
35 Club

When we get outside they ask if I want to follow them and I shyly inform them, "I don't drive. Since I have the address, I can take an Uher there." 

"Nonsense!" Simon exclaims, "We can fit you in with us!"

Simon was in the third row of the SUV while I was in the back with Alyssa. Sarina was driving and Lirael was sitting in the passenger.

"So why don't you drive?" Simon asks, throwing an arm over the seat and sticking his head between me and Alyssa.

I shrug, "Well, I never learned for one, but I've always been comfortable calling a cab, before I would walk or use public transportation. I just never really gave it much thought." 

"So where do you live Mel?" Alyssa asks, adding, "I live outside of McKinney, while Simon and Lirael live in McKinney. Sarina lives in the Fairview area."

I shuffle in my seat and tell them where I live, not sure how they're going to react to it. 

"I live in the Mansion Park area."

"That's a coveted area, congratulations." Sarina chimes in, looking at me through the rear view mirror, "You must have gotten lucky like I did when I purchased my building in the Dealy Plaza area."

"I thought you lived in Fairview?" I ask her. Dealy Plaza is not near Fairview.

"I do. My business is there though." She responds.

I nod, that making more sense to me now.

Lirael beams from the front seat, "Sarina here is an amazing jeweler and artist. You should go by it sometime."

Oh? A jeweler and an artist? "I shall, you'll have to give me a card." I let her know.

"We got him hooked ladies!" Simon says from the back, causing the others to cheer.

What are they talking about?

"Who's hooked?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, honey, that's right you don't know." Simon pats my shoulder as Sarina starts to inform me about someone that has been following her.

"You have a stalker?!" I exclaim, "You want him following you?"

Sarina chuckles, "No. It's a private investigator that's working for my ex. My ex has been causing problems in my marriage and we found out that he's still got someone watching me. So now we know his vehicle and his face, so we're going to have some fun with him." 

She gives a devilish smile and I can't help but feel slightly apprehensive at the vehicle I am now stuck in.

Lirael turns to me and informs me, "Don't worry, it's nothing illegal. We're just going to have him follow us to this club and while we're there we have some friends who are going to make his night interesting." 

That doesn't sound so bad, sounds exciting actually.

"Oh.. This night just continues with excitement!" I clap as Sarina pulls into a parking lot.

"Are you ready to have a feast for your eyes, sweet little Melita!" Simon exclaims as we head for the door.

"A feast?" I ask him curiously, but he just laughs as we go to the front to pay.

"You'll see sweetheart." Alyssa pats my shoulders and looks behind us as Lirael and Sarina join us.

I get an armband before we enter and I immediately am hit by loud dance music and people's excited voices. My heart is racing a bit, not sure of what to expect.

"Ladies! I'll go get our first round! Get some good seats!" Simon bobs over to the bar as we navigate the crowd that's dancing on the dance floor. I keep close to the girls as we navigate the sweaty bodies. We find a table on a raised portion right off the dance floor, not far from the stage. It's a little dirty and sticky as we take a seat, and I'm not sure I want to know why it is.

Simon comes over with a tray of drinks and shots, "Here we go ladies!" He places a shot glass of a cloudy liquid in front of me and a what looked like a mixed drink with limes. 

I don't really drink. I didn't think to tell them that.

Sarina looks at Simon and starts, "Simon, I.."

He cuts her off, "No, you're drinking those."

She picks one up and sniffs it before going, "My favorite!" 

I pick one up, as they all lift their glasses and drink them down. I do it too, not wanting to be left out and it just tastes like lime juice and water. Why couldn't I have known about this drink before I had that dinner with Jackson? It didn't even burn at all.

"What type of shot is this? I liked it!" I ask them.

They all share a smirk and Alyssa bends over and whispers into my ear, "It's just lime juice and water girl. We have to be sober for our trick to work. If we've been drinking when we do what we are going to later, we may not seem as credible."

"Oh." I nod and pick up the bigger glass and sigh when I realize it's just cranberry juice. I don't have to worry about being the stick in the mud by not drinking. 

They all start talking about their work or kids and Simon keeps going back and forth bringing back more of the water and lime shots. He seems to come back with a real drink though this last time.

"Should I go flirt with the guy?" Simon asks Sarina, quirking a brow at her.

"Yes! See if he wants to dance?" Lirael grins, sipping on her drink.

"You got this, Simon!" We all raise our glasses to cheer him on. 

These people are hilarious, I don't even need alcohol to feel relaxed with them, they're just fun. We are sipping on our drinks and kind of dancing in our seats having fun. 

"So what do you do for a living?" Sarina asks me.

I sit up in my seat and proudly tell them, "I'm the head of contract law for my company."

Lirael is quick to respond, "Oh wow, that must be challenging. My husband is a lawyer and I know he's very careful when it comes to taking on cases that are about breach of contract lawsuits."

I nod as Sarina nudges me with her shoulder, "So what does your man do? Come on show us a picture too."

I laugh, retorting, "I'll show you mine if you all show me yours."

Sarina and Lirael pop out their phones and show me so quickly, my eyes take a second to focus but I am shocked with how hot their husbands are.

"Wow! They're both handsome. What about you Alyssa?" She must have a good looking man too.

Alyssa glances at Sarina, pain in her eyes, "My husband passed away from cancer. So the majority of my pictures he's sick in them. However, I'll show you my favorite, from our wedding day."

Alyssa shows me a picture of her husband who you can tell is sick, but I could also tell he was still a decent looking guy. Sarina's husband is standing just behind him and I notice the cane at Alyssa's husband side and the wheelchair. The thing I notice the most is the look in her Alyssa's husband eyes and smile.

I hand her the phone back. "You can tell he loved you very much. I am sorry he is no longer here."

"My brother did love her, with everything he was. Now, pony up the picture!" Sarina grabs my arm, urging me on.

I pull up the pictures that I have of Jackson cooking me breakfast.

"This is Jackson. He owns his own company." I take note of all their eyes widening.

"DAMN!" Lirael exclaims taking a closer look, "I love my husband, but DAMN girl, wow!"

I love their reactions, I know he's handsome. I giggle and add, "Hard to believe we were childhood friends too. He was such a gangly teenager the last time I saw him as one. He went to live with his uncle and we didn't talk for eighteen years. My company was bidding for a project and that's how we met up again." 

I stare at the picture a moment longer, missing him, but put my phone away.

"Aww... that's so sweet." Alyssa gushes as Simon comes back over smiling and the lights change in the club. 

I scan the club, trying to see what is going on when a good looking guy comes walking out onto the stage. "Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! Welcome. Are you ready to watch the show?!"

A roar of shouts echoes through the club, making me wiggle in excitement. There is a show here tonight? Great! 

"Then let me introduce the men you've all been waiting for.... The BAD BOY CREW!" 

The bad boy crew? Is that a band or something?

Muscular men in leather pants, white shirts and leather vests come out, looking like they just popped out of a biker bar. 

"Oh fuck.." Simon covers his face, looking away from the stage.

"What's the matter?" Sarina asks him, leaning towards him.

"That's my ex Adam." Simon bites his bottom lip, watching one of the dancers in a tank and vest who was starting the choreography with the other dancers. He looks like he's holding himself back like a crazed fan seeing their favorite singer.

"Your ex?!" I look up at the stage. They are all guys. Wait. does that mean... "You're ...?" I can't finish the question and shake my head at my stupidity. "Sorry, I just didn't realize." 

Simons gaze focuses on me and I quickly drop my eyes to the floor in guilt. I don't think any less of him.

"Oh darlin, you don't have to apologize. I don't have a tattoo on my head stating the fact." He shrugs it off, and turns his attention to the stage, whistling really loud, like it was nothing.

His ex turns his eyes in our direction and spots Simon . His smile widen and he quickly gives Simon a wink.

"This night is only going to get better..." Lirael leans towards Sarina, watching as Adam, Simons ex, starts making eyes at him. The way the guy starts moving it's like he's dancing just for Simon. I felt like we were intruding on a private dance the way he erotically moves his body making eyes at him.

Simon is dancing with the music cheering and smiling just as widely, keeping his eyes on him. 

I can't help fidgeting and giggling watching their interaction. You can tell they are still attracted to each other. Suddenly the men rip their shirts off from under their vests and my jaw drops. Wow, I haven't seen so many muscles at once.

The song comes to an end and I'm right there with the girls, jumping around and cheering. These guys are hot and they have some moves.

"Alright ladies! We're going to be picking seven lucking ladies tonight to join these bad boys up on stage!" The screaming that ensues is chaotic and deafening. "Now, our guys are going to walk out and pick their ladies. Now remember, manners are a must!" 

Wait, they are going to pick out people to take on stage! Wow, whoever they pick is going to be lucky!

 I watch as the guys step off the stage and move through the crowd. Looks like Simons ex, is coming our way. Simon is quick to look at all of us.

"Who wants a dance on my behalf?" Simon offers up. 

Wait. What.

"ME." Lirael is dead serious but Simon only scoffs at her.

"You can't keep your hands to yourself." Simon turns his attention to me and gives me a wicked smug smile. "MELITA!"

Huh? Me? Oh my ...

 I shake my hands in front of me, feeling embarrassed, "No, no, no.. Jackson would not... Hey!" Simon grabs my hand and pulls me towards him, only to push me into Adam who nods and smiles.

I shake my head again and Simon tells me, "It's just a dance Mel!" 

Adam pulls me towards the stage where they are setting up chairs. He leans next to my ear, "Don't worry. It'll be fun. You just can't touch unless I direct your hand. Just follow my lead and you'll do fine."

I don't know about that. I think I'm going to die of embarrassment.