
Chapter 23 (Freedom)

Two girls were walking by when they saw Ha Joon standing by his locker.

"Is that the Ha Joon you told me about? He is even finer in person than you described... oh my!!!", Girl 1 said.

The second girl pulled her by the arms as they walked past him.

"Shhh be quiet, he is got a girlfriend", Girl 2 whispered.


Ha Joon turned and watched them leave, he smiled happily as he dropped a book in his locker.

"I am enjoying this freedom so much," he said and instantly thought about Alexandra and how his last message was not been responded to.

He asked her if she had classes today.

He brought out his phone and stared at his unread message.

"Is she busy?", he said and stare at the message for a second.

Eun Kyung and Lee min had just finished their afternoon class, they were both going out of the hallway when they saw Ha Joon by his locker.

She instantly walked up to him.

"Ha Joon?".

He looked up and saw Eun Kyung and Lee min standing in front of him.