
When The Reincarnated Demon Lord Uses Only 2% Of His Power

Are you so overly overpowered that you can destroy the world yourself with a flick of your fingers? No worries! You can seal your powers and only use 2% of them. After dying a *complicated* death, will his life in this fantasy world be the happy sugar life he dreamed of? Or does fate have dark chocolate in stock for him?

moon_senpai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

The God of Gods

Just before he was going to open the *Sixty-four Star Seal*, an energy beam hit him from the sky and he vanished with it.

A few seconds later he found himself standing in an empty white plain, it was so calm and peaceful. The ground was made with something like white marbles and the sky was a mixture of many colors. It was looking like a scene from a fairy tale.

"What is this place?" Haruto asked himself as he took a look around the place, there was mist around him so he was unable to get a clear look at his surroundings.

"A place where the rules of space and time don't apply," An unknown voice answered him.

"And who are you?" Haruto asked while facing towards the direction where that voice came from.

"Me? I am just an innocent twelve years old kid," He replied and the mist cleared, he was now in Haruto's line of sight.

A boy with brown hair and round red eyes was wearing a red colored t-shirt and a black hoodie over it with black-colored lower and shoes. He was looking like a normal twelve years old boy.

"If nothing else, I am confident that you are a bad liar," Haruto said sarcastically.

"He-he-he, maybe you are right about that," He chuckled and replied.

"Umm, before we talk; don't you think you should stop making that triangle hand sign? You are looking weird!" He said looking at the hand sign Haruto had made.

Haruto put his hands back.

"This is much better," The boy said.

"So? What the hell do you want with me?" Haruto asked in a rude manner.

"What do I want with you? Seriously, you were just going to destroy the world and the first question you asked me is what I want with you!"

Haruto stared at him with a confused look on his face.

"You that when you are on your hundred percent, you can destroy space-time by moving a single muscle! Didn't Emilia explain it to you?" The boy asked.

"Emilia? How do you know about her?" asked Haruto.

"How? I mean I am the one who sent her there."

"What!" Haruto shouted.

"Ahh, I knew this was going to be complicated. Okay, let me explain things from the start," The boy said while putting his palm on his head.

He snapped his fingers and a thrown appeared behind him and Haruto, he sat on the throne and said.

"Let's start with an introduction, please have a seat."

The anger inside Haruto reached its max and he screamed.

"Why the hell should I sit here and talk to you! Send me back there right now or I'll fucking kill you!"

"No, you can't!" The boy said normally.


"You can't kill me; the concept of death doesn't apply to me," He replied casually.

"I won't know until I try by myself," Haruto said in a loud voice, raised his right hand towards him, and activated a spell.

"Tenth-tier magic [White Nova]"

But nothing happened.

'Tenth-tier magic [White Nova]," He tried again but failed.

"Didn't I say before that space and time rules are useless here! Nothing will happen until I want it to," The boy said with a sigh.

Haruto was surprised; he never thought that his magic will fail against someone.

"Listen, you are not the only one who is overpowered here," The boy said as he stood up from the throne and walked toward Haruto.

He wanted to have a peaceful talk with him but Haruto's head was filled with the thought of revenge and he was still giving him a death glare.

"I know you are burning in the fire of revenge right now, but believe me revenge will only take you on the path of destruction. I am saying this by experience."

"You say you understand! My ass you understand! No one understands how it feels, no one understands the pain, the emptiness, the feeling of being alone!" Haruto screamed and tears came out of his eyes.

"They were the first ones I was able to call 'Friends' in both of my lives! They were the first ones to treat me like I was there! I didn't feel like a non-living object when I was with them!" He continued screaming and fell to his knees.

"Everything was fine; we were doing quests and were living a good normal life. But then, that bitch came out of nowhere and destroyed it all. Destroyed my friends, destroyed my life! Destroyed my feeling of being alive and took everything from me, just because she didn't want to give an excuse."

"And now when I want to take my revenge, I want to make that bitch feel the same way I did, I also want to take everything from her and make her realize the feeling of being alone. You came out of nowhere and say that you understand!"

"They didn't show anything wrong in those movies and stories, Demons were, are, and will be evil. Beings without feelings, beings who only know to take and steal from others! Beings who only know to give pain and steal happiness," He said while grabbing the skin around his heart from outside.

Screaming and crying this much had made his heart pain. All the feelings he was holding deep in his heart overflowed together.

That boy also sat on his knees in front of Haruto and put both of his arms on Haruto's shoulders.

"Well, you are not half-wrong. I agree that what Hanako did was wrong and that is the truth, the truth that will never change. It's all right to hate her about that, but the part you were wrong about is when you said that demons are beings without feelings and only know to take."

"I don't want to hurt you by this but, have you forgotten that the body you are currently in is also a demon's body!"

Haruto was stunned after listening to that and he looked up at that boy.

"Everyone has their reasons, no one kills just because they are just evil. No one is pure evil, there's always something or someone who forces them to attempt evil deeds. You only saw that she killed your friends and you decided to take revenge on her, have you ever thought about why she did that?"

"She did mention the reason why she was there, right?"

"To kill the king," Haruto replied.

"Have you thought about what could be the reason behind it, Hanako is the current demon lord, and killing the king of a nation means an all-out war, the war will cause the lives of many of their soldiers. People will lose their homes and many economic crises will also occur, do you think someone will want all this just because they are demons?"

Haruto felt an instant emotion of guilt, he had never thought about the thing this much. He felt ashamed, he wiped his tears and asked the boy.

"Why she did do all this?"

The boy smiled and stood up.

"Took you too long to understand, well again I can't blame you. Once again let's start with an introduction."

"My name is Aki, and I am the True God or in simple language, you can say the god of gods."

Haruto also stood up and said.

"My name is Haruto, and I don't know why I am not surprised by what you said just now."