
The Abandoned Palace Renovation(1)

It had been three days since Papa offered the deal to Augustus so today we will go back there and know what he had decided on. But, as I looked at Papa right now, he was so sure that Augustus would agree to his proposal.

On our way out of the palace, I looked around to see if Brother Ethan or Brother Kye was around, or perhaps His Majesty or Her Majesty but I saw nothing. Every time they knew we were going somewhere, they would meet us at the entrance and would insist on going with us.

"Atlas, Brielle!" called Sir Helden."Are you off to the Alyvia Palace?"

"Yes. We're about to go," replied Papa.

Alyvia Palace. So that's the name of the palace of Augustus. 

"I happened to see Brielle looking around. It seems you're searching for them," observed Sir Helden."They were just gone for a walk so they couldn't see you off."

A walk? Oh, it must be a request by Oriana. So that's how things work right now huh? They already accepted her as a family. Well, as long as they're happy, I'm also happy.

"We're going now, Sir Helden. Augustus is waiting for us," I said.

"Augustus? Oh, you mean the fifth pr—," Sir Helden mentioned.

I didn't hear the last word that Sir Helden said because Papa suddenly carried me in his arms and walked past him. I supposed it was not that important. I just waved my hand to Sir Helden as we walked away.


Alyvia Palace

Craw, Craw, Craw.

The state of the palace was still the same and there were crows at the entrance gate.

As we went inside, I saw Augustus tending a white horse. The horse was so beautiful as it was touched by the sunlight.

It was not too long until Augustus felt our presence.

"Who are you?!" Augustus exclaimed.

Did he not recognize us? 

"We're here as we promised last time to know your decision. So what is it?" asked Papa.

"...If I accept your proposal...could I get the money right now?" Augustus inquired.

"Yeah, we have the money as promised," Papa answered.

"Then, I'll accept your proposal," Augustus agreed."Where is the money?"

"Do you need the money to heal your horse?" I asked. Seeing the injured horse, it seemed that he wanted the money for the healing potion. I was right. Last time, I had a glimpse of the injured horse but I thought it was just my imagination. So it was clear to me why Papa is confident that Augustus would accept the offer and because of the horse. Papa must have seen it also the last time.


"Colt!" yelled Augustus.

The horse was so sick that it might die at any minute. It had a big injury on its leg and it could no longer stand.

"Heal the horse, Brielle," said Papa.

"Are you sure Papa? You're allowing me?" I asked.

It was the first time Papa initiated to give treatment. What a sudden change of attitude?

I went beside Colt and healed him. I could see the surprise on Augustus' face as he saw the big injury of Colt disappear in a second. Colt, who was a minute away from dying, was now standing firmly like it could run a thousand miles.

Augustus smiled.

"You're now smiling," I mentioned.

He immediately hid his face and it went back to his normal expression.

"So the problem has been solved. And also here is the money," Papa said, handing Augustus a bag of money.

"It's too much for an abandoned palace," Augustus pointed out.

"Take it. Abandoned or not, it's still a palace. A home," Papa answered."So, let's start renovating this place and make it more beautiful than the Imperial Palace."

"Really? You want to compete with the Imperial Palace?!" we said in chorus.

I laughed.

"Papa is funny, isn't Augustus?" I asked, laughing."You should get used to Papa since we're living together now. It will get noisy. "

I glanced at Augustus and saw that he was smiling. Being lonely in an abandoned palace for a long time must be hard. Well, not anymore."You're smiling like this," I said, mimicking how he smiled.

"I'm not and I don't smile like that. You look like Colt," Augustus denied.

"That's how you smile! Smiling suits you the best," I teased.

"No, I'm not," Augustus denied again. "And stop teasing me."He had this embarrassed expression.

"Yeah, sure, you're not glad to have us," I said.

"Come here! Let's start removing the withered plants in the garden," Papa shouted.

I immediately held Augustus' arm and ran to where Papa was and happily said, "Come on Augustus. Let's make our home bright and beautiful."

"...Okay, Brielle," Augustus said.

In the middle of the dusty, grassy garden;

Under the light of the glowing sun.

The first time he said my name.

And, magically, everything tastes like summer strawberries and morning tea.

That feeling will always be. Forever. The way he will remember me.