
THE SURPRISE THAT AWAITED THEM ALL. wondering why Jeff would suddenly get this angry he turned all defensive and protective of his house and loved ones.

Melody on the other side looked worried and doubtful about seeing Ben's ghost, or was it him that remained to be researched 'was he him? how ...why ....Is it possible?'she asked more to herself that to ask others

She ran to the adjacent door which was Joe's room, to look through the Window again, she was looking through a telescope in the boys room when she suddenly saw a guy , the same one she had seen before, his looks were that of Ben even now that she was seeing him more clearly using aid of a telescope she was still doubtful ,and why not ? she saw him die , this must be her mind playing tricks on her she thought but....no she was sure that this was Ben, ...what? she looked again but saw nothing, the spot where she thought she had seen Ben was occupied by a very beautiful girl, she seemed lost, Melody naturally would have gone to help or find out whether she needed anything including help but her mind was occupied by this macho man whose looks were identical or almost similar to that of his brother's dead uncle. 'Why was I the only one seeing him, am I loosing it ? 'she wondered

Looking at the beautiful structures right in front of her she wondered why of all the places Ben would show up in the home of Jackson who was innocent of killing him, this house was Jackson' s childhood home , this was where the buried him and the rest, but it was also his home inherited by his older brother, passed down to his son by order, Ben was dead. She tried to convince herself turning round with a smile plastered on her beautiful face, she never wanted to bother them anymore or stress them but deep inside she was worried.

Remembering Jeff 's question earlier her body begun to form goosebumps , but why would a ghost choose here, they are related by blood, he wanted all of them dead except for Jeff, will he kill Jackson or what? she looked at him then her son who fondly held his hand while listening to his father's brother accusations, she felt for him, wanting to protect him. The wind hallowed outside and she heard his laughter, she went wild in fear and uncertainty of what was happening.

"Look at you, all confused this is your house man, tell me what's wrong with it, why is she all scared are you keeping some ghosts in your home? "Jeff had asked Jackson getting no answer he followed Melody's movements and so did the rest of the group. "why is she getting this wild"Jeff was still talking running after his sister.

Jackson was still being defensive even though there was no reason for him to be, he kept to his stand that everything was fine, he was like a broken record repeating himself on and on , it was so hilarious even though they were all confused because of what Melody was doing... running around the windows talking to herself, they followed her laughing... only the boy was thinking, he didn't see why they would laugh, he followed his pretty sister up close, wanting to second her in whatever she believed in...whatever it was.

"She was fine, there is nothing wrong with the house don't scare the kid ,this is his house too" Jackson was getting defensive making Jeff want to tease him more especially now that everyone was laughing at him, it was also the right time for him to discuss other important matters concerning their lines of produce from

a to z, Jackson had mourned his dead family enough someone had to tell him that, yet he had to be serious with his brother's carefree attitude, he was becoming an idler stay home dad yet this could mess their resources and investments, coming home to him was to talk about business little did he know he would be having so many surprises.

"Take a breather man ,its been days you need to physically tend to your people and the company" Jeff said

Jeff was trying to reduce the tension by changing the subject to that of Jackson idleness lately, he was not sure if Jackson was even listening.

Jackson was managing the family business, it was his duty as the first son of the family but as usual he did his works under the bridge, in the covers , very secretive and no one knew why he was doing it that way.

He had no job description, being a male model for many years saw him get lazy and more fun hunter despite his age telling him that it was time to act serious be responsible, modeling made him mingle with all age groups all of them acting spoiled , hunting fun and adventurers, his life meant him enjoying money without working hard for it,that was thanks to all his now dead family members who were working hard for him and giving him the breakdown through his assistant but now he had left completely leaving his managerial work to his assistant

Jeff was willing to guide him back to his feet after all he was running the business since, but he didn't want to let Jackson be the same Jackson from before, this Jackson from before was bad news, a headache,

Jumping from one entertainment company to another,whenever he went to his their company he would work in different departments the worker would think he was broke after wasting his money with women, everyone termed Jackson to be a player and they'd tell him that openly, he never reacted to their criticism

He would clean, cook attend meetings, every department name it he was there, the worse was that he even indulged in the departmental games and gossip, he knew every employees by name, he also worked at other entertainment companies as well but to confuse his employees. They called him Hassler, his disappearance was nothing new but a way of catching the worm or better yet many worms.

He had gone for too long , it was almost two months since the incident, Jeff was running up and down dealing with everything so today he visited to handover the responsibility to the owner.

He didn't know the surprise that awaited him until Melody came screaming.