
Whispers of Darkness: The Hero of Shadow

War engulfs the vibrant land of Warna. Monstrous shadows, unleashed by an Arcfiend, devour empires and shatter lives. Amidst the carnage, a 19-year-old orphan grapples with his lost past and struggles to survive. Fate, however, has other plans. Thrust into a desperate quest by a divine spark, he finds himself a reluctant hero, wielding power he barely understands. Haunted by tragedy and pursued by the King's claws, he navigates a treacherous tapestry of war-torn kingdoms, each ruled by a warring god. His unlikely companions? A monoma, a mage, and a band of shadows. Together, they must unravel the secrets of the Archfiend, confront the darkness within the enigmatic Empire of Umbra, and discover the truth about the orphan's destiny. Will they rise as champions against oblivion, or succumb to the encroaching darkness? Join the fight for Warna's soul in this epic saga of redemption, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope. Author note: Since it is my first time writing I will lack in many fields, sometimes I will not be able to explain the plot properly or sometimes I will cut short it. My readers will encounter my hazardous writing that I am proud of but as the journey of both mine and the hero goes on, we will improve. So I the author will urge my viewers to give my novel a try, I am just a boy trying to bring my fantasy out to you. I will not ask for power stones nor will I enter into the contract if my readers want it but please give my chapters your honest review and tell me where I can improve. For now, I will hope to see you in my chapter comments. See you soon. Asura going dark......

Warwolf_asura · Fantasi
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40 Chs

Graovi Dungeon

As Aldric left the Adventurer's Association building, a burning determination ignited within him. He knew exactly where he needed to go to increase his strength and overcome his previous weaknesses. Wandering through the bustling streets, Aldric eventually arrived at a smaller building adorned with a sign indicating it was the place to obtain dungeon permits. Intrigued, he stepped inside.

Inside the building, he was greeted by a demonkin, a being born from the union of a human and a demon. The demonkin before him had vibrant red skin and eyes that glowed with a piercing yellow hue. "Hello, sir. How may I assist you?" the demonkin greeted Aldric politely. Aldric wasted no time and stated his intention to purchase a dungeon pass for the Graovi dungeon.

Author: The dwarf in WARNA are not what other novels have described. These people have bulging muscles,their height is nor too short nor too long.

"That will be 100 glimmer coins," the demonkin informed him. Aldric handed over the required sum and received a circular, silver medal with the name of the dungeon engraved upon it. These unique medals served as a form of identification, preventing individuals from using the pass to enter any other dungeon.

Leaving the building, Aldric made his way to one of the city gates, ready to embark on his dungeon exploration. After a half-hour journey, he arrived at the entrance, where a long line of eager adventurers awaited their turn to enter. Aldric joined the queue but was soon approached by a guard who requested to see his Adventurer license.

Aldric presented his license, revealing his master-level swordsman rank. The guard, taken aback by his impressive status, respectfully handed Aldric his license back and instructed him to follow. Aldric noticed the change in the guard's behavior but didn't dwell on it, quietly following as they made their way through the crowd. He knew he had nothing to fear, as the guard couldn't do anything to him in the midst of the bustling adventurers.

The guard led Aldric towards the entry point of the dungeon, where adventurers registered their names and presented their dungeon permits. Many eyes fell upon Aldric, and whispers of envy circulated among those who observed how he could bypass the line. They understood the reason behind his special treatment, given his rank and the privileges it entailed. Aldric couldn't help but wonder why he had ended up in this position, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

Finally, they reached the entry point, where another guard diligently recorded the names of adventurers in a book-like ledger. The guard escorting Aldric gave a signal to the entry guard, who nodded in response. "May I see your dungeon permit?" the entry guard requested, prompting Aldric to hand over his pass. Aldric complied, and the guard instructed him to sign where his name was written. After completing the process, the entry guard returned the permit to Aldric and presented him with a badge-like sensor. Aldric recognized it as a device that would track the number of floors he conquered, ensuring accurate records maintained by the Dungeon Association.

With the necessary procedures completed, Aldric stepped into another magical array that would transport him to a floor befitting his abilities. In an instant, a flash of light enveloped him, and when it dissipated, he found himself standing in a large room on the zeroth floor of the dungeon. This floor served as a safe area for adventurers to rest and prepare before venturing deeper into the dungeon.

The dungeons in the realm of WARNA came in various types, such as maze-like or multi-floor structures, much like the Graovi dungeon Aldric had chosen. The zeroth floor acted as a hub, allowing adventurers to regroup and strategize before tackling the challenges that lay ahead.

Aldric marveled at his surroundings, unable to contain his awe. "Woho! Am I in heaven?" he exclaimed, amazed by the breathtaking beauty that unfolded before his eyes. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of his journey, and the trials he would face within the dungeon would test his mettle like never before.