the trip, you will bring guards with you," his voice deepened.

Ariana did not want to argue with him, but she simply did not want to use the guards. She was not arrogant, far from it, but she could look after herself if someone tried to attack her. Her father knew this, but he wanted her to have that extra protection. The thought of having guards following her around, it made her shudder. There was no freedom with that, and the lower class would act differently around her. She found peace walking around the villages and forest without any stares, curtsies or whispers.

"I know father, I will next time," She replied.

"That. Is what you said last time!" The king threw his hands up exasperated then stood up and walked to stand in front of his daughter. She was too much like her mother, stubborn and spirited.

He looked down at her sternly,

"Do I need to start having guards follow you around in the castle?"

Her eyes widened "No, No! I will not leave without them again. I Promise," Her voice rose higher, with her hands already behind her back she crossed her fingers.

The king looked convinced as he strolled back to his throne and sat down lazily. He moved his hand indicating that she could go. Ariana released the breath she was holding, sagging slightly in relief. Bowing her head, she started to turn.

"And WHAT about this morning!?" A shrill voice pierced through the hall.

Stopping her steps, she rolled her eyes before turning around to look at the queen. The king sighed, suddenly looking very tired. He placed his hand under his chin, leaning his elbow on the frame of the throne. His graying shoulder length hair falling forward on his face. He blinked his blue eyes before asking in an uninterested voice,

The queen glared angrily at the king before walking forwards so she stood perfectly in Ariana's line of sight.

"The princess here ripped Isabel's dress on PURPOSE," The queen replied, looking at Ariana with disdain.

Taking a deep breath, Ariana spoke up, "It was not on purpose, your highness."

"Are you saying that I am lying? Your Queen?" She raised her voice, taking a step forward.

"Eleanor…" The king chided.

"No, your majesty, I am not calling you a liar. Maybe you have not been provided with the correct information" Ariana tilted her head to the side. The nobles by the pillars, started to murmur to each other at the princess's remark, their eyes wide and with anticipation at the show before them.

"So, Isabel has lied to the queen, to the crown? Is that what you are implying?"

"Eleanor!" The king barked impatiently.

Queen Eleanor held up her hand to him "No Osian, I have had enough with your favoritism you show this bastard of yours! It needs to-"

"ELEANOR! Enough!" The king barked as he stood from his throne. He glared at his wife who shrunk back in fear. Silence fell in the room.

"You may leave Ariana," He said while continually glaring at the queen. Ariana curtsied and quickly walked out of the throne room, the building tension left her shoulders, as the queen stayed quiet. The only indication that this chat was not finished between them, was by her stare that tried to pierce through her back.