
When You See the Aliens, Run.

An adventure story with a lot of run on sentences about how much the world sucks.

happy_chestnut · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Sorry I Tried to Murder You


I was just trying to put the stupid medicine back in the trunk when I heard screaming. God damnit. I can't leave you alone for one minute.

I slammed the trunk shut and stomped over to the front of the car, wrenching the door open to see Jack holding a fucking knife to Bendy's throat. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and he was seething with pure rage. I almost laughed, with a reluctant amusement, but I couldn't just let him kill her. We were supposed to be working on his murderous tendencies. And... mine.

I tried to school my face back into a neutral position before forcing Jack's arms far enough away from Bendy's neck so she could slip out of his grip & get out of the car to safety.

Jack struggled, trying to get past me, but I held him down until his breathing was softer panting, and the crazed look in his eyes had glazed over.

Jack tapped my shoulder, asking to be released, so I eased back slowly and when he didn't try and jump past me, I opened the door and stepped out.

<<what's his problem?>> Bendy snapped as soon as the latch had clicked. I sighed & went to hop onto the trunk to sit on the roof. Bendy followed and stared, waiting for me to talk.

I scratched my head, trying to word it correctly. <<It's nothing personal. He tries to kill me on a daily basis.>>

Bendy was silent for a minute before asking, <<why doesn't he talk?>>

I narrowed my eyes and said coolly, <<'cause he doesn't.>>

Bendy raised an eyebrow but nodded.

Ugh. <<Jack's a little messed up in the head. He's always been like that, for as long as I've known him. He was. He was my neighbor before this shitshow.>>

Bendy eyed me, <<Why have you stuck with him all this time? He's insane.>>

… <<He's also my friend, so watch your mouth.>>

Bendy rolled her eyes but finally shut up.

It was quiet after that and we sat there for a while, looking out into the desert of nothing.

<<How'd you end up out here? You got a car? A group?>>

Bendy played with a frayed string on her jeans. <<I'm from east of here. I've been looking for other survivors. You're the first people, alive, that I've come across.>>

<<well then,>> I held out a hand, <<what do you say you join us?>>

Bendy stared down at my hand and blinked up at me. <<We literally just met.>>

<<yeah, well. The bigger the numbers, the better your chances are, you know?>>

Bendy scrunched her nose & shook her head, grabbing my hand for a shake. <<fuck it. Yolo (and the whole world cringed). okay>>