
Prologue - Peculiar Feel

As a kid I liked to sleep, by practice there rose an ability to daydream, which allowed my soul to wonder into distant lands, furthest from what earth defines.

But that time was different...

Whilst releaseing my soul image something felt different all of sudden, as making through the space and time. I let the experience overcome myself, then my, no, someones eyes opened, as I saw a spear sticking through my belly.

Strangely there was no pain, but only cold flowing through the wound.

Then memories struck me! All life's worth of skills, experiences, and griefs flooded me in an instant. next thing was the yell I heard:

'He stood up, monster!' a bandit that killed me fleed in fear.

Not fast enough though...

My fist burst into his head leaving fragments of brain flailing all over the place, leaving the two rogues left stunned in place.

Huge leap, then kick to the arm, which trherefore severed the limb along with stopping the heart by a mighty blow.

'One more left til the sweet revenge.' Trader thought. 'Why that power imbued me only after death, thanks anyway stranger...' He thought to me for farawell, as last cutpurse was smacked into pieces with a human club.

Now I had finally the willpower to take over my new body. Merchant left for good.

I checked my surroundings, then realized the amount of goods thrown around. There was at least 100 pounds of steel in various utensils left to sell! Strange thing - local currency was patterned steel, the thinner the lines forged, the more value piece had. They were usually round bullets with a hole in the middle to allow for easy carriage.

Now the question is: sell the goods in Evea, nearest town, or explore the wilderness? I chose the latter, hiding all mess in the forest's soil, memorizing the place.

The trees were not as these on earth at all, more like carbonic horsetail flora. The animals matched scenery perfectly - insect like creatures roamed the place, as I checked my body, found an armour made of hitin affixed to my body.

Curious enough...

After drinking some water from a vine, which contained nutritients according to traders wit, I decided to get back to the treasures, and make for the settlement.

After brief tax collecture, all I had to do was set place on local market, then wares were distributed as hot buns - all goods were premium quality everyday use items.

Then went to the tavern to get some rest...

As my body rose from bed, I had terrible headache, it appeared that I was out for ten hours, drained and limp. After nutrition and taking a shower, my thoughts kept running in the ways of what just happened.

There was only one thing to do...

Here it goes...

Based on my dreams, as it will be all through the story.

Brace for some good s**t upcoming!

ludoziel0303creators' thoughts