
When You'll See Me

"I am not here to light up your world, candy. I'm here to walk you through the dark". "I wish I could see you" She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulders. He took her hand and placed it on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. "That's yours. Forget appearance, this is all you need to see my soul". "What if it stops beating?" "It won't. If it does, it probably stopped in mine so it could jump out and beat in yours". She never saw him even when he was right beside her. He made her smile even though she could never tell his emotions. He gave her love even when it was bound to fail. He gave her all of him though he was only a stranger to her. And when the time came, he was ready to give his life even though he would only remain a memory. Because all he could be was a stranger she wished to see.

Chara_Serene · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

One misery deserves another


I sat outside idly, humming to my favourite song. Mistress and her fiance were in there, having some discussion. It didn't bother me as long as her hands were off me.

"Isla!" Well that was short-lived! What could I say?. Fate must have pictured me as her toxic ex. I stood up and dusted my dress.

Before I could go in, she came out. I braced myself for a slap but nothing came.

"I told you to stop acting like I'm about to devour you". Hearing his voice made me relax instantly.

He was kind and sweet, just the opposite of mistress. Indeed opposites attract.

"H-Hello sir" I greeted, keeping my thoughts to myself. He touched my face gently and I flinched.

"Hey, relax. I'm not going to hurt you" He said soothingly. I nodded though my body trembled in fear. What if she sees this? She'll kill me for sure. He made me sit beside him.

"I have news" He started. His tone suggested I wouldn't like it.

"What is it, sir?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to take Martha on a vacation and we need to start planning our wedding. Staying in Eden would be a lot of distraction so.... "

" We're moving? " I interrupted.

" Just Martha and I" He said quietly.

" I don't.. I don't understand. You're leaving me? " I began to panic. I didn't care if mistress was a monster or not, atleast I knew what I was dealing with. I couldn't cope by myself. I couldn't...

"Isla listen to me..." He cupped my face to get my attention. I tried to panic less and have faith.

" We're not abandoning you or anything. We will come back in less than a year. We're not leaving forever" His assurance meant nothing to me now.

I would be alone. All by myself in a place I didn't know. How would I survive? Were they taking

me back to my cell?. I had so many questions.

"What a-about m-me?" I stuttered out one of my numerous questions.

"You can't stay here..." He started. I knew it! I knew it!

"Isla, stop panicking and listen. You'll be returning to the palace". A tear slid down my cheek.

" P-Please d-don't... Don't send me back p-please. I'll do a-anything you ask... "

" No one is sending you back to you cell or anything. You'll be working there" He explained.

" Working? " I muttered as he wiped my tears.

" Yes. I assure you that you will be treated better than Martha ever did. You'll be well fed and free from unnecessary torture" He told me.

" So I'll be subjected to necessary torture?" I asked, a bit puzzled and he laughed.

"Fuck, no. No one it going to torture you Isla. You'll be fine, I promise".

" I-I believe you" I muttered and he kissed my forehead.

" Okay, you can stop being so affectionate to the girl before me" Mistress hissed and I pulled away from him quickly. Has she been here all along?.

"Stop scaring the girl, Martha. You said you'll let me handle it" He sighed.

"I only did because I didn't expect you to treat her like your long lost daughter. I won't pretend to like a stupid human girl getting attached to my husband" She scoffed.

" Fiance" He corrected and I bet she rolled her eyes. I would roll mine too.

"Alright, since you basically have nothing to pack, you can get going now. I'm sure the palace can spare a few rags.... "

" Martha! " He groaned.

" What? Do I have to pretend I'll miss her to please your little fragile heart?" She huffed.

" Do you have anything you might want to pack?" He asked me. I did have a few things but I knew mistress wanted me no where near her house so I shook my head.

"Alright, I'll take you" He offered.

"Thank you" I mumbled as he took the chains off my feet as well as the collar.

I touched my neck, relieved to be free from the metal bondage.

I wanted to believe I would be fine but I knew deep down my sorrows were far from over. This was probably just the beginning and I wasn't wrong.


"Let me go p-please" I cried as I got pulled in different directions. I struggled to break free but in no time, I was on the ground, getting kicked.

My ribs were hurting from the kicks I received. I tried to shield my sides but I got hit in the chest and I was coughing out blood the next minute.

My pleas became muffled as I struggled to breathe. Pa, please save me! I sobbed as blood trickled down my nose.

"That's enough! What the hell is going on here? " I heard ma'am Serena's voice. My whole body was hurting. I spat out more blood and she rushed to me.

"Isla? Isla?! What have you done to her?" She yelled at them.

She tried to get me up but I winced unable to stand.

"Get her up, you morons! Now!" She snapped and I tried to swallow the pain as they lifted me off the ground and dropped me on the bed.

"Go on and explain yourselves. Why would you gang on a girl who can't even defend herself? " She asked.

" Ma'am actually... We... She... It wasn't our fault..." I heard several meaningless excuses. No one could give an explanation.

"Isla, can you speak? Why did they attack you?" She asked.

I couldn't speak. She wants to put me in more trouble, doesn't she?. Her barging in was just a coincidence.

She's never here when they hit me because they can. She's not here when they shove me into walls and lockers because they can. She's not here when they pull my hair or trip me because they can. She not here when they force me to kiss the floors or step on me because they can.

Just because they can. Just because I'm alone and weak. I make them feel powerful. You think vampires are the worst until you meet your fellow humans.

"Since no one will talk, I assume you don't have a reason for this brutality. I will have to punish you all" Ma'am Serena said and they murmured.

" I'll talk" Someone blurted and there was silence.

"They beat her because they think you treat her differently".

"That's true. Congratulations by the way, your punishments have been doubled" She announced and my stomach sank.

If only she knew how much trouble she just out me in.