
Whiskey Poison

The hottest man I’ve ever seen is now my new boss— and I’m stuck in a house with him… Until one of us cracks. I’ve got debt—yeah, I know, so does everyone else on Planet Earth. But the bills I’m paying keep my dad and my grandma alive. So it’s pretty messed-up for Timofey Viktorov to use them as a threat to keep me under control. Not that he cares. As a billionaire CEO, he takes no prisoners in the boardroom. And as the don of the Viktorov Bratva, he takes no prisoners in real life, either. Which is why he has no qualms about extorting me into taking his deal. Live in my mansion… Care for my baby… Or suffer the consequences. But he’s not the only one with an agenda. Timofey has skeletons in his closet—and I’m determined to dig them out. He’s just as determined to keep me far away from the secrets of his past. The longer I’m in his house, the tenser things get. Every time we brush past each other in the hallway, something sparks. Every time we cross paths in the night, the ice grows thinner. Sooner or later, it’s going to crack.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
125 Chs



I keep a tight grip on Piper's hand.

In an ideal world, I'd get her as far away from Rodion and half the people in this godforsaken room as possible. Especially Senator Gracen and his repulsive wife.

My "donation" to his last campaign helped him afford a slew of sexual assault settlements. The moment he passes the legislation he and I worked up together, I'll toss him to the social justice wolves and let them feast.

But this isn't an ideal world. I'm the only one I can trust with Piper's safety, and I don't want her out of my sight.

Rodion sees us moving towards him, and he squares his shoulders. I know that glint in his eye. It looks like we're in for a fight.

I snatch a champagne flute off of a passing server's tray and seamlessly offer it to him as I approach. "Here. A drink for the road."

"Ah, a warm dismissal," he says, taking a sip. "I'd prefer a warm welcome, but beggars can't be choosers."

"Especially when I should shoot the beggar on sight."