
"thou shalt not shit in public"

I am currently on toilet ashamed of what I have become. my parents did not see this man when they raised me. I have failed everyone. I am so... so so so so so so so so so so sorry. whoever I hurt. whoever had expectations in me, are all disappointed. I wanna let go of everything I know and everyone I know. so that's exactly what I am going to do. I will go to Poland and live as a goat for my treacherous act. as stated in law book 5 chapter 862 paragraph 7 sentence 2 "thou shalt not shit his pants in public, for that is treason against the holy gods, and the king". no one shall know my name anymore. I am dead.

Going to Poland will be hard, since there is a bounty on my head for 70521 pounds of diamonds. I need to escape. right now. or never.


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