
When I Start

Dea is a woman who once failed to marry because her future husband died in an accident. The accident that happened to Airon, Dea's future husband, traumatized him and even had to undergo psychological therapy. Dea had to undergo this therapy for two years however, it was not fully healed. Her parents, who wanted Dea to find happiness and forget about Airon, tried to set her up with several people. And finally, Dea made her choice on Aiden. However, it turns out that Aiden already has a lover. Aiden offers a pact on their marriage. Dee agreed. One of the agreements is their marital status from Aiden's lover. Unfortunately, as time goes by, Aiden's lover finds out. In addition, during the wedding, it turns out that without Dea knowing she is an ordinary woman. There's a lot of strange things about this woman. Complicated things are getting more and more, plus there are some problems that befell this contract husband and wife. Can they last until their marriage contract expires?

Dentik · Masa Muda
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23 Chs

Meeting with Wendy

During the trip Dea and Aiden were silent. When the car was parked in front of the house, Dea immediately got out of the car and went into her room, Ms. Asih looked confused when she saw Dea with an annoyed face.

"Please prepare dinner," said Aiden to Bik Asih.

"Yes sir," replied Bik Asih.

Aiden went to his room, he briefly saw the door of Dea's room and intended to knock on the door, but was discouraged because he remembered the words of Dea's father.

"If Dea is upset, angry, or sad. Please give her some time, do what she wants, let her express her emotions. I'm sorry if my daughter will bother you, please also control the drugs she takes, I know sometimes Dea still takes medicine from a psychiatrist even though the dose has been reduced, but sometimes Dea is over when taking it," said Dea's father the day before the marriage contract began.

Aiden sighed and headed straight for his room. Aiden changed his clothes, and headed for the dining table. All the food was neatly arranged, Aiden sat in his chair and Asih took some food for him.

"Master, is it necessary to call Non Dea?" asked Mrs. Asih.

"No need Bik, leave Dea alone," Aiden said and then ate his food.

in the room Dea rummaged through her drawers and cupboards, looking for the medicine. Can't find it either, he remembers it, the more he tries to remember it the more his emotions get out of control, his breath is panting for emotion.

"Suitcase!" Dea thought, she was looking for a suitcase in her room.

"Nothing! Where!?" she thought.

Dea went straight to Aiden's room, and entered the walk in closet there. She found her suitcase. He immediately took it, and out of Aiden's room. While in his room, he looked for the medicine he had tucked in the suitcase, and found it.

Dea crazily drank a few pills of the medicine, then lay her down on the bed. His heart ached so much not because of Aiden's words, but his longing for Airon.

It hurts so much when you can't see your loved ones anymore, even the photos and memories stored don't work to get rid of the longing that gnaws at his heart.

The more you try to forget, the more you miss it every time. When you've adapted without it once remembering it feels crazy. Clear granules fell from his eyes, he often cried silently, but for some reason he didn't get tired of doing it over and over again.

Slowly his eyes felt heavy, sleepy, the reaction to the medicine he was taking and everything seemed dark. Dea fell asleep.

"De?" called Aiden in front of Dea's door, there was no answer.

Silence Aiden slowly opened the door to Dea's room, very slowly. as the door opened it became clearer that the room was like a broken ship.

Aiden was silent seeing the appearance of the room. Aiden slowly approached the sleeping dea, then anvelop her. His eyes fell on the medicine strewn near the suitcase.

Aiden sighed looking at the drugs, then packed the drugs, and took them. He came out of Dea's room, and called Bik Asih who just happened to come out of Aiden's room.

"Bik," called Aiden.

"Yes sir," replied Bik Asih and rushed over to Aiden.

"Please tidy up Dea's room, Dea is sleeping now," said Aiden.

"Yes sir," replied Bik Asih. Aiden enters his room

Dea woke up, ruffled her hair and then looked around, very neat even though last night her room was like a goat cage. She looked at the clock on the wall which showed it was 09.15 WIB, he had been asleep for almost 12 hours. Dea immediately rushed to take a shower, then went downstairs.

Dea sat at the dining table, already available various kinds of food there. After finishing eating he went straight to the garage and used one of Aiden's cars.

Drive the car aimlessly. Suddenly her cellphone rang, Dea hastily parked her car on the side of the road, then saw the name on the screen of her cellphone, it turned out to be dad.

"Hello, Assalamualaikum," said Dea.

"Waalaikumsalam Sis, how are you?" asked dad.

"It's good," replied Dea.

"Have you eaten Sis?" asked dad.

"not yet," answered Dea.

"Father sent two packages, Sis, I think they will arrive at your house the day after tomorrow," said father.

"What's the package, Dad?" asked Dee.

"Tomorrow the day after tomorrow, you will know, just in case, Sis. How come you are not feeling calm thinking about you," answered my father.

"Um, yes, yes," answered Dea."Yes, father, hang up the phone first," said father.

"Okay," answered Dee.

"Assalamualaikum," said the father.

"Waalaikumsalam," replied Dea. Tut... the phone call ended.

His cell phone shows 17.05 WIB. She took a deep breath and continued on her way.

On the other hand, Aiden, who had just finished work, intended to come home from his office and check on Dea's condition.

When he opened the door he was surprised to find a woman with a height of 160 cm, a slender body, a knee-length tight cream dress that showed her beautiful curves, high heels that made her pure white legs even more slender, curly brown hair hanging down beautifully, and makeup. up which makes her face more beautiful. Wendy, the woman Aiden missed, was suddenly in front of him.

"Surprise!!!" Wendy shouted, spreading her arms. Aiden was still surprised to see Wendy. "Hug honey," said Wendy. Aiden walked over to Wendy and hugged her.

"Uhh.. baby, do you miss me?" Wendy asked gently patting Aiden's back.

"Missed," replied Aiden who hugged the woman's body tighter.

"Sorry, I didn't have dinner yesterday," said Wendy. His body was getting tired of supporting Aiden's body.

"It's okay By, you really have work to do," Aiden answered, understanding Wendy. They hugged for a long time.

"Umm, Baby, my body is sore since you hugged it. You're heavy," Wendy protested.

"Haha, sorry Baby, I really miss you," said Aiden.

Wendy pursed her lips, "Your body is heavy By, I'm tired," he said. Aiden let go of his embrace and looked at Dena who was pouting.

Aiden smiled and ruffled Wendy's hair with excitement, as a result Dena's hair became a mess.

"Baby!!!" shouted Dena who did not accept Aiden's hair being tousled. Aiden knows that Wendy will be angry when she messes up her hair, because hair is a sensitive area for Wendy, but basically Aiden really likes to be nosy to Wendy.

"Ahaha," laughed Aiden who was satisfied to see Wendy's hair which was like a male lion.

"Aarrghhhh!!!!" groaned an irritated Wendy. "Always makes my hair messy," Wendy said with a frown.

"After all, you're really pissed off?sorry dear," said Aiden, who was getting more and more excited to see Wendy upset as a result of her actions.

Wendy just kept silent with an annoyed face.

"Honey angry?" Aiden asked Wendy. Wendy was silent, her brows furrowed, indicating that she was really angry now.

"Baby," Aiden called quietly. Wendy remained silent, and this time she turned her back to Aiden.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Aiden said, approaching Wendy who was sulking. "What do you want to let the sulking go away, hm?" Aiden asked then hugged Wendy from behind.

"I just want to go home, let go," said Wendy, who tried to release Aiden's arms.

"Want bag? or shoes?" Aiden asked.

"I want to go home."

"How about a bag and shoes? I think there's a new bag coming out, let's buy it?" Aiden asked.

"Hmm, really?" asked Wendy.

"Really," replied Aiden releasing his arms from Wendy and turning Wendy's body to face him. "Want to?" Aiden asked. Wendy nodded her head, a sign that she wanted to.

"Well you fix your hair first in the bathroom, I'll wait here, okay?" Aiden said then kissed Wendy's forehead. Wendy smiled, then rushed to the bathroom.

Aiden sat on the sofa relaxing facing the street. because it was getting late in the evening, the sky was turning orange and several city buildings had turned on the lights, the view behind the glass on the 15th floor was very beautiful. Suddenly he remembered Dea, he hurriedly called Bik Asih.

it didn't take long for the phone to be picked up.

"Hello Bik?" call Aiden.

"Yes sir?" said Bik Asih.

"How is Dea?" Aiden asked.

"Non Dea was looking fine, sir, after eating she went straight away until now she hasn't come home," said Bik Asih.

"Where did she go Bik? With who?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know, sir, alone, sir," replied Mrs. Asih.

"Hm, okay Bik," concluded Aiden and then turned off the phone.

Immediately look for Dea's contact, then call Dea. The first call is not answered, the second call is also not answered. When the third call Dea answered the phone.

"Hello De?" call Aiden.

"Hmm?" said Dea.

"Where are you?" Aiden asked.

"On the way home," Dean answered.

"Oh yeah, where have you been? How come you didn't tell the people at home where they were going," said Aiden.

"I don't know," replied Dean.

"Honey, I'm done," said Wendy, who was suddenly beside Aiden, surprised Aiden.

"That's okay, I'll turn it off first," Aiden said to Dea, then he quickly turned off the phone. "All right? All right, let's go," said Aiden.

"Who is that?" asked Wendy.

"Who?" asked Aiden back. Aiden's heart beats fast because he heard Dena's question

"That's what you just called," Wendy answered probingly.

"Ahh.. that-"