
Where in the Naruto World did a guy like that come from?

Can't we all be friends, shinobi-sama?

WEBjadeB · Komik
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4 Chs

Konoha Genin Episode 1

Fire Country, Konohagakure

Sitting in the corner of the class with one of his hands resting on his cheek. Itsuka, 12, a student at the Konoha Ninja Academy, looked absentmindedly out the window.

"How much time do I have for this waste of time? I need to find an effective chakra cultivation method quickly." He thought 

While the academy students who were scattered around the room chatted animatedly among themselves in the middle of the break. A certain boy with yellow hair and whiskers on his cheeks ran quickly past them until he reached his desk.

¨Gosh! I'm almost late!¨

Said this boy named Naruto Uzumaki, Hyperactive Idiot and the worst student in the class as he smiled from ear to ear, relieved to have at least arrived.

Seeing this, Itsuka turned to look at him curiously, wondering how such a being like Kurama could fit into such an idiotic and small body. Reminding himself not to call him kyubi even in his mind because he hated him.

¨ It's good to have read the plot to the end so I could win Kurama's favor. Maybe sharing chakra wouldn't be impossible - Itsuka thought.

Naruto, noticing his gaze, smiled at him and greeted him, waving his hand friendly from side to side, earning the blushes of the girl next to Itsuka, Hinata Hyuga, and causing Itsuka himself to look away, ignoring him.

"It's a mistake to get involved with Naruto at this point in the story, who knows, it might cause him to gain unnecessary attention with Mizuki," he thought.

Being blatantly ignored Naruto's face showed a sad expression before quickly returning to his usual friendly expression before sitting down and waiting for the teacher.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but my life is the most important thing on my priority list," he thought apologetically in his mind to the blonde boy.

After a few moments through the classroom door he glimpsed the figure of Iruka - sensei

"Naruto, don't think I haven't noticed that you're late, be grateful for my good mood because I won't punish you today," said Iruka.

earning a "Y-yes, Iruka-Sensei, Thank you very much!" from the blonde-haired boy in the class.

Leaning a little closer and still bored, Itsuka went from waiting as class resumed to its end.

When it was time to leave, Itsuka ran into Naruto and someone he didn't want to see at the entrance to the academy.

"Naruto, how have you been? Did you do well in class?"

"Yes, Mizuki-sensei I did well! Today I'm sure even Sasuke was jealous of me because of how I did it!"

After seeing this scene, Itsuka silently retreated, careful to make eye contact because Mizuki is not someone he dared to face yet, not until the day Naruto steals the scroll.

By moving like this he gained some of Mizuki's attention but Mizuki soon forgot about it.

Soon, Itsuka arrived at his home: a small house on the outskirts of the village.

Itsuka rummaged through some drawers, found a chakra extraction scroll, he sat down and started practicing since time was short and he wasn't planning on failing like Naruto did in the original story.

"With this level of chakra I can make at least 3 shadow clones in addition to the transformation technique."

After verifying the basic techniques, he had to see how he was in the elemental ninjutsu section.

¨No progress as expected, there is a reason why Sasuke is called a genius, managing to perform the Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu at the age of 4 ¨

Although somewhat disappointed, Itsuka continued to work hard because he understood that this world was a hard place because it was full of threats that were increasingly stronger than the previous ones.









Not to mention those who are not powers but could not even think of facing in their current state such as Mizuki, Zabuza, Gaara, or Kabuto. Basically this world was anything but safe

"But looking at the positive side of things at least I was born in Konoha. If I had been born in another Village I would have died unfortunately against the Konoha 12 or Might Guy in case of a war."

After sighing at his sad situation, Itsuka continued training and at the end of the last night he went to sleep.