
When leaves fall

Eliza is a small author with the goal of becoming known but is to shy to do so. One day when a writers block hits her on a plane,it crashes. And she gets reincarnated in her own side story that she didn’t plan on finishing. As a side character with no abilities all hope seems lost and even worse she gets kidnapped by the stories villain! Who doesn’t seem to be a real bad guy who she wrote him to be like since when was a villain flustered and shy especially around her (Eliza).

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The beginning.

"Mmmnnn" you wake up in your old and shabby apartment more tired than ever even when you just woke up. "Last day" you say sounding exhausted "time to get ready for this so called 'new future'." You get out of bed and get dressed, as your pouring your cup of coffee the phone rings "mom..." you say under your breath "ugh" you groan irritated "can you stop" she asks..."STOP" w-what?! "This is my story so stop with the narration!" H-hey! "Ok now that you've stopped let me introduce myself...." Hi my names Elizabeth Turner, but call me Eliza. I'm 23 and I work as a small author. And today I'm going to see my mom. When I was five my parents divorced and my mom moved away with her "new" lover while I stayed with my dad. I never bothered to visit my mom, I just wanted to stay with dad just the two of us. I was never that close with my mom since we never spent any actual time together. "Always busy" she say and leave me alone at home. I didn't mind though because then while she was gone me and dad would cause trouble. After the divorce, dad had to work more since mom "couldn't help" any more. She abandoned us. Dad had to work more and couldn't spend time with me. He would always come back home so late and tired.