
66 Kabob

I had to talk David into coming inside, coercing him with the promise of BBQ and that we could leave after we ate. When he came inside, Lance introduced himself and invited him outback while he set up the grill. Lirael had Richie in his high chair, nibbling on his finger foods while we prepared kabobs with a bowl of marinated meat and veggies Lirael produces from the fridge.

I meet a new couple, Kim and Jim who arrive when we're halfway through the Kabobs. Kim washes her hands and gets to work, chit chatting about each other. While we're finishing up, Alyssa comes in with her sister Amanda and Dass, helping to bring the twins in and their stuff. Everyone pauses when they see the bandage on my face and I suddenly feel very awkward.

Richie, seeing the twins, starts getting excited and start shouting for some one to help him down so he can play. 

"Let's put them outside for the guys to keep an eye on. We can set up the octagon around the slide and house." Lirael suggests, heading to the back door with a dish full of kabobs.

She asks Lance to set up the Octagon, which David is happy to help set up as we ladies bring out more kabobs. Once the kids are set up and everyone has a drink, David and I have iced tea, we take a seat. 

A familiar voice comes from inside the house, "Hey, look who we found outside!" 

Scott and Simon come walking out, bringing Ethan with them. His eye has some light discoloration still but unless you knew you probably wouldn't notice.

I smile awkwardly, I didn't think that Lirael was going to invite him tonight. I thought she'd just get his number to use later. Crap. 

I keep my bandaged side away from his gaze for now, not wanting him to get concerned.

"Hey, Mel." Ethan says awkwardly.

"Hey Ethan." I notice I'm next to Alyssa and we're out of chairs. "Here why don't you sit here. I'll get another chair, I know where they are."

"Thank you." He gives me an awkward smile as well that I glance from the corner of my eye but takes the seat as I head to the garage.

Lirael follows me in snickering, "Wow! That was one of the most awkward exchanged greetings I've ever witnessed. Why are you hiding that from him? Ethan's going to see it."

"I'm going to see what exactly?" Ethan stands at the doorway with Scott who makes an OH SHIT face and I feel like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi.

His eyes widen as fists form at his side, "What the fuck happened to you?!" He makes his way over to me, but Lirael quickly moves in front of him.

"Slow down, sir knight. It's not what you're thinking. She's just not wanting to repeat herself a million times tonight, so she's going to tell all of us once we're gathered. So chill out." Lirael motions to the chairs, "So grab a couple of chairs and haul them out to the deck. I appreciate the help." She scoots them out of the garage as I shake myself from my frozen moment. 

Wait? Did he think that Jackson did this? Why... oh. Yeah. OF course. Why would I hide it like that otherwise? I'm so freaking dense sometimes.

After mentally berating myself for a moment, I drag another chair out and ask Lirael if everyone is here yet.

"Almost.... Aman and Big Daddy are supposed to show up. Sarina and Brian won't be coming because the twins are too little." 

Hearing a noise in the house, I turn and see Aman and Big Daddy walk through the front door.

"Now everyone's here!" Lirael waves them over and they both give us a quick hug and join the crowd out back.

I sit near Aman, knowing I have Ethan's eyes on me, demanding an explanation, but Aman graciously begins a conversation with me.

"So how is your cheek doing?" He asks me. 

"I honestly haven't taken the bandage off since this morning." I admit.

"You can let it get it some air. Here let me see..." He leans over and gently grips the edge and pulls back to reveal my stitches. "A little swollen as to be expected. You can put on another bandage when you go to sleep, to help keep it clean, but you should let it get some air too for a little bit." He smiles, tossing the bandage in the trashcan.

"Woo, darlin. Who got your pretty face looking that way?" Big Daddy asks, seeing my face more clearly, "Do you need Big Daddy to go handle someone for you?" 

I shyly shake my head, "No.. You don't need to do anything. Thank you. One of my coworkers flipped out and attacked me at work today. I didn't think she actually hit me, but I guess her rings or nails snagged my cheek when we scuffled."

"So that's because of a co-worker? Which one?" Ethan asks, his brows narrowed. 

"Sybil." I purse my lips into a thin line as Ethan groans into his hands that have started to rub his face.

Alyssa looks between us, "That's the same one that's been giving you heck for a while now, isn't it?" 

I nod, "Yep."

Dass and Amanda exchange a look before Dass leans over, "Please tell me you beat the bitches ass." 

I laugh and lift my head back, "I wouldn't say I beat her ass, but I did flip her on back and knock the breath from her before security came and restrained her."

I get a round of cheers and 'atta girl' from everyone around me, the guys leaning over and patting me on the back.

Ethan asks, "Finally put some of that Judo to use?" 

I give a restrained grin and nod, "Yeah I guess I finally did." 

Lance brings over a plate of kabobs, placing them down in front of me, "Good girl. You get first dibs on the kabobs."

I laugh, picking one off the tray before handing it to Aman to pick up and pass it off.


"So what are you doing for your birthday?" Ethan asks to no one in particular and I scan the group to see who speaks up, but realize he's asking me the way everyone exchanges a look.

Wiping my hand on a napkin, I take a drink of water and clarify, "Are you asking me?" 

Ethan nods like, duh?

"Um... I was planning on doing something with Jackson but... He had to fly back to the UK to give his account of what happened to the courts."

"Maybe we.." Ethan starts and Lirael chimes in cutting him off.

"We planned on doing something for her on Sunday Ethan."

I look at her startled, "You did?"

A chorus of groans carry around the table, "So much for the surprise." Lance grumbles as Lirael covers her mouth looking abashed.

"Shoot. I'm sorry Mel."

I wave her off, smiling. "No it's fine. Thank you guys. I wasn't expecting anything."

Lirael leans over and pats my arm, "You're part of the family girl. I'll be happier when all this press bullshit is done with so we can all hangout together. Jackson's not allowed to hog you all the time. He has to let you have fun with us every now and then." She winks at me in a suggestive manner making me blush and my toes curl at her teasing.

I know she's teasing me, but I also know that if I was not with Jackson, that she'd be after me like a tiger stalking its prey. The thought thrilled me and scared the hell out of me at the same time.

"Lirael... stop you're making her blush." Lance shakes his head at his wife, sipping his drink as he starts to pulls off more kabobs to pass around. 

I turn more red at his words, my eyes darting around the group and remember David is here. I turn crimson and I swear I'm going to die when I see Ethan leans back with his brows raised in disbelief.

"If she grows any redder, she's going to burst into flames." Big Daddy chuckles into his glass. 

I clear my throat and grab my half eaten kabob and begin eating again until a cry comes out from the octagon where the kids are.

We all turn to witness Scott and Simon crying out for help as Alyssa's twins and Richard gang up on them and start using them like jungle gyms. We all burst into laughter as Lirael takes her phone and starts recording them. I take note from the corner of my eye Alyssa and Ethan speaking about something and smiling. That makes my smile widen. I know that Alyssa has been lonely, raising the twins without their father around. If something did happen between Alyssa and Ethan, I don't think it would be a bad thing.

After I finish my kabob, I stand and motion for Lirael to join me in the house. 

"What's up?" Lirael asks, still biting at a pepper from her kabob.

"I'm going to go ahead and head back to the apartment. That way I can relieve David from his workday already." I inform her.

Lirael nods, "Okay sweetheart. I'll see you on Sunday."

"Oh! That reminds me. What time and where?" 

Lirael grins, "Don't worry about that yet. That'll be part of the surprise. I'll go grab David for you."

She winks before heading out back.