
When Our Worlds Collided

How would you react as the world arounds you burns? Anger? Hatred? Sadness? or perhaps Vengeances?

IpisBoy26 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs



MARCH 27 2075, SUNDAY, 5:30 PM


(Vehicle Stops)

"Thanks for the ride Sergeant!" (said Captain Jerome as he and the kids exited the Hovercar)

"Your welcome Captain anytime!" (After saying that she do a quick salute then leave)

"Welcome to your new home!" (Said Uncle Jerome as he introduced his house)

Uncle Jerome or Jerome Green mansion is big and a two story building, has a large fountain on the middle, swimming pole on the right side and a playground on left side, at the back of his house there is a full basketball court , an open gym, large BBQ and Grilling stand and a garden full of flowers, as Adrian and Henrietta enters the premise they were greeted by a beautiful lady, natural white skin, grey colored hair, and a silver eye and from her looks she is probably a former model or an actress.

"Welcome home darling!" (As the beautiful lady approach Uncle Jerome and kissed him passionately)

"Its good to be back home, anyway this two kids beside me are Adrian Morales and his sister Henrietta Morales, from now on they are under our care" (Said Uncle Jerome as he introduced them)

"Hello kids, I'm Jennifer Green the wife of your Uncle Jerome its nice to meet you! (As she introduced her self with a beautiful smile)

"Likewise Mrs. Green" (Said Adrian with respect)

"My, My you can just call me Auntie Jennifer or Mommy Jennifer if you want too! I always dream to have a baby boy!" (Said Auntie Jennifer excitedly, making Adrian uncomfortable)

Then Mrs. Green or Auntie Jennifer turn her head towards the little girl which is still clinging into her big brothers side like a koala, as she approaches her Henrietta immediately hides behind Adrian's back.

"Sorry Auntie Jennifer but my little sister is not really good at strangers please understand" (Said Adrian apologetically)

"Its that so, well lets go inside the house, your probably exhausted from the long travel" (Auntie Jennifer said as she guide the trio towards the house)

As they enter the mansion, Adrian noticed that all of the things are luxurious from the couch made from special materials to the golden chandelier which is made of gold, then they take the stairways leading to the siblings room, upon entering the room Adrian cant helped but awed the room he is going to stay.

"WOW!" (Adrian and Henrietta reaction as they observe the room that will be using)

This room is large complete with two separate bed, has a large wardrobe to storage they clothes and shoes, Holographic TV, Computer Set Up with a Gaming Console below , a bathroom, and a study table for both of them and lastly a medium size window which they can see the sunset and the rest of the city.

"We are grateful for your generosity that you provided us, thank you" (Adrian said from the buttom of his hear thus Uncle Jerome and his wife Auntie Jennifer smile gracefully because nowadays its rare children showing their respect and gratitude towards elder people)

'As expected from the son of the late commander' (Uncle Jerome though to himself)


Then they turned towards the source of the sound which is Henrietta as she still clings on her brother.

"I'm hungry" (She said softly as she face her big brother)

"I will go to the kitchen to cook for the dinner!' (As Uncle Jennifer rushes towards the kitchen and cooks together with her maids)

"Well then, I'm going to my room to rest, if there is anything that you want, just approach me okay? (Said Uncle Jerome as he turns away)

"Okay thanks" (Adrian said as he watch Uncle Jerome goes to his room)

[30 Mins Later]

"DINNERS READY!" (Shouted Auntie Jennifer as she called all the members of the family)

Adrian is dressed with a white shirt, black jogging pants and slippers while Henrietta dressed with a pink shirt for little kids, red pants and also a slippers, as they descent from the stairways Adrian noticed 3 girls sitting on the left side of the dinning table, the one on the right side she is probably the oldest of the 3 because the two looks like a same age as Henrietta and they have an identical features white skin, blue eyes and a grey hair but the oldest one is the opposite because she as golden blonde hair and a silver eyes, as Adrian and Henrietta sits on the right side, Adrian cant help but to feel he is being stared by the oldest of the 3 but he keeps acting like nothing happens at all thus the staring intensified.

"Now lets eat!" (Said Uncle Jerome who is at the front of the dinning table)

The food composed of beef steak, vegetable salad, spaghetti, fried chicken and more, there are lots of variety of foods so Adrian gets a small pieces of the foods, place it to his plate and eat it.

'DELICIOUS!' (As Adrian eyes wide's open and a feeling satisfactory of his face as he eats the rest of the food without care of the world)

As the night comes, everybody is asleep except Adrian because the scene of his parents death played on his dream again and again thus waking him up from his slumber.

"I should probably get some fresh air" (Said Adrian has he stealthily get outs the room and head towards the playground has he sit on the swing chair then)

"Hey" (A sudden mysterious voice came from the side of Adrian position making startled)

Then as he turns to his side as he saw the girl earlier the one that stares him during diner.

"Ohh..hello please have a sit" (replied Adrian awkwardly as he offer a sit on the other side of the swing chair)

"I'm Adrian Morales and you are?" (Asked Adrian towards the girl)

"Katherine Green, nice to meet you Adrian" (Katherine replied)

"Likewise Katherine" (Responded Adrian)

Moments of silence as the two of them stares at the galaxies until Katherine spoke.

"What are you doing here Adrian?' (Asked Katherine)

"Cant sleep you?" (Respond Adrian has he keeps staring at the galaxies)

"Same" (Katherine replied as she turned towards him)