
When Worlds Collide (Redo)

"This is a journey of a boy named Melt, who had forgotten about his past. He meets Net, who claims to know him and takes him to a school to be Melt's teacher in order for him to hopefully regain his memories. There he meets new classmates and friends. However, the school is not that ordinary. The Mage, a powerful being contacts them to do a mission they can only do that involves saving the entire Solar System."

MeltyDraws · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Inside Of Me

A lot happened today. I don't believe so many things could happen in such small time. What's crazier is that it's not even halfway throughout the day yet. Right now, I'm in the classroom, finally able to enter and rest a bit after that crazy misunderstanding. However, aside from these intimidating classmates of mine, this classroom is kind of unusual as well. I thought we would have a normal lesson about mathematics or science but what the hell is Net saying right now?

"Let's talk about Demons. Just so our new student can catch up, is that fine?"

All the students seemed to agree based on their responses. They don't seem to care about it that much.

Also, Demons???

"Melt, do you know what Demons are? or at least, what is your idea of a Demon?"

"Uhh, aren't demons those scary creatures from hell with evil intentions or something?"

"Hm. That is correct, however we're not talking about the demons of those that are mentioned in scriptures and such. We'll be talking about something different."

Okay? Still confused why we're talking about this though.

"The Demons I'm going to talk about are those that live in spirits. Demons that are inside of you. Melt, this is very crucial information for you. Please remember these lessons I will give and show you."

The more he stretches it out, the more I get confused. I would just nod my head in agreement every time he'd ask a question.

"Demons live within our spirits. However, they aren't awake. These Demons are powerful, and if they're awakened within us, we will be able to borrow their abilities and even talk to them in our heads."

"I am at loss. Please help me."

"Alright. He doesn't get it uhh. It's better to show it to you rather than tell you actually. Raku would you mind helping out? Show him some stuff you can do with your Demon?"

Raku, who was in her seat bored, looks at us and grunts.

"What, you want me to destroy the shitty classroom?"

"Raku, I'm aware of how small the space is here and also how powerful you are that's why we're doing it outside."


"Alright everyone. Let's go outside!

Raku gets off from her seat and walks outside to the field. Everyone follows as well.

Except for Ace. He's asleep on his desk.

As we walk outside, I noticed my classmates got into pairs with their friends and started gossiping. I heard one conversation about me from 2 girls near me named Kyra and Yume.

"Hey, Yume. Come here! Did Net pick him up from the streets as well?"

"Yeah. I heard he's from Planet Sedaya too."

"Oh. Doesn't that mean he's actually a criminal cuz like, y'know, how Sedaya is filled with em right?"

"I don't know about that actually. But hearing that, yeah, I think we need to be careful around him a bit more."

Hey, just because I steal combs and food doesn't mean I'm a criminal, alright? Also, I can hear you, stop talking about me!

Ugh... Still though, man this is very weird for a first day of school.


I felt a tap from behind my shoulder, and when I looked back, I was greeted by a short girl with green and white hair. She said hi to me in a whisper like manner and it was very cute.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh uhhhh... Yeah! I'm fine!"

"Let me reintroduce myself, my name's Sluxy! Sorry for the fuss earlier morning."

She says smiling looking like the cutest person I've ever seen in my entire damn life.

"Ah, it's okay, It wasn't really any of our faults back then. If Net just announced there was a new student, nothing could've gone wrong."

"Yeah. Also, Melt, I know it's super confusing for you right now, but you'll understand soon, and trust me, all of the people here are kind people. Don't worry too much, okay?"


"Ah! We're here! Look and observe everything very closely, okay??"

Raku walks to the other side of the field and started stretching.

"Alright Raku! Get ready! Melt! Let's continue our lesson. Raku here is going to perform an ability that comes from the energy of her Demon. Demons' powers are terrifying, so terrifying that it could destroy a country, a continent, or even the world."

As Net was talking, Raku on the other side looked at us as she lifts her arm with an open palm as she points it at my direction. Net was kind of distracted about explaining but I couldn't hear what he was saying for the sight I was seeing was incredible and and unordinary. Raku was looking at me, smiling, as if she had something in mind. I couldn't make sense of it but even though Net was there, I was scared again for the millionth time this day. I could see it, the air was spinning as it was gathering onto her palm and slowly became to shape like a transparent but dense spiral like circle.

She then, with a monotone voice and a smile, calls out and says,

"Hey. Watch Out. {{Aero Anaconda}}.

The stream of strong wind then launched from her palm into my direction at high speed. Before Net and the others could notice it, it hit my chest like a bullet and had pushed me brutally and even threw me far away from the others.


Net had panicked and ran to me to pick me up from the ground, when he got here, I already had fainted. Other students came to aid Net in helping me. Honestly, what even is going on anymore. Everything's just too sudden. Raku walked by to come and see how I was doing with this condescending look. Of course, Net didn't let this go without any kind of scolding or punishment, so he called out on Raku behind her and asked her why.

"Why? It's cuz I'm bored, I literally have nothing to do here, and besides, this prick is annoying. Aren't we all enough already to go ahead and do the mission? It felt like a waste waiting for one last member and this is him? Look how weak he is!"

Mission? Member? Honestly, can anyone just spill everything? This is annoying. Even though I'm asleep on the ground right now, I can hear everything. Why would she do that? How did she do that? Are all students here like her? Why am I really here? I was guaranteed safety and I ended up getting beat up by a girl who has air magic power stuff thing with her demon dragon whatever. The moment I stepped foot in this school, I was met with circumstances that could fucking kill me in an instant and it's absolutely annoying, I just wanna end EVERYTHING.


What? That word just came from my mouth. Aren't I unconscious?

"Melt?" Everyone was looking at me, surprised, because apparently, I too, was smiling.

"Speak up cuz I didn't hear you."

"I said it was boring. Your powers. Like, who the hell finds wind attacks nice? You blow dust and leaves away and it cools you when it's hot. An Electric Fan would've been better honestly. At least it doesn't get tired."

Raku's aura changed tremendously after I (?) said that and may have ticked her off.

"Haah! You say that but you're covered in wounds. But yeah, I do agree, I should've fucked you up with something even more fun. You insulted my Demon's powers as well, I won't let you get away with that."

Raku's smile had completely vanished after that. Her eyes looked even more scary and she looked like she was ready to completely wipe me out in a second. However, I also think the one I, at least assume is controlling me, chuckled a bit and gazed her back with eyes I feel like had an intent I didn't even know about and completely overpowered the aura she was giving off.

"Hm. Are you saying we fight now?"

"Yeah. Right here, right now."

"Raku! Stop! You've done enough--"

Net tried to stop the fight, but before he could do anything, he was blown off flying to a tree on the distance.

"Don't try to interfere. You'll end up like Net if you do."

Raku warned the other students around me, and left to go and help Net instead. 'I' must have really pissed her off to do something so unnecessary like that. Even though I'm not the one controlling my body, standing up was still pretty hard. It feels like I'm being possessed. But with everything I've seen, I don't think nothing's going to surprise me at this point.

"Hm, it seems this body is really weak. Small and kind of thin. Man, you really need to eat more."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Hm? Me, of course."

"I see, you're mentally retarded too. I think you know the outcome of this battle, it's pretty clear eh?"

"Yeah. That's why I want it to end quickly, so stop talking please."

"You. You're unusually confident. Don't worry though, I'll end it as quickly as possible."

Raku readies herself as she loads a big ball of air on her palm again and quickly jumped and attack 'me' with it from above.

"{{Calamity Ball}}."

When the ball hit 'me', it hit 'me' like a hammer and it felt like the wind was pressing down on me. It was heavy. I thought I'd die for sure but surprisingly, 'I' was holding out pretty well. Once again, I didn't know what happened. But after Raku jumped back from attacking me, she was confused as well. Not only her, but the other students that were watching were kind of surprised too. Looks like I'm not alone when it comes to it anymore.

"What just happened?"

Raku asked a good question. Dust was all around everywhere after that strong wind and it was hard to see each other. As it slowly disappeared, it revealed me, holding a shield made of purple light. My hair and tail had a gradient of purple and my eyes were pink. After the transformation, 'I' said something that had me and everyone around me open our eyes.

"I'm a Demon."

"I am you, but I am not.

We are One, but we aren't.

I am always with you,

always has been."

- Minus

MeltyDrawscreators' thoughts