
When the petal fell on her

Ryutaro, an 8 year old boy. he lives in a very poor family with his father and mother. he thinks he's lucky to have them even though his family is poor, they still love him a lot. it's just one person he hated so much. A lady with blonde hair, who wears a mask and clothes that covered every part of her body comes every day yelling and screaming at Ryutaro's family. His family told him that she is the reason behind his family being so poor that they can't even afford food and water sometimes. he despised that lady so much but couldn't say anything as he was scared of her too.

One day, his father came home with a serious cut in his right arm, the blood wasn't stopping from coming out so he had to cover it with his left hand. when Ryutaro and his mother saw it, they rushed to help him. after bandaging him, his father said "Ryutaro, I'm fine now. So why don't you go outside and play with your friends? Me and your mother has something to discuss" Ryutaro got out of the room. He knew something was wrong so he started eavesdropping. He couldn't hear much but he heard a name coming out of his father's mouth "miss Oshikawa". He didn't know anyone of that name so he just started guessing. the last thing that came in his mind was that blonde lady. Suddenly, the door opened and his father came out of the room, he saw Ryutaro standing outside of the room and said "Oh! What are you doing here? You scared me. Haha. But I told you to play with your friends. Didn't I?" "D-dad I was just... about to go outside...!" Ryutaro answered. When he was about to leave, he saw a strand of blonde hair in his dad's yukata. Now he was sure that the "miss oshikawa" was the blonde lady as he didn't know anyone with blonde hair beside her. He realized that she was the one causing his father that injury. His hatred for her started to become into a desire for revenge. He was planning to make her suffer as much as his family had to cause of her.

3 days passed and Oshikawa wasn't coming to Ryutaro's house. He wondered why she wasnt coming but still thought to take revenge on her. He was thinking about that only sitting outside his house. Then he saw her. Oshikawa. She looked devastated, walking to somewhere. he followed her thinking this is the perfect time to take revenge on her. She stopped at a house and went inside it. The house was kind of far from other houses in that area. Ryutaro was confused as the house looked normal and not that rich, thinking how could she make his family suffer so much and living in streets when she isn't that rich. There was a hole in the boundary walls of that house. Since Ryutaro was just 8 years old, he got inside that whole. suddenly there was a loud noise of something shattering. Ryutaro looked at the window and saw the blonde lady lying on the floor with bruises and scratches all over her body. She was always wearing something that covered her body but this time, her clothes were ripped and the bruises were everywhere on her body. Behind her, there was a man with a belt in his hand, hitting her. Ryutaro was so shocked seeing this. the man saw Ryutaro looking through the window. He opened the window, got his hand out and held Ryutaro by his neck. he started choking him and said "you m@th#rf#@ker!!! Who the f*** do you think you aree?!!! Die bast@rd!!!" Oshikawa saw this and hit him with a wooden bar on his head. she held Ryutaro and ran to the mountain near the house. She knew he was going to come after her so she ran with Ryutaro in her arms and her weak body. She stopped knowing that the man was coming soon. "Ryutaro, go run as fast as you can and hide where there are more bushes and trees. I know it seems complicated. but I will protect you no matter what. I-i am sorry" she said. Ryutaro was surprised hearing those words from her but they had no time so he had to go hide somewhere safe. The man came and and held Oshikawa's hair. Dragged her. He slapped her and said "You f@cki#g b#tch!!! How dare a piece of sh#t like you hit me!!!!" he had a knife in his hand. He stabbed Oshikawa 3 times. He was about to take out the knife and stab her again but just then he heard few people that were coming that way. It was Ryutaro's parents and a police officer that they brought to search for Ryutaro as he was nowhere to be found. The man ran away. Ryutaro was seeing all of this behind the bushes. He comes out and Oshikawa was still alive so she tries to speak even with a trembling voice "R-ryutaro? You're...still here? Oh my... look at me... such a troublemaker.. I-im so sorry for...all the things you had t-to go through. Atleast now I can tell you that..... I...love you, s-son" A petal fell on Oshikawa while she cries saying that and then dies. Ryutaro's eyes widens as he heard this and see her die in front of his eyes he didn't know why, but tears starts rolling down his eyes. they weren't the tears of being in fear that someone dies in front of him, but the tears of losing someone he felt connected to, even if he hated her.

The man gets caught and sent to prison for abusing and murdering a person. Ryutaro's parents then tell him that he's not their biological child but they always loved him as one. His real mother is that blonde lady, Oshikawa. His father/the abuser threw him in the river when he was born as he didn't wanted a child but when he left, miss Oshikawa saved him and gave Ryutaro to them, the poor family who wanted a child but wasn't able to have or adopt. They were really happy when they got Ryutaro. Miss Oshikawa makes an agreement with them that she will be seeing Ryutaro grow up, everyday, but will pretend to have some grudges over them as she doesn't want Ryutaro to know about her and not even want her to be seen as a good person because she knew she was gonna die. When she said that, they thought that she had some illness which will cause her death and his father just didn't wanted him that's why they never asked the reason and just adopted him and agreed to the agreement. Soon they realized that it wasn't because she had an illness. But they still didnt asked the reason thinking it could be something she doesn't want to talk about. That day when his father got injured was because his real mother didn't show up for one day so he tried to meet her and talk but just like Ryutaro, he also peaked through the window and saw Oshikawa getting abused. The abuser didn't notice him but broke the window glass accidentally when he was trying to hit Oshikawa. The window glass hit him and he gets the cut. His parents were discussing about that only thinking what can they do. but then after 2 days this incident happens. Ryutaro couldn't stop crying after hearing all of that.

[Last scene]

After years, when the abuser gets out of prison. Ryutaro is seen in the cell holding a knife full of blood with the dead body of the abuser behind.