
Where the heart is

Helena Smith was a lady who seemed to have it all. Smart, beautiful and sexy as hell. But she had one major flaw - as what others seemed to think of it - she is an orphan. Ashton Kempt. Edison Hunt. Known to others as the 'golden boys'. Why? They are perfect. Rich, smart, confident and handsome. One is gentle and refined. The other one is gruff and manly. One is from the present while the other is from her past. Will she be drawn back to the man from her past? A past that she has been running away from. Or will she take the leap and go into the waiting arms of the one from her present. Will she be able to start dreaming of a future with him? Just when life was starting to go well for her, people from her past started turning up. What would she do now that someone wants to hurt her and her family? Would she run away again just like before or would she stay and face her demons? A heartwarming story about a woman who deals with every curve ball that life throws at her. Watch how Helena overcomes her doubts, distrust and traumas with the help of those around her. Be with her as she tries to find out who she really is and come out triumphant.

Bliss_Cale · perkotaan
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204 Chs

Chapter 12 Applicant #4: Edison Hunt

With Jefferson gone, I begin to feel uncomfortable which made me wished that it was Jefferson who was with me instead of Edison. I reached into my bag to drink water. I always have a bottle with me where ever I go.

"I saw you earlier." came Edison's unexpected statement.

Good thing that I have swallowed the water already or else I might have spat it unto his face. I turned around to face him with a questioning look. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Where did you see me?"

"I saw you stub your foot on the pavement while you were crossing. It was Ericka's car by the way. The one that honked really loud." he said.

"Made sense. I knew from the depths of my soul that we will never get along." I muttered which earned a smile from Edison.

"I have a feeling that not getting along with Ericka is the least of your worries." he said and flashed me one of his rare smiles.

Saying that his smile is gorgeous is the understatement of the year. It is beyond gorgeous, it is other worldly, ethereal. My mind can't even find the words to describe how beautiful his smile is. Maybe because he rarely smiles that is why people would be caught off guard when he does. Yeah, I think that's it. It's not that I am attracted to him or whatever. NOPE! I AM DEFINITELY NOT ATTRACTED! my mind screamed while my heart is in contradiction judging by its erratic beating.

I saw Edison scratch the back of his head with a bemuse expression on his face and realized that I have not responded to what he said before he smiled. Oh, yeah the smile! I shook my head mentally to bring myself back to reality.

"I honestly do not care about Ericka. Not seeing each other would do both of us a great favor." I belatedly answered in a breathy manner.

He seemed to have noticed my unusual voice for he asked, "Are you okay?" A nod was just my reply without really looking at him.

"I make you uncomfortable do I?" he asked in a quiet voice. I wanted to deny it but thought that my honesty would make it better between us.

"A little. I guess it is because we do not know each that well yet." I said and smiled.

"I did not see you being uncomfortable with Jeff earlier." he pointed out. Which I have to admit was true.

"Jeff is warm." I unconsciously heard myself saying and I could have given myself a slap.

"I get that. He is warm and I'm cold." he half jokingly said.

"Look, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you. Its just that you are so aloof and you rarely smile and don't talk too much." I clarified.

"I talk. But only to those that I want to talk to." he said. "Well, that was the first time I saw you and the second was when your shoe got stuck on the grate." and he chuckled.

I can feel myself heating up. He actually witness my most embarrassing moment. Well, not most but still one of my not so stellar moments. "Hmmmp!" was the only response that I gave him which made him laugh. His laugh was nice to hear. It's like a slow rumble of thunder that came from his chest and belly and not just a throaty laugh. Well, I guess I should be feeling good since I managed to make him laugh.

We both were quiet for a few minutes, when out of the blue he said, "You don't talk too much do you?"

"I am not that good at socializing." I said shyly. I know most people would find me a boring person but I guess that is just who I am.

"I can see that." came his curt reply which made me feel more embarrassed. Why can't I be like Ericka who can just strike up a conversation with anyone? Or like Jefferson who makes you feel comfortable even when you are not talking. I felt sad because Edison pointed out something in me that I was really trying to rectify.

"Do you play football?" I suddenly asked which made him look at me with surprise.

"What made you say that?" he asked.

"Well, you are kind of built like one." I said. I cursed at myself. So much for trying to strike up a conversation, Helena. I guess I offended him with my question.

"You're right. I was a football player." he said when he noticed my beet red face. He smiled at me gently. I guess he kind of knew that I was trying to talk to him. It just came out weird. But because he appreciated my effort and did not point out the obvious of me not saying the appropriate thing, it made me warm up to him a little.

"Well, I guess you attracted a lot of female audience while you were playing." I smiled at him genuinely.

He stared at me for a few seconds. I guess my smile creeped him out. He might think that I'm trying to make a pass on him which I'm not, I think?

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make a pass on you or something." I mumbled.

I just saw him nod which made me feel like everything is fine and dandy.

"Why don't you give me your number and social media account?" he said. I looked at him incredulously.

"What? You gave it to Jeff when he asked for it. Why can't you give it to me?" he said defensively while his face was slightly turning red.

I was still surprised with him asking for my personal details but I still gave it to him. I trusted Jeff and he is Jeff's best friend so I guess that should also mean that I should trust him, came my convoluted conversation with myself. So I did just that.

After a short while, the door opened and Jefferson came out looking puzzled and was shortly followed by Ms Jennifer who said, "Edison Hunt, please come in."

Edison stood up and I heard myself saying "Good luck!" I though he did not hear me since he started walking away.

"Thanks." he said when he was half way towards the conference room. He then half turned and said, "I wouldn't mind you know?" When he saw that I was confused, "Making a pass on me." he added. He then turned and walked away.

I felt my jaw dropping six feet below the ground. What did he just say? He wouldn't mind if I make a pass on him? Him! He is seriously super hot though aloof! He welcomes my attention. Yeeeeeeeeiiiii!!!! I internally screamed.

I felt someone sitting beside me and when I looked up, I saw Jefferson looking at me with an incredulous expression on his face.

"What did just happen?" he asked.