
where is the water

Poisoning water ?! In the year 2069 the world will suffer from the disappearance of water. And this time not because of drought or desertification or any of the natural problems. Rather, it is by the organization built by Angel. the plan was poisoning the dams in the whole world ...and other crazy ways made by this girl and her group of sociopaths.

angel1v1 · perkotaan
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finding the right one

ughh !!! it's been 3 months now trying to built a group of unique ,smart and crazy people but i couldn't find any. I'm so pissed. so tell me now Mr Casein. how can we do this ...

casein: Patience angel... patience.

angel: i'm tired of searching, I'm starting to lose hope of finding one person for the organization..we have to search more Casein...let's look at the slums today. I think we will be able to find some interesting people there.

casein: (smirk) mmmm what is your plan?

angel: you will know soon

casein: You know, our goal is to find people who are very skilled in the use of guns. Why do you think we will find them in the slums? you're not talking about knives, are you? hahaha i think we are looking for someone who uses very advanced weapons. These are the ones we will need in our war, and they are supposed to be rich..we need to manipulate them and have them in our side.

Angel: hahahahaha weapons??? what are you talking about. this plan have changed 3 months ago. oh so i haven't tell you my dear. The strategy of the war between us and the world (almost) has changed. There is no need for any weapons ...or only now. The important thing is, we will strike the human being at his obvious weakness, without which he cannot live. Although he does not really see its importance. it's Water !!!!. It's going to be a water war Casein. !! we will poison all the dams ..Of course, this is just the first operation.. As for the next plan to get rid of the water permanently, I will tell you about it later so get ready my dear .Our organization will be spread globally and not only in our country..I know this will take some time. But believe me, I have a great plan. you should get excited and stop making that surprised face you look so funny hahahah... i know I'm genius tho haha.

casein : what the hell are you talking about ???? i don't really get what are you saying but Whoever called you by that name, I think he was trying to hide your true identity. you're a deviiilll !!

angel: alright alright. now let's stop wasting time. we have to go find the third member of our group ! tooo the slumss !! yeaaah!!!! .

... goes to the slums

. someone is sitting and observing all the neighbors while noting something In her book . a blond haired girl .She started laughing as she looked at her book. Suddenly she got up and killed a candy seller .