

From a naive and ignorant celestial maiden, she embarked on her journey with hope and optimism, observing all things in this world and comprehending its myriad facets. Gradually, influenced by the complex emotions of the mortal realm, her laughter lost its purity, and a faint sorrow began to veil her face. She became as cold and unfeeling as a member of the demonic sects, unmoved by anything in the world, her heart seemingly dead and devoid of passion. However, when she encountered the "immortal" she had first met again, it felt as if she had gained everything and yet lost everything. A deity is emotionless; emotionlessness defines divinity, while emotions define humanity.

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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six: Night Attack

I saw a shadow flitting near the window, making furtive movements. Da Xian leaped out to chase it first, and I swiftly followed. Suddenly, I noticed four figures in black still inside the room, seemingly confronting someone. Turning back, I slipped to the window and listened closely.

The arguments inside were loud and incessant, but I caught a few words like "betrayal" and "strike." Focusing more, I realized Linglu was also inside. The clash of weapons resounded, so I drew my Ice Lotus and entered the room.

"Qingyue? Why is it you!" Linglu's expression turned sour upon seeing me.

I deflected the attack from one of the black-clad figures and landed steadily on the ground, smiling at her. "Who else did you expect? Or would you prefer Da Xian finding out about this? If that's what you want, Linglu, I'll tell him as soon as he returns."

Linglu's usual composed demeanor shattered. She trembled violently and demanded, "How much did you hear?"

How much? I hadn't heard anything significant since they started fighting so quickly. I sighed internally but maintained a calm facade. "Some truths, and some great truths, of course."

Her lips twitched, and she stepped back, nearly collapsing, her eyes filled with rage as she glared at me. "You don't know, do you? You actually know nothing, right? There's no way you could figure this out. You're lying to me!"

Even she didn't seem to believe her own words.

But I believed.

Aside from my prior suspicions about her, I genuinely knew nothing about the other matters. However, today's unexpected attack by these black-clad figures might provide some clues and opportunities for inquiry.

That is, if the black-clad figures survived long enough. But they seemed eager to end their lives, launching another attack.

A sharp, ice-breaking sound echoed from above. Before I could throw my Ice Lotus, a thin iron chain slashed down beside my right hand. One of the black-clad figures' skulls shattered, and they collapsed heavily to the ground. This was none other than the sixth form of Qiong Yun's Slaying Immortal Sword Technique, "Soul Scattering Spirit Dispersal." The ruthless nature of the move caused blood to slowly seep from the cracks, covering the entire face in blood clots.

However, this sword technique was deemed too ferocious by the sect leader and forbidden for ordinary disciples. Moreover, Linglu executed the move with a thin iron chain, incorporating other methods. If I hadn't sneaked a peek at a few pages in Da Xian's bookshelf, I wouldn't have recognized it.

The iron chain flashed like lightning.

Seeing this, I transformed my Ice Lotus into a sword and swung it towards the white light. It was a struggle; my arm numbed from the shock, and the sword flew out of my hand.

"Swish, swish, swish." The fourth form, "Vermillion Annihilation," was executed. The connected iron chain revealed eagle-hook-like spikes that struck the throats of several black-clad figures. With just a light touch, they fell to the ground, bleeding lightly from their throats.

Would I be next?

Linglu's gaze had turned maniacal. Clearly, the weight of her secrets was so heavy that it threatened her life. She intended to kill the black-clad figures first and then silence me, claiming they were responsible to escape unscathed.

"Thud, thud." Urgent footsteps came from outside. Could it be Da Xian returning?

Linglu's plan was foiled.

But I had underestimated her. The moment the door opened, she screamed. Almost instantly, my returned sword was in my hand, stained with dark red blood. Linglu knelt before me, clutching half her face and weeping.

Everything happened too fast.

Before I could even speak, Senior Brother Luo Xi yanked me out of the room. My last glimpse was of a pair of cold, disappointed eyes.

"Da Xian doesn't believe me. Senior Brother Luo Xi, do you not believe me either?" Darkness and cold seeped into me. I looked up at Senior Brother Luo Xi, who hesitated but said nothing.

"It wasn't like that at all. The black-clad figures barged into the room. I accidentally overheard something about Linglu. When I entered, Linglu killed those figures to keep her secret. If you hadn't arrived, she would have killed me too."

"But Uncle Que Han saw you, Qingyue. He saw you slashing Linglu's face with your sword, and even... even trying to kill her."

"But you saw it too, didn't you, Senior Brother? Do you believe me?" I asked.

"Qingyue, I want to believe you, but how can I and Uncle Que Han trust your words? How will you make everyone believe?" Senior Brother Luo Xi's words were disheartening but true. Trust cannot be built on mere words.

"Fine, I'll find evidence. I'll prove my innocence."

He was silent for a long time, then he just patted my shoulder and walked away without looking back.

I suddenly found it all very amusing.

The people I trusted wholeheartedly did not return my trust. After all, I had only been at Qiong Yun for three years, while Linglu had spent over a decade building her trust and facade. Competing with her was futile, like striking a stone with an egg.

If they don't believe me, so be it.

I kicked a pebble at my feet and ran back to my room, downing several cups of tea. It seemed I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. This grand drama had unfolded, and both those within and outside the play were eagerly awaiting their desired outcomes.

The room was unlit. The night was quiet, my thoughts drifting. The mournful melody accompanied the night as it slowly faded. At dawn, the music stopped.

The flute outside played all night. I sat at my table all night.

After washing up early, I went downstairs and saw Da Xian and Linglu packing their luggage. Linglu hid behind Da Xian when she saw me, covering her face.

"Da Xian, where are you planning to go?" I asked, though I already had a rough idea.

Da Xian lowered his gaze, hesitated, then spoke to me. "Last night's attack was clearly orchestrated. The Zui Lin Inn is no longer safe. I think…" Linglu tugged at Da Xian's arm, seemingly showing her distrust of me and urging him not to tell me anything.

"Alright, it's wise to be prepared. I understand." I nodded, shifting my gaze away from them. "I'm hungry. I'll go upstairs to eat."

"Qingyue," Da Xian called out suddenly. "You and Luo Xi should stay here. We can split up and resolve this matter sooner."

I felt a stirring in my heart, lowered my head, murmured an acknowledgment, and ran upstairs.