

Crazy to think that quiet some amount of our memories are connected to some stranger we pass by or crossed paths with. Sometimes those memories could be embarrassing but could you make you laugh later. Or a vulnerable moment when this stranger shows kindness that gives you the strength to stand up and keep moving forward. Or you fall in love with this stranger who suddenly becomes not so much of a stranger. I have had my fair share of memories connected to a stranger. Embarrassing, humiliating and funny. But I never wanted to ever fall in love with a passing by stranger. But then again love isn't something that's in our control.

Coco memories is a place where people's comes in and make memories while enjoying a delicious cup of chocolate. Every time I sit at my office and look inside the café area while enjoying a cup of chocolate myself I always wonder what is it that the small or big group is laughing about. I wonder what is it that the guy said that made the girl sitting Infront of him blush. Its getting to witness beautiful moments happening makes me feel like everything I have gone through to open this place was so worth it.

Coco memories is my dream. A dream that was build up day by day while spending time in the kitchen with my mom playing and experimenting with chocolate making memories for a life time.

It was in that moment when I was thinking about beautiful memories did the person making me loose nights sleep walk in looking as dashing as he always does. You remember when I said I never want to fall in love with a passing by stranger? Well all I can say once again is that we have no control love. It just happens and there is nothing we can do except either fight it or let it take you over. As for me I don't know what I am suppose to or going to do with the feelings that's making me go crazy.

It has been five months since this stupid feeling started. Five months of me getting a sneak peek of him through my office glass wall. Thank goodness that from the cafe area, my wall is a mirror. I know it sounds creepy but seriously; thank god. Should I maybe go out and greet as the owner of the place? The most childish thoughts started running through my head. This is me everytime when ever he comes in. And just like everytime I have to remind myself that it is not a good idea at all until I figure out what exactly am I to do with my feelings.

I was so close to opening the door and going out to say hey but before I my feelings take over my rationality I turned around and went to sit on my office chair. From there I look out at him. He was laughing about something with Claire. That's no surprise. Claire is a very friendly service provider. 99% of the customers to who come in here likes Claire.

I wanted to look at him a bit more but my desire was short lived. Saying bye to Claire he left cafe. Everytime I see him come in and when he leaves I get curious to see what he ordered or just go find his name. But I knew better. If I satisfy my curiosity then that will be a start of something I don't think I am ready for.


Everyday a little after lunch time Coco memories gets packed with customers. Most of them are always college students or nearby office employees coming for their dessert. Around this time I leave my office and give a helping hand behind the counter. My employees dislike when I do it and always says "You are our boss." But I know that secretly they are grateful. Many times I have heard them say it to one another. Despite of this being tiring I feel grateful and happy seeing the place packed.

With rush hour passing away, the place started to clear up. It was when the place was empty every one of employees fell on the chair in exhaustion.

"As always good work guys. Why dont you all go freshen up and come?" I got their half attention. Its not easy to focus while exhausted. But as soon as I excused them to go freshen up, their faces brighten up like a kid who got a lollipop in his hand. Saying thank you they all left to the changing rooms.

While waiting for them I closed the cafe for a while and started to settle the account for first half of the day. Its always around 2 in the afternoon when the rush hour begins and always calms down by 3. And I always close the cafe for a hour after that so that the employees can freshen up, eat something and get ready for the next shift. All my servers are full time workers. Honestly i am just so grateful for everything they do.

I was just done with the settlements an putting the cash to start the shift in the cash drawer when everyone came out looking fresh.

"You all are looking great. And I am sure you must be feeling great too right?" I talked to all of the five employees standing infront of me.

"Yes." They answered together.

"In 40 minutes we will open the cafe again for the second shift. So leave your aprons and go out eat something and comeback." I dismissed them.

"What about you? Will you not be eating?" Sara asked. Sara is the newest addition to our team. It has only been 3 months since she joined.

"I will eat later. Dont worry about me and go have a good meal and come." I smiled in assurance.

"Also lock the door when you leave." I reminded them before heading inside the kitchen to talk to my chefs.

When I entered the kitchen I saw that everyone was eating. Not wanting to make them uncomfortable I was about to leave but the head chef stopped offering a plate of what they were having. With the plate in hand I sat down with them and chatted.

Once I was done eating I left the kitchen letting them clean up and get ready for the second round. Entering my office, the first thing I did was go to the washroom to wash my face and freshen up. Getting out of the room I went to cupboard and took out what I was wearing when I came this morning. I changed to a uniform when I went out. Now that I am done I needed to change back. I took off the shirt I was wearing and put in a laundry bag and wore my red silk sleeveless top and red blazer on top of it.

As I sat down I looked at the time and saw that there was just 5 minutes left to open the place. I looked outside through the wall to see if they are here and just on time they all entered and started to get ready.

It was almost end of the month and I had so much work to do. As much as peoples think being a boss is easy, its not. Specially not when end of the month is close.

While I buried my nose in the sales and inventories, time passed and the moon took over the sun. It was almost 9pm when I was finally done with my work. I stood up and stretched myself relaxing the stiffness in my shoulders and neck. Feeling relaxed I looked outside into the cafe to see all the tables full. The fairy lights were on and the tables were set to make the place romantic. Every night we set the place to make the atmosphere romantic welcoming couples. Most of the couples who comes in a newly wed or celebrating their anniversaries. It makes my heart fill with warmth whenever I see each and every strangers love. Love is a beautiful thing.

Getting a wonderful idea, I left my table and went to stand infront of the mirror. I straightened the wrinkles on my outfit while looking at the mirror. Taking one last look into the mirror I stepped out of the office. The servers were busy serving the food and chatting with customers. Instead of waiting till the customers were to themselves, I made my way to the tables where there wasnt any server near.

I started with the table the most closest to the counter.

"Good evening." I greeted the couple. With awkward smiles they greeted me back.

"I am the owner of Coco memories. I wanted to ask whether you are liking the food and enjoying the night?" I asked looking in-between them.

"The food is great and we are definitely loving this place. I was just telling my husband how we should often come here." The woman looked at her husband with a loving smile as for the husband gave a nod agreeing to what his wife had said.

"I hope you do. Enjoy the night. And you both look amazing together." I was not lying. They looked wonderful together.

"Thank you. You also enjoy your night." This time the husband spoke. Giving them a nod with a smile, I made way to another table.

From one table to the other I went asking about their night. A conversation that was to last less than a minute lasted more than that at some tables. Feeling like it was enough I was about to go back to my office when I saw a customer sitting alone at the table. Is she alone? The table didnot have any empty plates either.

I made way to great the customer.

"Good evening." I greeted her. She looked at me startled.

"I am sorry. Did I startle you?" I asked feeling worried. I didnt mean to startle her.

"No thats okay. I was just thinking about something." She said chuckling.

"Still I am sorry. I came here to ask about how your night is and instead I startled you." I felt bad.

"Really its okay. Not your fault. And my night is going great. But may I know who you are?" She looked at me with curiousity. That is when I realize I have still not introduced myself.

"I am the owner of Coco Memories. I was just going around asking about everyone night." I explained myself before she starts to think I am some weird person.

"Oh I see. Well hello. And to answer your question my night is going great. Thank you for asking. That's really nice thing to do."

Its always nice to hear compliments.

"Thank you for that. And I always like to know whether our customers are enjoying their time. Anyways I will take my leave. Enjoy your night." I said to her and when she gave me a nod I walked away.

I had only reached the counter area when a glass clicking sound stopped. Curious I turned around. It wasnt difficult to find the person who made the sound. The person who was standing near the mirror was the one who made the sound. It was that man. Curious I leaned to the counter crossing my arms. I noticed how Claire who was standing behind the counter was looking at him excitedly making me wonder what was going on. In midst of the wonder and curiousity I couldnt help but notice the uneasiness that was rising up in my heart.

This time the voice of the person snapped me out of my thoughts and stealed my attention. His voice was manly and smooth at the same times. This was the first time I was hearing his voice. As much as I wanted to only focus on how his voice is, I wanted to know what he was saying, so I focused on that.

"Before I say what I want to I want to apologize for bothering but I would like you to be my witnesses to what is about happen in a few minutes. Is that okay?" He asked looking at everyone. When everyone nodded he continued.

"It was five years ago in this very place when I met the person who changed my life forever. I---

Hearing that first sentence I could no longer be standing comfortably. Slowly my hands uncrossed and frozen I stood straight.

"I remember how she just came and sat at my table because all other tables were occupied. But who knew that it was going to change both of our lives. It has been five years since then. Everytime we come here we always sit at the very same table. In that table with her I found friendship, warmth and love. And now I can't even imagine a life where she isnt with me. Which is why I want to ask her something." He turned away from everyone and looked at the table near the windows. He was looking at the girl who I had just talked to. He took slow steps towards her. While he took slow steps, my heart beated faster with every step. This cannot be happening.

"Jessica Russo." He called her name filled with love which pierced through my heart.

"I love you. And I have loved you since the moment you sat at my table that day. Will you marry me and spend your whole life with me?" His voice was filled with nervousness.

This cannot be happening.

In that moment as everyone including me waited for the answer at the corner of my head my thoughts were screaming at me. Without realizing I was hoping for her to say no.

But my cruel hopes was short lived when she answered Yes and the whole cafe errupted with applause and cheers while I stood frozen as realization hit me.

In that moment I realized two things.

One was that I was having feeling for someone that I wasn't ever gonna get.

And the second one was that my feelings were deeper than I ever thought it was.

As my heart broke into pieces I knew that I was in deep trouble.