
A Day In The Life Of Metro Man

(Metro Man(Wayne) POV)

Taking a deep breath, I looked down on the city as I watched from the tip of the tallest skyscraper.

In moments like these, I often wonder why I continue to do this.

Was it because I enjoyed it, or was it because I felt like I needed to do it? After all, the local authorities weren't precisely competent. They sometimes shot off their pistols randomly when I pointed at them, for Pete's sake.

Turning my head towards Limitless Tower, I watched my brother continue doing his work through his window. He brought a small smile to my face, as he was the only one willing to do the paperwork, even with his superpowers.

 I remember the days when my mother would also teach him the intricacies of running the business. My father was the direct air, but my mother was definitely the better hands at business.

 It surprised me as I saw my brother turn around and look straight at me. I gave him a little wave, and as he turned back around and wrote something down, he then pointed a page of paper right at me, which said, look somewhere else, please.

At that point, I started laughing as I usually didn't use my X-ray vision to stare into the buildings unless necessary. Sadly, X-ray vision has the slight side effect of possibly causing people to develop cancer, so I use it very sparingly.

Thankfully, at this distance, I don't need to worry about that, considering the fact that me and my brother are highly resistant to radiation. I don't think I need to worry about him, but I can also hear him yelling about potential lawsuits in my mind.

Standing back up, I do some slight stretches, and hearing the various cracking bones, I smile in satisfaction. Taking a step off, I feel myself begin to freefall down to the ground, and hearing the wind whistling in my ears was always amazing. 

Before falling to the street, I lifted myself up into the air and focused on my super-hearing. I could hear all across the city, but with the time I had spent learning to control it, I heard a man yelling about someone trying to steal his car. Then I was already there, staring at the runaway car and the man screaming.

Everything was seemingly happening in slow motion. I walked up to the car door, which thankfully still let its window down, and reached into the car before turning the keys. As I slowed myself down, I watched as the car immediately came to a stop.

"You know you really should respect private transportation. I mean, have you seen car bills these days? They're ludicrous, I tell you." Sadly, the man doesn't seem to share this sentiment as he gets out of the car.

"Metro Man!" he yelled, pulling out a handgun from his pocket.

*Bang! Bang! Bang* 

Multiple shots then rang out as I simply stood there and let them unload the magazine as I'd rather heat hit me than the civilians, and after he had run out, the clicking sound could be heard from him. His eyes grew wide as I reached my hand out, took the gun from him, and broke it in half.

"OK, well, I'm going to give you a choice. Would you rather get sent downtown without any injuries, or would you just like to be sent downtown unconscious?" As he tried to run away, I stared at him and sighed while tossing the keys back to the owner.

Immediately flying ahead of him, I put my hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks, and upon lifting him up into the air, he started screaming for help, which I simply flicked him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Lowering us both to the ground, the civilians around us began to cheer, and I felt a small smile grace my face because while I didn't do this for fame or attention, it did feel nice to be appreciated.

Taking the time to enhance my speed to the point where they all slowed to a stop, I ran back to the house, grabbed some rope, headed back to the location, and tied the man's hands and legs before looking back at the crowd.

A couple of teens approached me to ask for a selfie, to which I obliged. I swear I heard someone fall down as I smiled at the camera.

But sadly, crime doesn't wait for the paparazzi, so after giving them a small two-finger salute, I lifted back off into the air. As I surveyed the next situation, a frown appeared on my face, as I could see the fins of a rather anthropomorphic fish.

Hovering over the two, I see Megamind and his assistant preparing what looks to be some type of industrial-strength flamethrower. Pressing on the calm link in my ear, I connect to my brother's private server. 

"What is it, Wayne?" I hear my brother's words echo in my earpiece.

"I'm sending you a picture of Megamind's latest device. Think you can give me an overview so I don't blow anything up." I then hear my brother chuckle on the other side of the line.

"You don't want another Halloween happening, don't you, Wayne? I'm looking over the photographs now." The small huff he can hear from me seems to make him chuckle as I recall the one time Megamind planted multiple explosives across the city that would've leveled the entire thing to bring me out after swearing. I was going to take a vacation day. After a couple of nanoseconds, he responds.

"Well, I don't know how he keeps doing it, but he seems to have somehow created some type of laser weapon, and if my understanding of the machine is correct, nothing would be about as hot as the earth's core if it goes off." With a grimace on my face, I immediately go about dismantling the device, with Megamind appearing to be all but frozen.

After pulling out what I assumed was the power core, I crushed it into pieces before appearing in front of both of them.

"How many times have we had to do this Megamind 600,000 700,000? When will it end, my friend?" 

"Ahhhh! Metro Man! I see you have arrived a bit before I was ready, but no matter, for I shall, in this moment, disintegrate you down to your base particles!" he then tries to activate the device using some type of remote. The machine behind him shows no signs of turning on and then tries to activate it repeatedly.

"Minion, did you make sure to recharge the batteries?!" 

"Yes, sir! I have no idea how he's able to do this. If he had tried to mess with the power core, it would've already gone off." OK, that is a bit alarming. Thankfully, I have my brother, who showed me what to pull and what not to.

"Alright, you two, you know the drill. I already have the police en route, so don't make this hard on yourself again." Megamind sighs before holding out his hands.

His minion then does the same.

(A Few Minutes Later)

"I shall have revenge, Metro man! Soon enough, my next scheme will bring the city to its knees! Ow ow, not the head!" The threat would've been somewhat off-putting if the police hadn't been trying to force them into the cop car with him, banging his head on the top of it over and over again.

 After reporting to the officers, I head back into the sky and see my brother floating there with a mask covering his face.

"Brother, I can see you through the mask. Why are you wearing one?" He sighs and says.

"As much as I know, you enjoy showing your face to the ladies, Wayne. I prefer a much more secretive lifestyle. Other than that, I was just making sure the police could dispose of Megamind incinerator safely." The statement was a bit rushed, so to confirm a suspicion, I questioned further.

"You were coming to check up on me, weren't you? You were worried about me, weren't you, little bro?" The statement was met with an equally fast response.

"When you can quite literally survive reentry, I don't need to fear a laser doing damage to you." I would've believed him if I couldn't see the microscopic changes in expression on his face.

"Well, since everything is taken care of, I shall head back to the office and close up shop for the night. I shall see you at home, Wayne." He was already flying back to the office building to avoid further embarrassment, and a small smile graced my face. 

Chuckling to myself, I flew off to handle some more crimes before heading back home and seeing my brother practicing with his powers.

Sitting down, he offered me a small drink, and as I sat there, I enjoyed the comfortable silence, and all I could think was one thing.

Life was good. And this city still needs a metro man.

(There won't be too many chapters in this world as the only real threat is Megamind, but he's mostly a villain of the week type character and Metro. Man is quite literally that OP. Metro Man isn't as strong as Superman, but he is pretty powerful. Keep sending in the votes for the next world.)