
Where do birds go?

Growing up the scheme of Glasgow a young girl discovers who she is. After a tragic loss She moves to America with a family she doesn't want to know. Shoved into a world with money and glitz keira struggles to to accept the new life she's given. Will she be able to or will the ones she trust hurt her the My name is Keira Campbell and this is my story.

Stephers · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter one

Bang bang bang!.

What the fuck is that? I Grone as I roll over onto my back trying to remember what the fuck who the fuck and where the fuck am I?

Blinking my eyes open I try to make Sense of my surroundings lifting my head up I see I'm on the couch lying on Scott.Ah, yes last night starts to come back to me, after we left the park we headed to Scott's friend Scars house we had a drink there, then I think we came back to my house and had a Drink here-


Now I remember why I'm awake to begin with the doors banging so loudly it's going to fall off the

Hinges. Pfft, it's too fuckin early for this.

Lifting my self off Scott not so gracefully I stumble off him almost falling on the floor and march towards the door trying not to stand on anyone on my way. How much did I have to drink?

There's a good chance I'm still drunk, my mouths like cotton wool And I'm vaugly aware I'm in knickers and a vest, Fucking fantastic.

When I finally reach the door I swing it open with so much force I need to grip tight not to let it bang into the wall.

It's only then I figure out the I must have not locked the door last night. I Could have been killed by a serial killer or robbed. Just how fucked was I?

"Wha" words died on my tongue.

Standing on my door step is none other than Lucas Star himself. What does he look like you might ask? well they really aren't words.

He's well he's stunning. I mean like really pretty the kind of pretty that only women should be allowed to get away with.

He's 6ft at least shaved head but not to far in just enough it would be spikey if I touched his head.Full plump lips strong jaw line and his eyes.There a beautiful shade of blue striking actually.Like he's looking right into yours soul. Eyes like that shouldn't exsist it's unnatural at least that's what I tell myself.

"Why the aren't you dressed"is the first words out of his mouth. Before  I can even respond he's pushing me aside and barging in.

"Why come on in nice to see you too"I say making sure he heard me as I shut the door door.

Turning round i follow him into the living room not that it's far 3 steps from the front door.

"You have a party here last night? His voice is deep and that American accent making me feel a feeling I'm not to comfortable with.

"Well done Sherlock if I need to find anything I'll make sure to call you " I Say putting as much sarcasm as I can behind it.

"It's disgusting in here I'll wait in your kitchen " he said lifting one eyebrow at me while walking out and looking round with a scroll on his face.

Not giveing him a reply I turn around and pick up Scott's t shirt that's on the floor tugging it over my head it falls to mid thigh.

Walking over to Scott who's still asleep on my black sofa. "Scott get up"I say shaking him, blinking awake Scott looks up at me and says.

"What time is it bird"his nickname for me because according to him I'd fly away like a bird if I had wings.

"The fuck I know Lucas is here get up I need to get everyone out and get coffee before I can have a conversation with anyone "I say as I turn around and shout "Everyone up and get out". No one moves if I didn't see them breathing you would think they where dead.

Rolling my eyes I give Scott a pleading look

Sighing he says "EVERYONE get the fuck up and get out"That does the trick. Just as the word leave his mouth people start getting up and heading for the door.

Mumbling "Thank fuck" under my breath I head out the living room and upstairs to the bathroom shutting the door I lean over the sink staring at my reflection. Standing at the grand height of 5/2 my hair is yellow and blonde  curtesy of box hair dyes, my brown eyes are big but dull at the same time My nose is small With a small amount of freckles on them. Being fifteen I'm not completely stopped growing yet so my body still just isn't quite there.Shaking myself out the thoughts I wash my hands and face brush my teeth and put my hair in a plate.I haven't cut it in 5 years and it's so thick I cant barely do anything with it.

Leaving the bathroom and going to my room I look in my wardrobe and pull out black leggings put them on then my black top with a scull on it, throwing ilon my converse I leave my room and head towards the kitchen.

"Keira"Lucas says as I walk into the kitchen Scott's Also standing there looking at Lucas with a glare on his face.

"Where's Thomas and my ma?"I ask while reaching for a cup in the shelf to make myself a coffee.

"There at the Hotel they tried to call but your phones off. You where suppose to meet them this morning so I came over to get you the quicker this is over with the quicker I get fucking home"he states while staring directly to me with those eyes.I really do hate his fucking eyes.

"No one asked you to come here richey rich I was drunk last night and to be honest I'm still drunk. I also have no idea where the fuck my phone is"I say while I shrug my shoulders.Takeing a sip of my coffee I turn to Scott "You seen my phone?"I ask.

"Yeah I think I might have give me two minutes" he says then walks out the kitchen storming is actually more like it.

"Where's your father?asks Lucas

"Work "I tell him without missing a beat still sipping my coffee with my back to the sink.

"Mmm lets get going the less I spend in here the more likely i won't end up with a Sti"he says as he heads towards the front door.

Grinding my teeth together I finish the coffee in two gulps put it in the sink and head to the living room to get my keys and hopefully my fucking phone.Scotts standing there now fully dressed with my phone in his hand.

"Here found it under the couch think I kicked it last night"he says as he hands me the phone and starts to put on his jacket.

"I shouldn't be long hopefully they won't keep talking about shit  then I'll be back" I say as I pick up my keys denim jacket and step out and lock the door.

Turning round I almost bump into Scott I didn't relise he was standing that close.

"Phone me when you're done bird"he says as he looks down into my eyes,he leands down and presses his lips to mine moving one hand my face and the other to my back. I lean into him and kiss him back. I really do love Scott I can't get enough of the way he kisses the way he holds me they way shows me day in how much I mean to him.

Pulling away he puts his forehead on mine and closes his eyes.

"I need to go I'll be back soon"I say as I give him one final kiss on the lips.Spinning around I make my way towards Lucas who is sitting in what I can  assume is a hired car coincidering it doesn't scream Im loaded.

I open the door and get in before I can shut the door he's speeding off down the street.

"Seriously? Can you slow the fuck down before we end up in the hospital. "I say as I put on my seatbelt.

"Have you slept with him?"Asks Lucas.

I tense up for a secend before composing myself.

"No" I reply making my voice sound normal as possible.

"Your  fifteen he must be my age if he's touched you, you do know that's rape right?".Says Lucas with a bite to his tone.

"He could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out"says Lucas with a slight smirk on his lips.

"I haven't done anything with him except kiss he's eighteen but you know I can sleep with him when I turn sixteen in this country right?"I say turning my head to stare at him.

With his jaw clenched he reply's "Your still too fucking young Keira  and that guy looks like he's on fucking drugs".

I can't actually believe the nerve of him. My mother was a addict he should know he lives with the bitch. taking a deep breath I look at him and say.

"I've known Scott my whole life He doesn't have a problam with drugs so just drop it the sooner we get to ma and Thomas the sooner use can all fuck back off home and leave me alone".

Lucas shoots me a glare but doesn't say anything else.Turning towards the window I pull out my earphones and let the music drown out my thoughts of Lucas fucking Star.