
Limitless (Movie) Jump Build

Origin: Scientist

Age: 28


Hugs and Kisses (Free): When something is too much for you, you can mentally censor it. Turn stranglings to huggins, serial killers' nicknames to ice-cream flavors, and other things to help you deal with the stresses of the world. Or any scheme you want, really. You and those around you will still speak normally, but your perceptions will be seamlessly altered.

Sudden Montage (Free): Let's be honest, most of this nerd shit takes time, and your benefactor kind of wants to skip through the boring parts to see the explosions, kidnappings, and investigations. So now you can skip ahead up to 18 hours so long as that time is spent completely on one project of interest. You will not perform any better or worse than you otherwise would, nor perform any actions you otherwise would not, and you will remember and understand what you did as well as you otherwise would, but this allows you to also skip the boredom yourself if you wish. You may resume the montage if your efforts are briefly interrupted but otherwise must pursue only that goal or project. You can insert anything for your benefactor to watch instead. I recommend cat videos or sudden Bollywood dance numbers. Just don't expect them to be fooled if you deliberately try to hide something. This perk's maximum duration will increase for one hour per extra jump you visit after this world. Once you use this perk, it takes 24 hours to become ready again and this cooldown will decrease by one hour for every subsequent jump, down to a minimum of twelve hours.

The Mind's Eye (Free): Sometimes it can be so hard to show someone that you are hard at work when you really appear spaced out. But not anymore, because with this perk you are capable of visualizing your thought process onto the world around you, making blueprints appear about you when drafting, having letters rain down while writing, and ceiling tiles swapping about to reveal stock information while investing. You may toggle whether these illusions are visible to others in order to avoid scaring the normies.

Inconceivable Hacking Skills (-200/-100): Quentin Walker, a genius tech researcher from CRAFT, once remarked that there are only a handful of minds on the planet that can hack his projects. Well jumper, you are now part of that handful even without having to use NZT. In addition this perk lets you just type really fast on a computer instead of having to actually hack, and almost any computer's security will crumble to your flailing fingers.

Accentuate the Positive (-400CP): You now have an immunity to side effects of a certain kind. A super cool sword that takes over the body of its wielder? It's not getting even an inch inside of you. A demon making a pact with you for powers? Well, he is inside of your soul, but he's now stuck, only able to fuel your new abilities like a glorified battery. This perk only protects you against sources of power from outside of your body, including combat drugs, artifacts, enchantments, magical pacts, items and other things you wield by giving you only the beneficial parts and leaving the rest behind. This comes with complete immunity to addiction.

- Capstone Boosted- Eliminate the Negative- Now the immunity to side effects can affect internal things. Magic that may have drawn on your emotions to fuel its power now has a separate pool. Any drawbacks your powers, biological traits or magic systems may have held have been wiped away.

Smart Immunity (-500CP): You've had one hit of NZT in the past week, and it seems like you'll never come down. Well, you actually won't, not if you don't want to, that is. You may choose for up to 10 drugs, magical spells, buffs, or similar time-limited boosts that are affecting you to last indefinitely without any of their unwanted side effects. Additionally, you may choose to end any effect (not just the ones maintained by this perk) whenever you want, either through conscious choice or automatically (it is called Smart Immunity for a reason) if you somehow can't but would have if you could. If you already have 10 effects being maintained by this and want to add another, you'll have to allow one of the effects you're maintaining to lapse. You may also extend the duration of any temporary effect by a factor of ten, based on its full duration when applied, but these effects keep their side effects. When you drop an effect from its slot it will continue with any of its original duration it has left. Additionally you may reapply any effect that you have lost if the time since you lost it isn't greater than twice (after adding the potential 10* extension) the duration it offers. Capstone Booster

Rising Star (-100CP): Those above you in any bureaucratic hierarchy will see you for you, and not just as another number. This means any achievements you have will get you promoted that much faster. For some reason, the same will not apply to any fuckups you happen to make.

Underestimated (Free With Scientist): Who really expects much from a dweeb in a lab coat? With this perk, only those who understand the bigger picture will tend to do anything but look past you at first. You will be chronically underestimated by everyone you meet. That is, until you show them your true capabilities. reason, you want to be bored.

Master Chemist (-600/-400 CP Discount Scientist): Your knowledge of chemistry is matched only by Apocryphon, the mysterious scientist who wants to give the world a 'dose of truth'. You can mass produce the unproducible, creating chemical serums that improve the human body far beyond the limits of biology. So long as you can analyze it, you can tweak it, find cheaper alternatives for it, re- engineer it to the point of unrecognizability, get any of the bugs out or add your own. This perk is most effective with chemistry but it also boosts your skill with potion making, and all other alchemical pursuits.

- Capstone Booster- "Renaissance Man"- You aren't just a world-class chemist, you are a one-man marvel of scientific achievement for all of humanity's branches of science. You have an expertise in astronomy, biology, computer science, engineering, geology, logic, meteorology, medicine, physics, psychology, sociology, and more! Your ability to reverse engineer other tools of science is just pure magic! Finally, any discoveries you make, or knowledge you have will continue to work in other universes, no matter how divergent physics and other metaphysics are.

FBI Training (-600CP): You now have the comprehensive education of an FBI Agent, with the skills to be the best. You have many talents: a great investigator, a brilliant interrogator, a great shot with both pistol and rifle, a highly-trained unarmed combattant (lethal and non-lethal), an expert at urban parkour, and are brilliant at navigating the political hierarchies and satisfying any bureaucratic standards. You're effortlessly meticulous, never forgetting to dot an i or cross a t, naturally, but never get bogged down with the rules when direct action is required. You could easily fill any position in any department of the government.

- Capstone Booster- "Overachiever"- You are a master of motion. All it takes is watching someone else perform any martial, gymnastic or dance technique once and, assuming you possess the right 'equipment' (limbs, flexibility, ki, chakra, mystic eyes of shonen power, etc), you'll be able to replicate it flawlessly from memory. Mastering it might take a couple of repetitions, but the basics will be in your grasp instantly. Furthermore, you know the actual limits of your body, from strength to speed to durability, allowing you to maximize your efforts while minimizing the damage you take from those efforts. If you're willing to damage yourself, you could easily use 100% of your full muscular strength, though it would still damage you severely. You gain an instinctive understanding of the physics of motion, to the point that if you ever had to drop off the side of a building, you'd know just how to grab the ledges of windows to slow your fall and enable you to reach to the ground with the minimum amount of damage. You can apply those same principles to any other form of motion, for example gunplay: you'd be able to move like a Grammaton Cleric from Equilibrium at the least. Add in actual training towards a goal, and there are few limits to what you can accomplish.


Infinite Rubik's Cubes (Free): Rubik's Cube is a classic 3D puzzle that has a somewhat underserved reputation for difficulty; in reality, solving one is a moderately difficult to learn party trick. But perhaps you can still make use of these, which each have a minor aura that may influence the unjaded to think you are intelligent, especially if you can solve two at a time. This is a very minor effect.

Paper Degrees (Free With Scientist): Any Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees you have will be printed and displayed in these very nice frames. Putting them in a room makes you almost radiate intelligence.

NZT-48 (Free All Levels Due To Having Required Perks): You have some pills of NZT-48. This amazing pill lets you easily master many abilities related to the brain, including perfect recall, increased learning speed (fast enough to master the piano in three days), peak human charisma, peak human dexterity and reflexes, hypercompetence, superhuman instincts, peak human sensory absorption, instant analysis, and nigh-unshakable confidence. Unfortunately, the things you learn while using NZT are typically not fully available to you once it wears off.

For free, you receive a replenishing supply, and the formula for, a version that has a few minor, minor side effects during withdrawal or even with continued usage: memory loss, extreme paranoia, blurred vision, hearing difficulties, psychosis, missing time, skin lesions, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and Limp Dick Syndrome. So yeah, there is a trade-off for genius in a pill.

For 200 CP, you can get a replenishing supply of, and the formula for, an injectable substance based on a cyclical enzyme system, partially developed by Piper Baird, that temporarily makes one immune to the side effects... in case you want to control the distribution of NZT. You also have access to a version that grants permanent immunity. If you do not purchase this option, the in-jump version of this cyclical enzyme system will not work in future jumps. The enzymes are free if you have the capstone booster and Master Chemist.

For 300 CP, you have a replenishing supply of, and the formula for, a version of NZT-48 that has no side effects. If you do not purchase this option, you will be unable to upgrade the base version to remove the side effects. This version is free for those who purchase the capstone booster.

For each of these formulas, you may choose to have them work for others or not in future worlds, enabling mass production. However, if they work, others will be able to reverse engineer them so pick your poison. If you choose for them not to work for others, you'll have to oversee the production personally, but the compounds will be immune to analysis.


Terrible Liar (+100CP): You are just the worst liar. No matter how good you would be in other jumps, you just can't tell a white lie to save your life, and lying will probably be needed to save your life on a few occasions. Even if you manage to lie successfully, you will often find it digging you deeper into whatever mess you are in. Expect it to take a year of practice for you to regain your ability to lie when you really need it.

Tape Dispenser and a Stapler (+100): For whatever reason, you are not particularly trusted with authority and responsibility in your job and will find this following you throughout the jump. You may, with time and effort, convince your superiors and co-workers that you are reliable, but expect this to be difficult, and require new efforts with every new person. If you purchased Badge and Gun, you won't get these unless you can convince someone to trust you with them, or until you complete the jump.

Father Knows Best (+200): Family is a blessing, it really is. Sometimes you have to remind yourself of that fact however, because yours is constantly meddling with your life. They pry into your activities, badger you to get off medication that makes you a better person, harass you into getting a safer job, and largely ignore you when you tell them to back off. Worse, you've got secrets you don't want them to know, and that they seem almost desperate to learn. Exactly how this manifests is entirely up to you, but they're your family; what can you do?

Please Give Me My Second Season... (+400): You will have a wonderful time here full of adventure, comedy, friends, and hard drugs. You will forget taking this drawback until the event finally kicks in. At the 5-year mark, your adventure will come to a screeching halt, and you will never get to see how the story ends. In addition, you will never get to return to this dimension until you spark. You also may not purchase the Complete Series item.

Monkey on Your Back (+300): No matter your normal resistance to such a thing, you are hopelessly addicted to one hard drug of your choice. You may be able to get yourself clean for a time, but you will constantly find yourself relapsing.

This can be taken for NZT.