
When the Bosses Meet...

Not every woman sits waiting to play submissive to Mr. dominant or to be swept off her feet by prince charming. Some sit in offices with their legs crossed on the table, and own their castles... Fuck prince charming. But Ricky Mears, an arrogant billionaire isn't prince charming, he's a certified asshole... Neither does he have time to sweep any woman off her feet. Things turn around for the both dominant CEOs when they meet... Suddenly Jade Kimberly Raymonds wants Ricky to play prince in her already built castle, and Ricky wishes she would need help being swept off her feet. Regardless of being an asshole, Ricky still has the body of Adonis, capable of making the woman buried in her work burn. It is akin to fuel kissing flames... The fire in their passion, cannot be quenched. Full story can be found on Goodnovel, Cover credit: Purple_Glory.

Drama_Queen01 · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Female CEO?

"How important is this deal to our corporation? Why can't you stop being inflexible and let go of it?" Ricky Mears asked the board of directors, checking the time by his watch and tapping his fingers on the table impatiently. The meeting was supposed to be over already, and he had a lot on his schedule. His personal assistant was already signalling him that his next appointment was in less than five minutes.

"The Raymonds company is becoming serious competition, sir. With the situation right now, if we do not partner with them in this deal, we might lose many investors and shareholders. They are beginning to ask questions, losing their trust in us." One of the board directors said, his look pensive. The shareholders who sat opposite the board directors all had their eyes on the new CEO. They had all been used to his father, Joseph Mears who was kind hearted and considerate, unlike his son who hadn't completed his five months in the company but had succeeded in firing half of the employees.

But in as much as they feared the twenty nine year old man, they also had to admit that he knew his way in the business world. Before Ricky inherited his father's corporation which controlled and partnered with most of the companies in Europe, he had been managing his shipping company which he had expanded to South Africa. Within three months, he had pulled off several potential competitors from the business, taking no chances whatsoever.

Only two months ago, they had learnt of Raymonds corporation which was rising at an alarming rate, meeting up with them in the competition. Ricky had tried all the methods to pull the corporation out of the line, but it had only continued to grow. What they couldn't fathom was the intelligence the CEO must have applied to strengthen every deal the company had with other smaller companies. Suddenly, as though the CEO somehow knew of Mears corporation's plan to pull the company down, they had started attacking every deal they targeted.

The first had been a  billion pound worth deal, which Ricky had ignored, owing to the fact that it was only a small fry compared to the worth of his corporation. But from there, Raymonds had kept up with getting every deal they targeted, till the last one which had been a hundred billion pound worth deal. Ricky had kept sleepless nights and strengthened his security to ensure the information did not leak. But to his surprise, the Japanese scientists sent a curt mail while they were waiting in the board room, saying that the deal was off.

Ricky had been devastated and frustrated, and had decided to investigate. True to their suspicions, it had been one and the same Raymonds corporations that had signed the deal instead. He had sent mails, requesting audience with the mysterious CEO, but had only been disappointed as the mails kept being unreplied.

"Sir, the only thing left is to partner with Raymonds. We have invested too much in this, our company will suffer losses if we back out now." The chairman of the board who was old enough to be Ricky's grandfather spoke then, heaving a sigh. He had been like a father figure to Joseph, and was among those who didn't feel very comfortable having a much younger man in power.

"Then, leave it to me. I will meet with the CEO myself today, and negotiate the deal. This meeting is over." Saying this, without waiting for another word, Ricky Mears left the boardroom with his female personal assistant trying to catch up in her heels behind him. She was the third that had been employed just within the past five months, and though she had managed to complete three months without getting fired, he had still never showed that he was pleased with her efforts.

"Ms., prepare to leave in five minutes and cancel every appointment I made for today. Clear my schedule, we are going to Raymonds corporation now." He didn't bother looking at her as he spoke, neither did he acknowledge the employees who greeted him, nor the clients who made passes at him.

"Yes sir." Ginger, the personal assistant replied, closing the note pad and hurrying off to execute his command.


If Ginger  thought that her boss, Ricky made his employees overwork, she had to admit the CEO of Raymond corporation made labourers of their workers. The first thing they noticed about the corporation as soon as they stepped into the lift was the security level. Ricky himself had to admit his corporation had no such security, which was higher than level one. The manner at which the employees walked around with focus led him left a deep impression in the business man in him.

But of course, regardless of how busy they were, they couldn't ignore his good looks; from his facial attractive and unique features to his body build, which had so little flesh in it. His muscles always seemed to stand out no matter what cloth he wore, and even in his well tailored business suit, his broadened shoulders still graced his build. He'd had his own share of women not just because of his gorgeous look, but because of the millions of pounds he could offer them without his bank account depleting a bit. He was aware that despite his ungentlemanly heartless and ruthless personality, every woman dreamed of having him in and out of her bed. The models he had in his bed virtually every night, especially during weekends didn't seem to care about that, as long as he could give them what they wanted.

"Sir, we are here" Ricky hadn't realised how deep he had been in thought till his assistant's voice brought him back to the matter at hand. It was only then that he realised they were in front of the lift which would take them directly to the CEO's office.

"Wait for me here. I will go in alone" Ricky instructed his assistant who stood behind him panting for breath from virtually running to keep up with his pace. As usual, without waiting for a response, he walked into the lift and waited, while it took him to the 28th floor.

Ricky Mears stepped into the hallway which had the signpost "private" on it. Just as he was midway into the hallway, two security officers in uniform walked past him, their eyes cast downwards. They didn't even notice that a trespasser was walking in the private hallway, and walked past him without a question. He shrugged, knowing that whatever that had saddened them wasn't his business. Straightening his suit, Ricky pushed open the door where a young lady sat with a phone in hand. She dressed professionally in a black suit and took down notes. Her face a description of seriousness.

Noticing his presence, she mouthed "I will speak to you later" and stood, offering him a polite smile.

"Good morning, sir. Do you have an appointment with the CEO?" She asked. The smile pasted on her face appeared practiced, like a soothing balm offered to irritating clients. Ricky wondered if she had read the impatient expression in his eyes, and again felt impressed inwardly at the good selection of the employees. Regardless of his assholish personality, as a businessman, he recognised the importance of hiring polite receptionists and assistants.

He quickly waved the thought off, he hadn't come here to fucking acknowledge the CEO's effort. He was on a mission, and not succeeding wasn't an option.

"No, but I will see the CEO, now" Ricky replied arrogantly, his chiselled jaw and cheeks twitching slightly in impatience.

"Forgive me sir, but it is against the policy to allow a visitor in without an appointment. Perhaps if you give me your name, I will call to request for permission." She said again, in her all professional voice, though he didn't miss the hint of female appreciation in her eyes as she looked at him. Without another word, he handed his card over to her and watched her eyes widen with shock.

Ricky stifled a smile; he always revelled in moments like this when he was recognised as the Ricky Mears they'd obviously heard tales about. She excused herself and quickly placed a call, holding the telephone tightly with both hands.

"Hello President. Mr. Mears is here, and is requesting to see you." She paused, muttering something beneath her breath which Ricky couldn't understand. After a short while, she nodded and dropped it.

"Sorry sir, but you have to wait here for a while. The president is busy now. If you could just have a seat and-"

"What the...?" Ricky couldn't believe what he had just heard. He never waited for anybody, especially after handing his business card over to them in revelation of his identity. Why then would he start to do that now? He frowned in anger and sat down with a loud thud, tapping his feet on the desk impatiently. The assistant excused herself and went into a pair of glass doors, while he watched and waited in anger.

Ten minutes passed, and yet there was neither any sign of the CEO, nor the assistant. He waited a little while longer before his control snapped and he stood, walking through the doors he had seen the petite assistant open.

"What the..." He muttered as soon as he came in. A board meeting was going on, with a woman dressed in navy blue suit sitting at the edge. Was that the second secretary of the CEO? He wondered, ignoring the numerous pairs of eyes that watched him in surprise and made his way further into the large white decorated conference hall.

"Mr. Mears, weren't you directed to wait outside?" The woman spoke then, her voice, cool and detached. Ricky was taken aback for a full minute. She knew his name, and yet dared call him with that tone of aloofness? She must have gotten a lot of guts from the CEO to talk to him that way, Ricky thought, ignoring her and walking to the other edge where he took a seat.

"Mr. Mears, I do not tolerate this kind of behaviour from clients, leave before I make security lead you out."

Now, that had Ricky snapping his head in anger, who the hell was this person whose highest position would be a board member, to talk to him in that manner, as though he were a kid?

"Let's see how good you are with your threat little secretary, to talk to Ricky Mears that way." A sudden gasp escaped from everyone's lips in the hall, he wondered why they all stared at him in shock. Well, whoever the woman was, she had done well to put fear into them, but that wasn't to work on him.

Just then, she stood and maintaining eye contact with him, walked towards him. It was then that Ricky noticed her endless long legs which moulded her curvaceous body into perfection. She was a knock out, totally the type he would love in his bed, except that her feisty attitude didn't match those of his women. He liked them submissive while writhing beneath him...

She kept her thin lips set in a determined way as she walked towards him, her steps measured and coordinated. He made a mental note to invite her over after meeting with the CEO, he could already envision her long legs wrapped around his waist, her lips...

"Mr. Mears, my eyes are upwards." She didn't look offensive as she said it, pointing at her face, her brown eyes were set and defiant, ready for an argument.

Forcing his eyes back to her face, Ricky snapped. "Now I do not have time for games ms. I demand to see the CEO of this corporation now."

"Too bad, you are looking at her. Nice to finally meet you in person, Mr. Mears."

Ricky's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the hand she extended towards him in confusion. His brain was trying to register it, but his mind simply refused to work.

"J. K. Raymonds?" He looked around the room in confusion, expecting to see an old man to come out and tell him it was only a joke.

"Jade Kimberly Raymonds, and to what do I owe this visit?"